Admitted Students

Students Lab Smiling

Welcome Admitted Students!

Students SmilingWelcome! Congratulations on your acceptance into Carroll College. We hope you will find a home here as a member of the entering class of Fall 2025. To continue your Carroll College adventure:

  1. Schedule a visit. See our beautiful campus, attend a class (when in session) and meet with an admission counselor. We've extended our Apply & Visit Grant to June 3! Incoming freshman who apply and are accepted for admission, deposit and make an official visit to Carroll College before June 3 are eligible for a $1,000 grant in addition to their regular financial aid package.
  2. Submit your enrollment deposit, which is applied to your first semester's tuition. You will need your Carroll student ID number to make this payment. You can find your ID number in the upper right corner of your letter of admission.

Request a Visit               Deposit Now              

Transfer, Post-Bacc, and Grad Students

If you are a transfer, post-bacc, or graduate student, select the appropriate link below to be directed to your next steps.

Transfer Student     Accelerated Nursing     Masters of Social Work 

Deposited Undergraduate Students

Students Walking Through Campus

Congratulations on your decision to join our community of Saints in the Fall of 2025.  Four years at Carroll College is sure to be the adventure of a lifetime, and with any journey of this scale it is important to be prepared. Below you will find:

  • Upcoming Events with full descriptions of the event and links to sign up;
  • A To-Do-List of all the tasks you need to complete before you start classes on August 20; and
  • A basic timeline of what to expect over the next few months.

Upcoming Events

Carroll College expects every student to:

  • Live independently,
  • Engage in community,
  • Read and follow instructions,
  • Complete tasks by deadlines, and
  • Seek clarification and guidance from the people best suited to help with the task at hand.

RoommatesSTUDENTS: We are providing this to-do-list to 1) help you complete all the necessary tasks to prepare yourself for this new adventure, and 2) to ensure that throughout the summer you are building the skills, solidifying the habits, and developing the confidence you need for a successful transition from high school to college. You will want to be working on the tasks in this list beginning as soon as possible, and continuing throughout the summer as various processes become available.

PARENTS: Please encourage and support your student to complete these tasks themselves, so that by move-in day they are fully prepared to live independently, engage in their new community, read and follow instructions, complete tasks by deadlines, and know where to go and who to ask when they need clarification and guidance!

To-Do List:

Available as soon as Blackbaud Award Management App appears in your OKTA portal

Soon after you receive your letter of acceptance, you will be able to log into, where you will find the Blackbaud Award Management App.  Use the Blackbaud App to search and apply for the many scholarships available.

Explore Scholarship Opportunities Here

Financial Aid Office

Available now

If you used a high school email address when applying to Carroll College, it will be disabled after you graduate. Please make sure we have a valid personal email address prior to your high school graduation. If parents would like to receive periodic emails and updates, they also should provide their email addresses to the Admission Office.  

Update your Email Addresses Here

DUE: Before you graduate from high school

Financial Aid Office

Complete this task as soon as possible!

If you plan to transfer college credit (including credit earned through dual enrollment, Running Start, etc.), request an OFFICIAL transcript from the granting institution (the college - not the high school) to be sent to Carroll College Admission Office immediately.  If you are currently enrolled in college-level coursework you will request a second OFFICIAL transcript after the grades for your current semester have been posted. This is so our staff can have the time necessary to evaluate your previous coursework and transfer its equivalency to your Carroll College transcript PRIOR to your registration. We want to make sure all your hard work pays off and that you register for the correct courses here at Carroll College.

DUE: OFFICIAL college transcripts must arrive at Carroll College five full business days prior to your Schedule Planning & Registration event.

Financial Aid Office

Please complete the AQ thoughtfully and completely. The information you provide in this questionnaire will be used to ensure you are registered for appropriate coursework - for your intended major area of study and for appropriate placement levels in English Writing, Foreign Languages, Math and Chemistry - depending on your high school background. This questionnaire also lets us know if you will participate in a special cohort such as Honors Scholars, ROTC, Athletics, etc.

When accessing the Academic Questionnaire, be sure to use the email address and password you set up when submitting your application. Do not use your email address.

Academic Questionnaire available Spring 2025: COMING SOON!

