Daniel Byrd

My name is Daniel Byrd, and I made my way to Carroll College via family tradition. My parents met here in the late 70’s early 80’s and all but one of my siblings have attended Carroll at one point or another. My dad (11 of 12) was preceded by most of his eleven siblings and attended school with his youngest brother and nine of his nieces and nephews and a younger brother. My mom was also preceded at Carroll by five of her nine siblings and attended at the same time as her younger sister.

Daniel Byrd Image
Magdalene Collins
Dr. Maddie Collins, Associate Professor, is an immigrant from Liberia, West Africa who came to Montana at the age of 16 as a foreign exchange student from 1983-1984. She graduated from Helena High and returned to Liberia in 1984. Maddie Collins photo
Eve Byron

Eve Byron is a longtime award-winning journalist who worked at newspapers in Colorado and Montana. After 30 years of writing the first draft of history, she switched hats and today is the Public Information Officer for the Montana Historical Society. Today, she works with journalists across Montana to help provide perspective of the day's current events. For example, she recently wrote an article about the 1918 pandemic and its parallels to the present-day COVID-19 outbreak. Byron also manages social media for the MHS, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

Eve Byron profile
Eric Meyer, PhD

Dr. Eric Daryl Meyer grew up in the mountains of Colorado. As a theologian with strong interests in the land, wild places, and ecological degradation, his research focuses on all the ways that the Christian theological tradition draws boundaries between human beings and nonhuman animals. He earned a Ph.D.

Photo of Dr. Eric Meyer
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