Library Databases

Website Description Formats
19th Century British Pamphlets JSTOR's 19th Century British Pamphlets is a project that preserves and provides online access to the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in UK research libraries. Primary Sources
Academic Search Complete This multidisciplinary full text database includes access to STEM research, social sciences and humanities, anthropology, engineering, law, sciences, and more. Abstract and Index, Full Text Article
Academic Video Online Streaming video collection. Coverage includes anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Streaming Media
Agriculture & Environmental Science Collection Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection offers full-text titles (1960-present) from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. Full Text Article
American Chemical Society Web Editions American Chemical Society Web Editions provides access to 63 American Chemical Society journals that cover medicinal chemistry, natural chemistry, organic chemistry, and more. Abstract and Index, Full Text Article
American Civil War: Letters and Diaries American Civil War (1861-1865) offers a multitude of primary sources that highlights 2,009 authors and approximately 100,000 pages of diaries, letters, and memoirs regarding the Emancipation Proclamation, Battle of Gettysburg, and more. Primary Sources
American Newsreels in Video American Newsreels in Video is a collection of over 1,700 US videos perfect for historians and journalists seeking content originally broadcast between 1929-1946. Primary Sources, Streaming Media
American Periodicals (1740 - 1940) American Periodicals gives access to historic periodicals (1740-1940) with content ranging from special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines and many other historically-significant periodicals. Full Text Article, Magazine and Newspaper, Primary Sources
American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020 American Prison Newspapers (1800-2020) is a collection of hundreds periodicals from across the country and represents penal institutions of all kinds, with special attention paid to women's-only institutions. Some newspapers, like the Angolite and the San Quentin News, are still being published today. Magazine and Newspaper, Primary Sources
Art & Architecture Archive Full-text magazine archive covering art and architecture. Subjects include fine art, decorative arts, architecture, interior design, industrial design, and photography. Magazine and Newspaper
Atla Religion with Atla Serials This is an index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion and theology from 1818-present. Abstract and Index, Full Text Article
Black Life in America This digital archive of news media provides comprehensive coverage of the African American experience (education, laws and legislation, literature, etc.) and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media from the early 18th century to the present day. Records are sourced from American and global news sources, including over 400 current and historical Black publications. Magazine and Newspaper
Black Thought and Culture Covers non-fiction published works of leading African Americans. Where possible the complete published non-fiction works are included, as well as interviews, journal articles, speeches, essays, pamphlets, letters and other fugitive material. Full Text Article, Primary Sources
BMC Chemistry BMC Chemistry, is an open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes in the diverse field of chemistry, ranging from organic, inorganic and physical chemistry to medicinal and analytical contributions, as well as articles covering chemistry in the fields of environment and energy, materials and macromolecules, agriculture and food, and green and sustainable processes. Full Text Article, Open Access
Border and Migration Studies Online Border and Migration Studies Online helps students and researchers understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries. Government Document, Primary Sources, Reference Material
British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries This collection includes the immediate experiences of approximately 500 women (including Catherine Seymour, Mary Queen of Scots, Jane Austen, and others), as revealed in over 100,000 pages of diaries and letters, spanning more than 300 years. bibliography of the sources in the database. Primary Sources
British Periodicals Full text of historic British periodicals (Late 17th Century to early 20th Century). Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture. Full Text Article, Primary Sources
Business Source Complete Information available includes case studies, company profiles, conference papers, reports, analysis, working papers, and other industry information. Dataset, Full Text Article, Magazine and Newspaper, Reference Material
Carroll Scholars The repository is a service of the Carroll College library. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the individual departments and centers on campus. Full Text Article, Open Access
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Find U.S. Government publications, 1976-present, many in full text. Government Document
CINAHL Complete CINAHL Complete provides broad content coverage including 50 nursing specialties, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health and medicine and more. Access includes full-text journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons, and more. Full Text Article
Civil War Era Collection of regional newspapers and pamphlets covering a vast range of topics including the formative economic factors and other forces that led to the abolitionist movement, the 600,000 battle casualties and the emancipation of nearly 4 million slaves. Primary Sources
