General Numbers
Main Line: (406) 447-4300
Emergency: (406) 459-0540
Admission: (406) 447-4384
Alumni: (406) 447-5185
Athletics: (406) 447-4480
Bookstore: (406) 447-5417
Business Office: (406) 447-5419
Conference Services: (406) 447-4407
Financial Aid: (406) 447-5425
HAC: (406) 447-4999
Library: (406) 447-4340
Prospector Newspaper: (406) 447-4501
Public Relations: (406) 447-5415
Registrar’s Office: (406) 447-5435
Residential Life: (406) 447-4532
Res Life On Duty: (406) 459-0540
Securitas Security: (406) 461-7611
Security & Public Safety: (406) 447-4404
Tech Support: (406) 447-4357
Wellness Center: (406) 447-5441
Faculty and Staff Directory
Title | Job Title | Department |
Fr. Tyler Frohlich | Director of Campus Ministry / Chaplain | Campus Ministry |
Dawn Gallinger | Adjunct - Math | Mathematics |
Kathleen Gilboy | Assistant Professor - Education | Education |
John Girolami | Major Gifts Officer | Office of Institutional Advancement |
Edward Glowienka | Associate Professor - Philosophy | Philosophy |
Jennifer Glowienka | Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs & Dean of the College | Academic Affairs |
Calvin Goemann | Assistant Professor - Microbiology | Biology |
Kathryn Goins | Adjunct - ANZ | Anthrozoology |
David Goodson | Adjunct - Communications | Communication |
Loren Graham | Professor - English | English |