Service Trips

Caritas Service Trip

Spring "Caritas" Service Immersion Trips

Campus Ministry Caritas trips frequently go to East Los Angeles, CA, Denver, CO, and to Browning, MT during spring break. These trips are immersion experiences that help you to better understand the realities and needs of people with economic, educational, cultural and social challenges through a lens of Catholic social teaching and the gospel.  Reflection and prayer are vital components of these trips which are open to students of all faiths.

Get Involved

If you want to get more involved in Campus Ministry service opportunities, email Deidre Casey and we can get you plugged in.

Campus Ministry Calendar

Take a look at our Campus Ministry calendar and see what we're up to! 

Experiencing a culture and lifestyle different than my own was such an eye-opening experience. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I am thankful for that. The trip broadened my perspective on community and healthcare, and how, as individuals living in a developed country, there is so much more that we could be doing to help people outside the U.S.

Tyler Dailey Bellingham, WA