Colonial State Papers Manuscript papers and bibliographic records concerning English activities in the American, Canadian, and West Indian colonies between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. Primary Sources Includes federal Bills, Resolutions, Activity in Congress, Congressional Record, Schedules, Calendars, Committee Information, Presidential Nominations, Treaties, and Government Resources. Government Document
Congressional ProQuest Congressional allows you to explore Congress in action with the most comprehensive online resource available for congressional publications and legislative research. You can perform in-depth research in public policy, historical, and legal areas of interest. Government Document
Congressional Committee Hearings Selected House and Senate hearings for the 85th Congress forward. The House and Senate appropriations hearings for fiscal year 1998 forward are also included. Documents are available as text and PDF. Government Document
Congressional Record (historical) The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873 and is still published today. Government Document
Congressional Research Service (2018 onward) The Congressional Research Service (CRS) serves as shared staff to U.S. congressional committees and Members of Congress. CRS experts assist at every stage of the legislative process, from the early considerations that precede bill drafting, through committee hearings and floor debate, to the oversight of enacted laws and various agency activities. Any unclassified reports that were published after September 2018 are now searchable in this database. Government Document, Reports
Coronavirus Research Database Including coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, this database curates openly available content related to coronaviruses. It includes thousands of open-access articles from the world’s leading publishers as well as current research from pre-print repositories such as arXiv. Full Text Article, Open Access
County Business Patterns (Current) From Census Bureau Data. CBP is an annual series that provides subnational economic data by industry. This series includes the number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll. Dataset, Government Document
County Business Patterns (Historical) From Census Bureau Data (1967-2007). Summary statistics on employment and payroll for business establishments. The CBP files provide data on the total number of establishments, mid-March employment, first quarter and annual payroll, and the number of establishments by employment-size class for all business establishments with one or more paid employees. Dataset, Government Document
CRS Reports - National Agricultural Law Center The National Agricultural Law Center periodically receives CRS reports related to agriculture and food issues. Government Document, Reports
CRS Reports Collection From the UNT Digital Library. The Congressional Research Service (CRS), part of the Library of Congress, prepares its reports for the U.S. Congress. CRS products undergo review for accuracy and objectivity. Government Document, Reports
CRS Reports in Homeland Security/Terrorism and Health Law & Policy A large digital collection of CRS reports that is accessible through the Thurgood Marshall Law Library. Government Document, Reports
CRS Reports: Federation of American Scientists The FAS collection of CRS reports primarily addresses national security, foreign policy and related topics. Note: This archive of CRS reports is no longer actively maintained. For new and updated reports, see the public website of the Congressional Research Service. Government Document, Reports
Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection The only collection of curated primary and secondary full-text materials to support informed performance, pedagogy, and scholarship in dance. This collection provides historical context of 20th and 21st century dance through 150,000 pages of exclusive photographs, correspondence, magazines, dance notation, and reference material. Full Text Article, Magazine and Newspaper, Primary Sources, Reference Material
Digital National Security Archive Collection of primary source documents, including declassified government documents covering U.S. policy toward critical world events – including their military, intelligence, diplomatic and human rights dimensions – from 1945 to the present. Primary Sources
Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to open access, peer-reviewed journals. Open Access
Disability in the Modern World Disability in the Modern World contains primary and secondary source materials ranging in scope from media studies to philosophy. Ebook, Magazine and Newspaper, Primary Sources
Documents on British Policy Overseas Collection of primary source documents from Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), shedding light on diplomatic history throughout the 20th C. It is based on three print series which form a record of British peacetime diplomacy since the end of the 19th C: British Documents on the Origins of the War 1898-1914, Documents on British Foreign Policy 1918-1939 and Documents on British Policy Overseas. Primary Sources
Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment documents the relationships among peoples in North America from 1534 to 1850. The collection focuses on personal accounts and provides unique perspectives from all of the protagonists, including traders, slaves, missionaries, explorers, soldiers, native peoples, and officials, both men and women. Primary Sources
Early Modern Books Early Modern Books covers material from the British Isles and Europe for the period 1450-1700. Ebook, Primary Sources