DUE: The AQ must be submitted five full business days prior to your Schedule Planning & Registration event

Admission Office

Available March 24, 2025

All first-year students are required to live on campus and hold a meal plan. To apply, go to, open the ERezLife App, and complete the 2025-26 Housing Application and complete your Roommate Profile. Once that has been completed you can choose your meal plan.  Housing exemption application forms can be found in the MyCarroll App in your OKTA portal.

Housing Application Timeline     Explore Meal Plan Options      How-To Video


Residential Life & Housing

New Student Accounts will be created starting in April

After you submit your enrollment deposit, you will receive an email with the subject line "Activate Your Carroll College Student Account." In this email you will find instructions for changing your temporary password to create your log-in credentials for our single sign-on system. You will not be able to read your Carroll email - or register for classes - until you successfully log into your account and create your permanent sign-on credentials.  You will want to remember your username and password, in addition to your Student ID Number (the 7-digit number starting with a "6" found in the upper righthand corner of your letter of acceptance).

DUE: Prior to your Schedule Planning & Registration event

CCIT Support Center


Available as each App appears in your OKTA portal.  More will appear over time.

After your student account has been activated, you will be able to use your username and password to sign into where you will find many of the apps you need as a Carroll College student. You will use these OKTA apps to register for classes, sign up for housing, pay your student account, and take classes in our Moodle learning management system.  Take some time now to familiarize yourself with these apps so you are prepared to use them to complete some of the tasks on this "To-Do-List."

OKTA Apps Guide

CCIT Support Center


Available as soon as you have received your Financial Aid offer

Financial aid offers will generally be available in January after you file your FAFSA. (The 2025-2026 offers will be available in April.) You will receive a hard copy of your financial aid offer in the mail. After you have received your financial aid offer, you will need to accept your financial aid.  To accept your aid offer, log into and click on the Self Service App.  In the Self Service App, select the Financial Aid tab and follow the instructions.

Instructional Video on How to Accept Your Financial Aid

Preferred deadline: May 1.  We encourage you to accept your Financial Aid offer as soon as possible. Please understand later acceptance of aid may impact your payment plan.

Financial Aid Office

Available now

Click Here to See Roommate Selection Process

DUE: May 15

Residence Life Office

Sign-Up Now for your event.  Multiple event options will be available from mid-April through June

FIRST-YEAR-STUDENTS: Every first-year student must attend ONE Schedule Planning & Registration event where you will learn about Carroll College's undergraduate degree requirements, how to plan your schedule of classes, and begin the registration process. You will find each event listed in the "Upcoming Events" section of this web page, above, with links for you to sign up for your preferred session.  Remember: the earlier you attend, the earlier you register for classes.  And, the earlier you register, the more likely it is that you will get into courses you prefer.  

TRANSFER STUDENTS: Transfer students will work closely with your Admissions Counselor and the Assistant Director of Academic Support to 1) evaluate your previous coursework, 2) transfer credits to your Carroll College transcript, 3) plan appropriate courses for Fall Semester, and 4) register for courses. After you have registered for your first semester at Carroll, you will be assigned to a faculty advisor in your major area of study who can help you plan your path to a timely graduation. 

DUE: First-Year Students must attend a session before they can register for courses. Transfer students must work with their advisors to register.

NOTE: Be aware there are steps that need to be completed before you can register for classes, included completing the Academic Questionnaire, submitting your official college transcripts for transfer evaluation, and logging into your Carroll College Student Account. These steps are described above.

FY Academic Advising 

Transfer Academic Advising

Your registration opens when you attend your Schedule Planning & Registration Event


After you have attended your Schedule Planning & Registration event, you will have three days to continue to work on your schedule and register for a minimum of 12 credits (if you intend to be a full-time student).  You also may choose to put yourself on up to two waitlists, for courses you would like to take. However, while you wait for your name to come to the top of the waitlist, you must make sure you are registered full-time in courses that will help you progress toward a timely graduation.  Three days after your Schedule Planning & Registration event a "New Student Hold" will be placed on your student account, and you will not be able to make any further changes to your schedule without the assistance of an academic advisor.  


