Anthony Szpilka

Dr. Szpilka received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Cornell University. His research focused on theories of structural and magnetic ordering in alloys and magnetic solids; other current interests include electronics, thermodynamics, and statistical physics.  He enjoys hiking, bicycling, and cooking, and serves as a reader and catechist at the Cathedral of St. Helena.

Portrait of Anthony Szpilka
Marie Suthers
Dr. Marie Suthers has more than 25 years of experience in veterinary practice, academic and community education, and the study of human-animal interaction. She is a well-known national and international speaker on the relationship between people and animals including the impact of human-animal interaction on specific human populations and the well-being of animals employed in therapeutic interventions for humans. Portrait of Marie Suthers
Kyle Strode

Ph.D. Montana State University,
B.A. Manchester College

Areas of Interest
Analytical Chemistry

Courses Taught
General Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis

Portrait of Kyle Strode
Alexander Street

Dr. Alex Street grew up in the UK and has a BA from the University of Oxford. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Street studies Comparative and American politics, focusing mainly on political participation. He has published articles about why immigrants naturalize, how voters choose between candidates, how immigrants develop a preference for political parties, and how voter registration laws affect turnout, among other topics. Dr. Street has served as an expert witness in court cases on voting rights in several states.

Portrait of Alex Street
Kevin Stewart

Education: M.F.A. Creative Writing (Fiction), 1996 University of Arkansas; M.A. English, Radford University; B.A. English, Concord University, 1991; B.S. Civil Engineering, Bluefield State College, 1987. Areas of interest and research include: Creative writing (especially fiction), composition, the contemporary American short story, American literature after the Civil War, and Bruce Springsteen.

Favorite class to teach:

Portrait of Kevin Stewart
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