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports Archive Country reports for almost 200 countries. Each report presents detailed statistics alongside expert commentary and forecasting from the EIU’s analysts. This database presents the historical reports from 1952-1995. Reports
Education Magazine Archive‎ An archive of magazines in the field of education, ranging from the early 20th to 21st centuries. The publications are aimed at teachers and other educational professionals and constitute valuable primary sources through which the evolution of educational policy, practice, and theory during this period may be delineated and interpreted. This content also pertains strongly to several related fields such as social history, psychology, and childhood studies. Magazine and Newspaper
Energy Citations Database Bibliographic records for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Abstract and Index, Government Document
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive An archival research resource containing the key periodicals for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries (including music, broadcasting, theatre, and video games), from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to the 21st century. Magazine and Newspaper, Primary Sources
Environment Complete This collection offers coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. Abstract and Index, Full Text Article
ERIC Education related database. Content includes journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, dissertations and theses, and books dating back to 1966. Abstract and Index
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 is a free archive of indexed publications related to the Americas and written in Europe before 1750. It includes thousands of valuable primary source records covering the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples. Primary Sources
FBI Records: The Vault Contains 6,700 FBI documents and other media that have been released to the public. Primary Sources
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index Indexes articles from >500 journals that relate to women, gender, sexuality in medieval Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Abstract and Index
Film Scripts Online The Film Scripts Online Series contains over 1,100 scripts and makes available, for the first time, accurate and authorized versions of copyrighted screenplays. Now film scholars can compare the writer’s vision with the producer’s and director’s interpretations from page to screen. Ebook
Food Studies Online Coverage includes: Organic Farming/Small Farms, School lunch programs, Childhood nutrition, Marketing and advertising, Packaging, Food industry, Environmental impact of GMOs, US food programs during WWI/WWII, Food security, Famine, and more. Full Text Article
Global Plants JSTOR's Global Plants is a database of plant-type specimens, reference works, and primary sources (diaries, correspondence, illustrations, photographs) and is an essential resource for research in botany, ecology, and conservation studies. Dataset, Ebook, Full Text Article, Primary Sources, Reference Material
GovInfo Search Engine for U.S. Government documents. There are more than 1.5 million titles available on govinfo, with more added daily. GPO website which replaced FDsys. Government Document
GreenFILE Database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. Full Text Article
HathiTrust HathiTrust is a partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future. Search HathiTrust for government publications and congressional hearings. Ebook, Government Document
Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible Critical and historical commentary on the texts of the Bible and other literature closely related to the Bible. Employs tools such as textual criticism, genre and prosodic analysis, and the history of religion to provide insight regarding the ancient meaning of a biblical work and its human relevance. Ebook, Reference Material
Hispanic Life in America The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 2010 to today. Magazine and Newspaper
Historical Newspapers ProQuest Historical Newspapers provides coverage of the politics, society and events of historical periods. Magazine and Newspaper, Primary Sources
History Vault Major collection areas in History Vault focus on the Black Freedom Movement of the 20th Century, Southern Life and Slavery, Women's Rights, International Relations, American Politics and Society with a strong focus on the 20th Century, and labor unions, workers and radical politics in the 20th Century. Primary Sources
History Vault: American Politics in the Early Cold War - Truman and Eisenhower Administrations, 1945-1961 The Cold War takes center stage in the Truman files on international relations and the stalling of Truman's Fair Deal program is documented in the files that pertain to domestic concerns. The Eisenhower files focus to a large degree on national defense and economic issues, two of the areas that Eisenhower had the most personal interest in. Full Text Article, Government Document, Magazine and Newspaper
Human Rights Studies Online Covers major human rights violations and atrocity crimes worldwide from 1900 to 2010. The collection includes primary and secondary materials across multiple media formats and content types for each selected event, including Armenia, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, Darfur, and more than thirty additional subjects. Primary Sources
Independent Record (Helena) Explore Helena history through local news, events, and people with Independent Record Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. Magazine and Newspaper
