Graduate School Preparation

Male student in tie smiling - Pierce

Is Graduate School Right for Me?

How can you determine that graduate school is the next best step for you? Many students decide on post- graduate studies because they are unclear of the future and their role within it. Two excellent reasons for attending graduate school include:

  • An advanced degree is a prerequisite for entry into some careers, such as law, medicine, counseling, and university teaching. Therefore, pursuing such a position requires graduate study.
  • If you long to immerse yourself into a particular academic discipline purely for the love of it, and now is the “hour”, you will likely find your graduate experience satisfying and valuable. 

The decision to attend graduate school is an important one. In order to understand your reasons for pursuing graduate education, you might want to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I interested in pursuing a specific field of knowledge for the love of it?
  2. As preparation for my future career, do I need an advanced degree – now or later?
  3. Am I interested in research projects, writing papers, and presenting academic material in front of a group?
  4. So soon after graduation, will I possess the motivation necessary to complete independent projects and study effectively in a library?
  5. Am I in the right financial position, willing to live frugally for the next few years?

It is important to specify and clarify your goals regarding graduate school before applying. As you investigate your possible choices after graduation, be sure to consider all your options. Sometimes gaining relevant work experience can help you clarify your goals and enhance your application credentials.

Click to find resources on graduate schools at Candid Career

Helpful Graduate School Resources

US News & World Report - Best Graduate Schools

Search for the best graduate programs by location, discipline, cost, and ranking utilizing US News & World Report.

Peterson's Guide to Graduate Programs

Peterson's Guide to Graduate School

This is an excellent resource for researching grad programs, locating funding for grad school, and preparing for entrance exams.

Thinking about grad school? Search thousands of graduate, law, M.B.A., nursing, and distance learning (online) opportunities by program, state, tuition, and more to find the graduate school that's right for you. Then, prepare for the GRE, MCAT, NCLEX, LSAT, and other licensing or graduate school admissions exams to score high and ensure your spot in that perfect grad school. When you use the site, you should consider registering with the "My Peterson's" option. It allows you to:

  • Stay on top of important dates & deadlines
  • Explore colleges and build your lists
  • Discover unique research opportunities
  • Learn to write personal statements and resumes Peterson's helps you prepare for tests, find the right school, explore financial aid, and advance your career.

Also referred to as Peterson's Testing and Education Reference Center.

Strategies to Prepare You for Admission to the Graduate School of Your Choice Webinar

By Don Asher--The nation's foremost expert on getting into graduate school. Get access to the event here.

Health Sciences and Pre-Medical Student Information

If interested in pursuing graduate studies after Carroll College, and plan to earn a degree in Health Sciences or are pursuing the Pre-Med Pathway; medical shadowing is an incredible, and necessary, experience to complete. Many physicians, dentists, physical therapists, optometrists, and other medical professionals are willing and eager to have Carroll College students observe clinical visits. Juniors and Seniors ONLY are granted extraordinary access to St. Peter's Health. To apply please visit St. Peter's Health.

For all other inquiries or interests, please visit Career Services to learn about the myriad of other opportunities for all Health Sciences and Pre-Med Pathway students. To complete a background check and send appropriate parties, please visit Castle Branch.

Masters in Education Guide

The Master in Education Guide contains valuable information on education-based careers. Starting your search for graduate programs here would be essential to anyone's search for further advancement in their education major! Don't forget to check out their directory! It contains articles, interviews, job resources, certificate requirements, and more!

What does a Graduate School interview look like?

Commonly asked questions:

  1. How did you become interested in dentistry as a career?
  2. Dental School is known to be an academically intense program, How will you handle the stress?
  3. What made you decide to apply to our program?

To practice interviews for graduate school, login to Big Interview and utilize the graduate school preparation guide.

Schedule an appointment for graduate school and shadow assistance