A professional advisor will review your Course Registration, your Academic Questionnaire, your Carroll College transcripts to check for transferred coursework, and the requirements for your intended major area of study to make sure you have registered for an appropriate first-semester schedule.  We will contact you if you need to follow up with an advising appointment, during which we can make changes to your schedule if appropriate.


Watch your email inbox for an email with the subject line "MESSAGE FROM YOUR ADVISOR" which will let you know we would like for you to schedule an appointment, and will provide instructions. Both in-person and virtual appointments are available.


FY Student Registration FAQs


DUE: You must be registered for at least 12 credits three days after you attend your Schedule Planning & Registration event


FY Academic Advising 

Transfer Academic Advising

The fall semester balance is due in full on August 1.

If you are not paying your bill in full, enroll in the Fall Semester 6-Month Payment Plan on the Saint Student Account Center. The 6-Month Payment Plan opens in May with installments due on the first of each month, June-November.

Visit and open the Saints Student Account Center App. Your bill will not be finalized until you are registered and billed for a minimum of 12 credits and are billed for housing and a meal plan.  While you are waiting for your bill to be finalized you can:

Enroll in the payment plan now, and understand payment plan installments will automatically recalculate as changes to your account occur such as housing/meals, charges, financial aid, scholarships, etc.

A payment plan recalculation email notice will be sent to your email address.

Late enroll in the payment plan, and make an advanced tuition payment in lieu of your June installment. Go to Make Payment and override the fall amount due with the down payment you want to make.

We also encourage you to "Set Up Authorized User" in your Saints Student Account Center App, so your parent/guardian/benefactor can set up their own unique portal to see and pay your bill. For details, see Bills & Accounts FAQs "How do I authorize someone other than myself to make payment on my account."

Bills & Accounts FAQs

Business Office
Student Accounts

The Textbook "Store" will open beginning June 1

After you have registered for classes you will order your textbooks on our online Saints' Shoppe.  Don't panic if your course/section does not have textbooks listed. Some professors do not use them, or have not yet placed their order. Check back later in the summer to see if books have been added.

Visit Saints' Shoppe      Order Textbooks     Textbook FAQs     What is My New Address?

DUE: Order in time to have your books delivered to you here at Carroll College so you can pick them up from our mailroom on move-in day.

Saints’ Shoppe


Opens when My Carroll app appears in your OKTA portal.

Carroll College requires every student to provide proof of immunization before you can begin classes.  First, log-into your OKTA portal at  Once you are signed into the portal, click on the link below to complete and submit your records.

Need some help? Immunization Records Instructional Video

Submit Immunization Record Form Here

DUE: August 17

Wellness Center

Complete this task as soon as possible.

High school students who receive scores of 4 or 5 on their AP tests are eligible to transfer those courses for Carroll College credit. To transfer AP results, students must contact the College Board and request that their OFFICIAL scores be sent to Carroll College. (When you take the AP tests, you are offered an opportunity to enter the names of the Colleges where you would like your results to be sent.)

High school students who receive scores of 5, 6, or 7 on the International Baccalaureate higher-level examinations are eligible to transfer those courses for Carroll College credit. Credit is NOT awarded for subsidiary-level examinations, Theory of Knowledge, or extended essays.  To transfer IB credits, students must request that their OFFICIAL International Baccalaureate transcript be submitted to Carroll College.

See Course Equivalencies for AP and IB

DUE: Prior to starting classes

Admission Office 

This task is possible after you graduate from high school

After you have graduated from high school, and you have received your diploma, please request an OFFICIAL transcript be sent to the Office of Admission at Carroll College. Also, if you took college-level courses during the Spring Semester, and would like to transfer those credits to Carroll College, please submit your final OFFICIAL College transcript for evaluation.

DUE: Before classes begin

Admission Office 

You can complete this task now!

Your Carroll College photo ID card is your key to your home, your "swipe" for your meals, and an essential part of your daily life at Carroll College. Our staff will have your ID card ready for you upon move-in ONLY if you submit your ID photo in advance.

  • Take a new picture, or share a favorite photo of yourself
  • You can upload your photo directly from your phone
  • The same photo will be used BOTH for your ID card and your email address
    • Your face must be clearly visible with a light background behind your face;
    • You can be the only person visible in your photo; and
    • We must be able to crop your photo to fit the top of your head and your shoulders.