Independent Voices Independent Voices is an open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century. Magazine and Newspaper
Indian Claims Insight Content covers Native American migration and resettlement throughout U.S. history, as well as U.S. Government Indian removal policies and subsequent actions to address Native American claims. Includes docket histories, territory histories, tribal histories, and more. Government Document, Primary Sources
Ireland JSTOR Ireland is a collection of journals that specialize in Irish culture, education, and other scholarly works nationally and internationally. Full Text Article, Magazine and Newspaper
Journals@Ovid Platform providing full-text access to 18 nursing journals, as well as option to search an additional 3,000 journals covering clinical medicine, behavioral & social sciences, life sciences, nursing, and physical science & engineering. Full Text Article
JSTOR Periodical articles in almost 1000 scholarly journals. Full Text Article
LGBT Thought and Culture Books, periodicals, and archival materials documenting LGBT political, social and cultural movements throughout the twentieth century and into the present day. Full Text Article, Primary Sources
Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Abstract and Index
Literature Online Full-text journals and author biographies. Updated at least nine times a year. Biography, Full Text Article
Literature Resource Center Literature Resource Center is Gale’s most current, comprehensive, and reliable online literature resource, offering the broadest and most representative range of authors and their works. Researchers can find up-to-date analysis, biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods, and from around the world. Includes: Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Novels for Students, Shakespearean Criticism, Poetry Criticism. Biography, Full Text Article, Reference Material
Loeb Classical Library More than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts are available in a modern and elegant interface, allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content with ease. Ebook
Medline Medline is a bibliographic database produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The database contains millions of citations, derived from thousands of biomedical and life science journals, and indexed with Medical Subject Headings (Mesh) from the NLM controlled vocabulary. Extending back to 1946, annual input now exceeds 700,000 citations. Abstract and Index
MetaLib Searches multiple U.S. Federal government databases, retrieving reports, articles, and citations while providing direct links to selected resources available online. Government Document
MLA Handbook Plus MLA Handbook Plus is the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook, released in print in spring 2021. Ebook, Reference Material
MLA International Bibliography MLA International Bibliography covers a broad range of humanities subjects, including world languages and literatures, linguistics, dramatic arts, film, folklore, rhetoric and writing studies, teaching of language, and history of publishing. Abstract and Index
Montana State Publications ( Publications contributed to the Internet Archive by the Montana State Library. Government Document
Music Online: Classical Music Reference Library Classical Music Reference Library brings together a variety of essential reference materials, spanning the entire history of Western classical music, in a unified online database. Included are the authoritative reference titles Baker's Dictionary of Music, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, and Baker's Student Encyclopedia of Music. Biography, Ebook, Reference Material
New Republic Archive Full text for all issues back to the journals inception in 1914. Magazine and Newspaper
New York Times You can sign up for free New York Times online access via the Library! Carroll's subscription includes unlimited access on (there is no daily limit to the number of articles you can download). Magazine and Newspaper
News, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive (feat. Newsweek)‎ An archival collection of 15 major magazines (including the Newsweek archive) spanning areas including current events, international relations, and public policy. Offers multiple perspectives on the 20th century’s key issues and events Magazine and Newspaper
NewsBank Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with curricular areas such as Political Science, English, Sociology, Humanities, Business, International Studies and more. Features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national, and local news sources. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device. Magazine and Newspaper
Nineteenth Century Collections Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online content is sourced from the world's preeminent libraries and archives. It consists of newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, maps, photographs, statistics, and other kinds of documents in both Western and non-Western languages, along with authoritative content and extensive bibliographic information, and technology that fits the needs of today's researchers. Primary Sources
North American Indian Thought and Culture Contains over 119,000 pages of text and images. Included are biographies, auto-biographies, personal narratives, speeches, diaries, letters, and oral histories. Biography, Primary Sources
North American Women's Letters and Diaries Immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters (1689-1945). Primary Sources
Open Dissertations Open-access database providing access to graduate research across disciplines Open Access
