Welcome Students!
This online guide is intended to provide an overview of resources and services offered by the Corette Library to support Carroll College Students.
This online guide is intended to provide an overview of resources and services offered by the Corette Library to support Carroll College Students.
The Corette Library's Catalog (Saints Search) allows searching for journal articles, print books, electronic books, and DVDs by keyword, author, title, or subject.
Saints Search is accessible anywhere with an Internet connection from the library website.
Two dedicated catalog computers are available in the library: one on the upper level near the Information Desk, and one on the lower level in the Stacks (where the books are shelved).
You may search the library's electronic and print collections using the Saints Search bar located at the top of the library webpage. Several options are available for more specific searching.
View a video tutorial on finding books & articles using Saints Search.
The library subscribes to collections of electronic material called "databases". Most of the content of our databases can also be searched using Saints Search. However, there are situations in which you may prefer to search the contents of a single database (for example the CINAHL database for nursing students). To search for a particular database by name or subject, use the databases page.
View a video tutorial on integrating sources and citations into your writing
Using the ideas or words of another person without giving credit constitutes plagiarism, a serious ethical and legal offense.
“‘Plagiarism’ is the act of appropriating or sharing (without instructor approval) written, computer programmed, artistic, or musical compositions or portions thereof; or the ideas, language, or symbols of another and representing it as the product of one’s own mind. In all academic areas it is imperative that work be original or that explicit acknowledgment be given for the use of another person’s ideas or language.”
Any work or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be acknowledged. Any student who fails to give credit for ideas or materials obtained from another source is guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism, in any of its forms, and whether intentional or unintentional, violates standards of academic integrity. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:
There are several types of citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). If you are unsure of which style to use, ask your instructor.
All of the library's electronic resources are available to you off-campus 24/7 using Carroll's single sign-on with Okta. To access library resources from off-campus, simply navigate to Saints Search or any of the library databases and you will be asked to sign in automatically when you attempt to access a resource.
For help using Okta, see the Carroll website.
If you have any trouble using library resources off-campus, please contact library staff.
Electronic items are available 24/7 through Saints Search and do not need to be borrowed. Print books and other physical materials can be checked out using your Carroll ID at our front desk.
Use your Carroll ID at our self checkout machines, or present your ID card at the Front Desk along with the items you wish to borrow at the time of checkout.
If you forget your Carroll ID, please show a photo ID to staff or student workers at the Front Desk.
By request, the checkout period of any library material may be extended further for students. To renew materials, you can stop by the front desk with your request, or you can email or call the library.
Items should be returned by their due date.
Library materials can be returned by putting them in the "Returns" slot in our front desk, or dropping them in our outside book drop. The outside book drop is located on the east side of the building, near the building's entrance.
Faculty may request that items be placed on reserve for students in their class to use. Items that have been placed on reserve are available for checkout at the Front Desk. Course reserve material is arranged by the instructor's last name. We do not have course syllabi--please know the title and/or author of the items you need. Course reserve materials may or may not be checked out based on what your instructor has specified. A current Carroll ID must be presented in order to check out reserve material.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows Carroll students to borrow materials and receive copies of articles or book chapters that are owned by another institution. If Corette Library does not have a book or article that you need in our collection, you can place an ILL request to receive it.
Interlibrary Loan books have a due date determined by their lending institution. To avoid late fees, please pay close attention to the due date displayed on the item when you pick it up.
An Interlibrary Loan Request Form can be found on the Corette Library website.
Inquiries about ILLs can be sent to ill@carroll.edu.
View a video tutorial on using interlibrary loan.
Our Interlibrary Loan Policy addresses most frequently asked questions, including:
The Corette Library includes the following physical materials:
Except for the Archives, items are arranged according to the Library of Congress Classification System.
The Corette Library maintains a robust collection of electronic material including online access to:
Links to specific databases are available through the databases list.
Most of the college's technology equipment is loaned out by the Campus Computing & Information Technology (CCIT) department, located in the lobby of St. Charles.
Carroll College is part of the TRAILS consortium and shares a common catalog interface with twenty-four Montana academic libraries. We prioritize interlibrary loans coming from each other's institutions and share the costs for many of our electronic subscriptions.
Have questions? Get help from a Librarian! Librarians can provide one-on-one, in-depth research consultations for students. We can also provide training and support for accessing any of our electronic resources.
The Communication Center provides students and faculty with a number of resources. Students may use the center to give presentations and consult with Center staff as they seek to improve presentation skills, overcome communication anxiety, and much more. Communication Center staff collaborate with faculty in devising and carrying out presentation and multimedia assignments and using technology to deliver course material in innovative ways. Find out more about the Communication Center here...
The Writing Center is located on the lower level of the Library and Learning Commons. It is a place for Carroll undergraduates to get help with any aspect of their writing, from specific assignments to general writing skills, across the curriculum for all levels of students. The Writing Center is staffed by trained undergraduate tutors who provide individual meetings to students working on any writing assignment. You don't have to have a finished paper to come for a meeting. You can come with ideas, notes, or a draft. Find out more about the Writing Center here...
Tutoring is available in library room 226 at scheduled times or upon request. Carroll College offers tutors in a range of majors. Students can sign up for tutoring sessions through the Moodle tutoring site. Find out more about Academic Tutoring here...
CCIT Helpdesk, Carroll College's IT department located in St. Charles' Lobby area, can support you with general IT issues such as computer troubleshooting, printing, connecting to the campus network, etc.
Library staff have limited capacity and ability to troubleshoot IT issues and recommend you contact IT for support. Find out more about IT Support here...
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