Upload Your Photo

DUE: July 15

Residence Life Office

Parking permits and vehicle registration is required for most parking areas on campus during the Academic Year.

Learn more about parking

Check out this page to see the orientation schedule. For events that require sign up, we will provide sign up links closer to August.


Available July 28, 2025

At Carroll College we believe in equality of opportunity in all aspects of human activity and the human dignity of every person.  All faculty, staff and students are required to complete an online training program called Voices for Change.  Voices for Change is designed to promote a safe and healthy campus. It is divided into four critical areas: living in and supporting an inclusive community, understanding and preventing sexual misconduct through bystander intervention, understanding alcohol and other drugs, and preventing hazing and bullying. You can complete the four required modules over time, as all your worked will be saved and you can log in again later to continue.  To get started, log into and open the Moodle 4.1 App.  Select the Voices for Change course and follow the instructions provided.

Link to Moodle Here

DUE: The entire course must be completed by August 20th

Dean of Students Office 

Opens August 17, 2025

All first-year students live in Guadalupe Hall.  Please plan your arrival in Helena in time to move in the morning of August 17, 2025 -- anytime between 8 a.m. and noon. New students check in at Guad Parking Lot tent. 

  • Check into campus and your residence hall room
  • Verify your health and immunization records in the Guadalupe Hall Wellness Center
  • Pick up your student ID card and parking permit
  • Visit the following offices (open 8:00 am until noon) for questions and clarification: Financial Aid, Business Office, Admission, Mailroom, Residence Life, IT Helpdesk, Saints' Shoppe and the Saints Success Center)

What is My New Address?                                    Guadalupe Hall is #3 on this Map

DUE: Move in between 8:00 am and noon on August 17, 2025

Student Activities Office 

Residence Life Office

August 17-19, 2025

All new students must attend orientation (including students who arrived on campus early). Orientation sets the foundation for a successful transition to college life, and many of the things you need to know are provided during orientation.

There is also a Parent Track on Sunday, August 17, where parents will get many of their question answered and their concerns addressed. Please plan to attend.

Click Here for Orientation Details

Student Activities Office 

Start now by completing the Student Interest Questionnaire below

The key to a successful transition from high school to college is to live independently while fully engaging in your new community. Throughout the first few weeks of the Fall Semester, we offer expanded programming to help you connect with the many people on campus with whom you share common interests.  Below is a list of some welcome events offered that allow students to meet new friends and become family with Carroll and the Helena Community. Check out the Orientation Page in the late summer for a full list of this year's activities.

Even after these events have come and gone, you will want to stay up-to-date on what is happening in our campus community.  Read the Saints' Scoop and Halo Happenings (e-newsletters in your inbox weekly); check the Current Students page on our website (also available through the Campus Life App in your OKTA portal); read the advertising tv screens located throughout our campus; attend all residence hall meetings; join a club or get involved in an activity such as student government, choir, campus ministry, theater, CAMP, intramurals, etc.  Form study groups.  Go to athletic events and cheer on the Fighting Saints!  The opportunities are endless.  

Complete the Student Interest Questionnaire below to let us know what clubs and activities interest you -- and we will notify that group of your interest!

View Current Student Page Now                            Student Interest Questionnaire

If you are struggling to make connections, please reach out to anyone in the Saints Success Center. The reception area is located in 102 Borromeo Hall.

Available when the My Carroll App appears in your OKTA portal

If you need accommodations for academics, diet, housing or other accommodations related to a disability, please complete the Accessibility Services Request form.  First, log-into your OKTA portal at  Once you are signed into the portal, click on the link below to complete and submit your request.

Accessibility Services Request Form

Basic Timeline
Things that can be done BEFORE you have a student account Things that need to wait until you have a student account Things that happen later in the Summer Things that happen mid-August
Join Future Saints Community Accept Financial Aid Select your roommate Upload ID photo
Apply for Scholarships Apply for housing and meal plan Order textbooks Complete "Voices for Change" training
Order OFFICIAL college transcripts Register for classes Upload Immunization Record Move in on August 18
Submit the Academic Questionnaire Set up payment plan Pay Bill in Full August 1 Attend Orientation August 18-20

Have a question and don't know who to ask? 

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or Click Here to "Ask-A-Saint"