ORCID Search for a list of all publications written by a particular author with an ORCID. The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify authors and contributors of scholarly communication as well as ORCID's website and services to look up authors and their bibliographic output (and other user-supplied pieces of information). Abstract and Index
Oxford Roe v. Wade In response to the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade (2022), Oxford University Press has made a wide range of scholarly content freely accessible. This page assembles peer-reviewed scholarship in one place to contextualize the Supreme Court (1973) decision in the fields of law, policy, health, ethics, human rights, and more. Ebook, Full Text Article, Open Access, Reference Material
Pacific Northwest Regional Newspaper and Periodical Index Citations from hundreds of newspapers and periodicals as well as monographs, theses, dissertations, scrapbooks, pamphlets and other ephemera dealing with all aspects of life in Seattle, Washington state and the Pacific Northwest from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Abstract and Index, Magazine and Newspaper
Periodicals Archive Online Backfiles of scholarly periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences available electronically, providing access to the searchable full text of hundreds of titles. Full Text Article
Periodicals Index Online Periodicals Index Online is a database of millions of citations for articles published in the arts, humanities and social sciences, across more than 300 years. Journals indexed span 37 key subject areas and multiple languages. Abstract and Index
Philosopher's Index Current and comprehensive bibliographic database covering scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. Abstract and Index
Philosophy Document Center Full-text access to 11 journal titles in the humanities and social sciences. Most content is peer-reviewed. Users can also search the full-text of non-subscribed content. Full Text Article
Points of View Reference Center Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills. Reference Material
Project Muse Full-text access to 140 scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences. Full Text Article
ProQuest Central ProQuest Central allows access to Business, Health and Medical, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, and Humanities journals. Full Text Article
PsycArticles Published by the American Psychological Association (APA), its imprint the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF), and from allied organizations including the Canadian Psychological Association and the Hogrefe Publishing Group, this database includes access to all journal articles, book reviews, etc. Coverage spans 1894 to the present. Full Text Article
Public Library of Science (PLOS) PLOS is a nonprofit open-access science, technology, and medicine publisher with a library of open-access journals and other scientific literature under an open-content license. It launched its first journal, PLOS Biology, in October 2003 and publishes seven journals. Full Text Article, Open Access
PubMed The PubMed database contains more than 30 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. It does not include full-text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources, such as the publisher's website or PubMed Central (PMC). Abstract and Index
Regional Business News Plus This database provides comprehensive full text coverage of over 60 million regional, national, and international business publications. Full Text Article, Magazine and Newspaper
Religious Magazine Archive A searchable archive of magazines devoted to a variety of religious topics, spanning 19th-21st centuries. The publications were originally written by/for a wider populace rather than academic/cultural elites and offer insights into, for example, the influence of belief systems on public life, the history of popular religious movements and the means used by religions to gain adherents and communicate their ideologies. Magazine and Newspaper
Revolution and Protest Online Database providing comprehensive, comparative documentation, analysis, and interpretation of political processes through the lens of revolutions, protests, resistance and social movements from the 18th century through the 21st century. This collection includes 175 hours of video, 100,000 pages of printed materials (personal papers, organizational and government documents, journals, books, reports, videos, monographs, and speeches), and more than 1,000 images. Primary Sources, Streaming Media
Scholarpedia Scholarpedia is an English-language online wiki-based encyclopedia with features commonly associated with open-access online academic journals, which aims to have quality content. Scholarpedia articles are written by invited expert authors and are subject to peer review. Reference Material
Science Direct Access over 15,000 full text reviews in over 120 Elsevier journals relating to the health sciences and biosciences. For best full text results, click on the Journals tab and change Source to Subscribed Journals. Full Text Article is a gateway to government science information provided by U.S. Government science agencies, including research and development results. Government Document
SciFinder Scholar Retrieve information from this American Chemical Society database, and simultaneously search Medline. Content includes citations to journals, patents, conference proceedings, dissertations, technical reports, books, etc. 1907 - present. Access >22 million organic and inorganic compounds, >32 million sequences, structure diagrams, reactions, molecular formulas, properties, and other reference information. Obtain chemical source and regulatory information for >6 million substances.

