Funding Graduate School
Scholarship, Fellowship, and Grant Links
- UCLA GRAPES- This site lists hundreds of graduate funding sources for all universities
- Finaid.org
- UM VPRD - Funding Opportunities
- students.gov
- FastWeb
- Graduate Fellowships - Minorities
- ScholarshipHunter
- Scholarsite
- ScholarshipHelp
All sites linked to the Career Services webpage have been reviewed to verify their quality and appropriateness for college students’ needs. Please remember that any internet site may contain web links to sites containing misleading or factually incorrect information.
Financial Aid for Grad Studies
To complete a scholarship search specific to you, visit the Montana Career Information Systems on our Career Exploration page.
Scholarship Opportunities for Graduate Studies | |
Scholarship Money for Future Librarians | The Montana State Library's "Professional Education and Employment for Librarians" (PEEL) program has 10 $25,000 scholarships for students interested in a career in librarianship. For more information, visit http://dev.msl.mt.gov/greatcareer/index.htm |
National Physical Science Consortium | The National Physical Science Consortium is a unique partnership of industry, government and higher education. NPSC helps its partners to recruit, identify, select, and support outstanding U.S. doctoral students. |
The NBCC Foundation | The NBCC's goal is to Educate counselors about Mental Illnesses and suicide. The NBCC provides scholarships to both grad and undergrad students toward counseling studies. |
Fellowships | |
The Army Materiel Command Fellows Program | The AMC Fellows program is a fast-track program that provides an opportunity for a graduate education while beginning a career with AMC (Army Materiel Command). Interested students should fill out the Fellows Response Form at http://www.army.mil/article/2967/. |
American Mathematical Society Centennial Fellowships | The AMS Centennial Research Fellowship Program makes awards annually to outstanding mathematicians to help further their careers in research. The stipend for fellowships awarded for 2014-2015 is US $85,000, with an additional expense allowance of about US $8500. The deadline for applications is December 1. |
Berkeley Career Center | Visit this page for post-graduate fellowship opportunities available in the California area. |
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships | The Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships are for those planning a career in teaching & research at the college/university level. The offer
Graduate Fellowships in the Physical Sciences | The National Physical Science Consortium (NPSC) offers two fellowship programs: the Traditional NPSC Program and the Dissertation Support Program. The Consortium comprises leading universities (who provide tuition and fees) and private corporations and governmental research laboratories (who provide stipends and two summers of employment). |
Harvey Fellows | The Harvey Fellows Program seeks applications from Christians engaging in graduate study at one of the "top five" institutions in its particular field and who will be entering a field that is underrepresented by Christians. Harvey Fellows receive a stipend up to $16,000 which is awarded on the basis of merit and is renewable for up to a total of three years. Applications are accepted annually from August 1 to November 1. |
NewHouse School Newspaper Fellowship and Apprenticeship for Minorities: Syracuse University | The Newhouse Graduate Newspaper Fellowship for Minorities is a highly competitive 18-month program that provides two generous awards each year to minority students who have majored in subjects other than journalism as undergraduates. It is supported by the Newhouse Foundation, a private foundation established by Samuel I. Newhouse. |
The Villers Fellowship | The Villers Fellowship for Health Care Justice was created in 2005 by Phillippe Villers, Founder and President of Families USA, to inspire and develop the next generation of health care justice leaders. The goal of the Villers Fellowship Program is three-fold: To develop a network of young leaders who share a passion for social and health care justice; To inspire Villers Fellows to continue to work for health care justice throughout their lives; and To help achieve Families USA’s goal of guaranteed, high-quality, affordable health care for all of us. |
Capital Fellows Programs |
Scholarship Workshop Guide
Download Carroll's guide to help you navigate through the multitude of scholarship and financial aid websites made available to college students.