FE Exams

FE Instructions

For Engineering Majors to Graduate from Carroll

One of the requirements to graduate from Carroll College with a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering or engineering science is to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. The exam is given by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying® (NCEES).

Students take the exam sometime during, or immediately after, the last semester of their senior year. Your diploma cannot be posted until Carroll’s registrar receives notice that you took the exam. To qualify as a May graduate you must take the exam no later than May 31.

The FE exam can be taken multiple times but your goal should be to study thoroughly, attend Carroll’s FE review sessions, and pass the exam on the first try. The first-time pass rate is an important statistic for you as a graduate of Carroll College and for the engineering programs’ accreditation status. Carroll’s four-year graduation rate, as reported to the federal government, can also be impacted if you take the exam at a later date.  Another compelling reason to pass the exam on the first try is that it costs $175 per attempt (so get it done the first time!).

To register for the FE you should go to the NCEES website (https://ncees.org)and set up a myNCEES account. You will find all sorts of information about the exam format, prep materials, disciplines offered, schedules, testing sites, and how to register.

Results are typically available 7–10 days after you take the exam. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your results in your MyNCEES (https://account.ncees.org/) account. Results will include your picture, NCEES ID and information specific to your licensing board regarding how you should proceed based on your performance. You should then forward your results to Carroll’s Registrar's Office (registraroffice@carroll.edu), Mary Keeffe (mkeeffe@carroll.edu), and Recep Birgul (rbirgul@carroll.edu).

Free FE Review Sessions

Carroll College will offer a series of review sessions for the Fundamentals of Engineering exam starting in February or March of 2024. They will be held in the classroom in the Civil Engineering Building and are free of charge. If you have any questions, please contact Recep Birgul at rbirgul@carroll.edu.

Course Information

Instructors of the courses generally use FE review resources available from PPI, Inc. (https://ppi2pass.com). All of the courses will be taught in-person in the classroom in the Civil Engineering Building. Zoom access will be provided only if requested and only for cases where it is absolutely needed, such as for an illness or quarantine. To get a Zoom link, please contact Recep Birgul at rbirgul@carroll.edu.

Spring 2025 Session Schedule

Carroll College Civil Engineering Classroom, Room 201

Tuesday, February 11 @ 5:00 pm

Statics with Dr. Birgul


Wednesday, February 12 @ 7:00 pm

Fluids and Hydraulics with Dr. Bodine


Tuesday, February 18 @ 5:00 pm

Geotech with Dr. Breitmeyer


Wednesday, February 19 @ 7:00 pm

Mechanics with Dr. Birgul


Tuesday, February 25 @ 5:00 pm

Transportation with Dr. Birgul


Wednesday, February 26 @ 7:00 pm

Structural Analysis with Dr. Birgul


Tuesday, March 4 @ 5:00 pm

Surveying with Dr. Breitmeyer


Wednesday, March 5 @ 7:00 pm

Environmental Engineering with Dr. Bodine


Tuesday, March 11 - Spring Break


Wednesday, March 12 - Spring Break


Tuesday, March 18 @ 5:00 pm

Economics with Professor Barnes