You must register to use this database. Register using this link (Left click and hold and drag to highlight the entire link blue, then right click on it and select "open link in a new tab"):
Abstract and Index
Slavery and Abolition, 1789-1887 Chronicles the African-American experience during the 19th century. Contains primary sources, including diaries, speeches, and published work. Primary Sources
Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law contains primary source and current materials documenting the history of slavery. Researchers have access to: Pamphlets and books on slavery from the 19th century Colony, state, and federal slavery statutes. Primary Sources
Small Engine Repair Reference Center Clymer repair manuals provide step-by-step procedures based upon the complete disassembly of the machine. Reference Material
Social Work Online Streaming media collection of documentaries and counseling technique videos related to Social Work. Streaming Media
Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage NetAdvantage is a source of business and investment information with online access to Standard & Poor's research-related products such as industry surveys, stock reports, corporation records, The Outlook, and mutual fund reports. Features include: research, data, and commentary on stocks, funds, and industries, the ability to download data into spreadsheet programs for further analysis. Reference Material
Statista With Statista, you can access the most relevant and important statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries." Dataset, Reference Material, Reports
Statistical Abstract of the United States (Historical) The ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political and economic conditions of the United States (1878-2012). Dataset, Government Document, Reference Material, Reports
Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa JSTOR's Struggles for Freedom: South Africa focuses on the liberation of Southern Africa and the dismantling of the Apartheid regime was one of the major political developments of the 20th century, with far-reaching consequences for people throughout Africa and around the globe. This collection focuses on the complex and varied liberation struggles in the region, with an emphasis on Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. It brings together materials from various archives and libraries throughout the world documenting colonial rule, dispersion of exiles, international intervention, and the worldwide networks that supported successive generations of resistance within the region." Primary Sources
Student Activism Reveal Digital’s Student Activism collection aims to provide access to unique, yet essential, primary sources documenting the deep and broad history of student organizing in the United States. Contains approximately 75,000 pages drawn from special collection libraries and archives around the country. Primary Sources
Teacher Reference Center Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators. Reference Material
The Annual Register: A Record of World Events The Annual Register: A Record of World Events has been published every year since 1758. Content includes: contemporary opinion, historical context and biographical information. Biography, Primary Sources, Reference Material
The Cecil Papers Correspondence of William Cecil, Lord Burghley (1520-1598) and his son, Robert, the 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563-1612). During the reign of Elizabeth I." Primary Sources
The Gilded Age Coverage includes songs, letters, photographs, cartoons, government documents, and ephemera, spanning from 1865 to 1902. including race and ethnicity, immigration, labor, women's rights, American Indians, political corruption, and monetary policy. Primary Sources
The Harper's Bazaar Archive The backfiles of the US and UK editions of Harper's Bazaar magazine, a fashion, arts, and culture authority from 1867 to the present. Scanned in full color, it features detailed indexing and searchable text. Magazine and Newspaper
The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives 1960-1974 Coverage includes diaries, letters, autobiographies and other memoirs, written and oral histories, manifestos, government documents, memorabilia, and scholarly commentary. Primary Sources
The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives 1960-1974 (Video) Contains fifty hours of primary footage and secondary documentaries that explore the key events of the sixties and early seventies, including the civil rights movement, the women's rights movement and the sexual revolution. Primary Sources, Streaming Media
Twentieth Century North American Drama Twentieth Century North American Drama contains 2,059 plays by 434 playwrights, and more than 150 of the plays are published here for the first time, including a number by major authors. Ebook, Full Text Article
Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume I, Christianity Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume I, Christianity includes the complete 17-volume German edition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Werke (DBW) and English edition of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works Series (DBWE); an international selection of English-language editions of key theological authors. This collection is complete with over 170,000 pages of printed works and primary sources. Ebook, Primary Sources
Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume IV, Eastern Religions Explore the doctrines of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Jainism from the late 19th century through the 21st century. Key themes and topics include afterlife, dharma, incarnation, karma, Maya, meditation, mindfulness, reincarnation, sacred texts, and Zen. Ebook, Primary Sources
U.K. Parliamentary Papers British politics and culture have had a profound influence on people, places and events around the world. For students and researchers exploring any aspect of this influence – in society, law, colonization, economics, foreign policy and more – government documents are essential. ProQuest’s House of Commons Parliamentary Papers is the only online source for the complete file of 18th to 20th-century papers, spanning nearly 11 million pages from 1715 to the present, with supplementary material dating back to 1688. Primary Sources
U.S. Government Documents Collection (Internet Archive) This collection at the Internet Archive contains digital versions of United States Government documents. Government Document
UpToDate Evidence-based, point-of-care, clinical decision support resource. Includes over 10,500 physician-authored, peer-reviewed topic summaries that synthesize current medical information. Also includes 160 subject-specific medical calculators, exportable graphics, drug and drug interaction information, and patient education materials. Reference Material
USA Trade Online The official source of U.S. export and import statistics. Created in collaboration between STAT-USA and the U.S. Census Bureau's Foreign Trade Division. Dataset, Government Document, Reference Material
USDA National Agricultural Library (AGRICOLA) The USDA National Agricultural Library is a government curated site that provides simple, one-stop access to more than 8 million records covering all aspects of agriculture and related disciplines. Records include decriptions of journal articles, books, reports, audiovisual materials and online content from around the world. Abstract and Index
Vogue Italia Archive A digital archive of Vogue Italia – one of the most influential and renowned international editions of Vogue – from its launch in 1964 to the present. Recognized as the least commercial and most artistic edition, it has a tradition of innovation and bold treatment of current issues and events. Vogue Italia’s appeal and influence is international, with almost half of its print issues typically being sold outside of Italy. Magazine and Newspaper
Web of Science Indexes over 34,000 journals in all subjects (coverage back to 1900 for science and social science journals), as well as books and conference proceedings. Includes the popular "cited reference search" to identify papers which have cited a previously published work or author. Can also sort by "times cited" and find related articles based on commonly cited works. Abstract and Index
Women and Social Movements, Modern Empires Since 1820 Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires offers clusters of documents in nine categories: Asian Empires, 1842-2001 European Empires, 1820-2005 Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Empires in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1860-2015 Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Empires in the Balkans, 1820-1990 Native Women in North America, 1915-2010 Settler Society in North America, 1805-1940 South Africa, 1899-1987 United States Empire, 1820-2004 Women’s Global Networks in Colonial and Post-Colonial Worlds, 1883-2007. Primary Sources
Women's Magazine Archive 1 Archival backfiles of women's interest consumer magazines. Coverage ranges from late 19th century through 2005. Magazine and Newspaper
Women's Wear Daily Archive The Women's Wear Daily Archive preserves one of the fashion industry's most influential reads (coverage 1910-present). Key moments in the history of the industry, as well as major designers, brands, retailers and advertisers are all covered in this publication of record. Magazine and Newspaper
World Heritage Sites: Africa JSTOR's World Heritage Sites: Africa is a collection that aids researchers in African studies, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art history, geography, history, and literature, as well as those focused on geomatics, historic preservation, urban planning, and visual and spatial technologies. It is a comprehensive tool for museums, libraries, NGOs, and government organizations engaged in the conservation and management of cultural heritage sites." Ebook, Primary Sources
WorldCat lets you search and borrow the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. Abstract and Index