Orchard's STEM Diversity Scholarship

Scholarship overview

As part of Orchard’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, one of our goals is to encourage diversity within our industry and to find ways to make a difference outside of our organization. We’d like to support a woman of color in her pursuit to work in STEM. We are committed to giving a scholarship of $2,500 to qualified applicants looking to enter the STEM field. This scholarship will assist them in their pursuit of a degree in STEM. 


This scholarship is available to either: a female high school senior of color interested in pursuing a STEM degree in college, OR a female undergraduate college sophomore or junior of color currently pursuing a STEM degree.


For high school seniors:

  • Full-time current students enrolled in a STEM class
  • GPA of at least 3.0
  • Must provide a transcript
  • Interest in pursuing a STEM degree in college

For undergraduate college students:

  • Full-time enrolled college sophomore or junior
  • Declared major or degree program in STEM
  • GPA of at least 3.0
  • Must provide a transcript

How to apply

To apply, please submit 2 short essays (300-500 words) addressing the following questions: 

  1. What inspired your interest in pursuing a STEM field?
  2. Explain how our scholarship will help in pursuing a career in a STEM-related field.

Please submit your application and supporting documents through our scholarship application form.

By applying to this scholarship you understand and agree that any personal data collected in connection with your online application may be used by Orchard Technologies, Inc. and our subsidiaries, affiliates, and partners (“Orchard”) for purposes of processing your application, organizing and administering the scholarship, and complying with all applicable legal obligations. The scholarship funds awarded must be spent on education-related expenses, such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for the students' classes at their primary college or university. Orchard reserves the right to change the terms of this scholarship at any time in its sole discretion.


What is the deadline?

April 1st, 2022

How much is the scholarship award?


When will the winner be chosen?

The winner will be chosen on May 1, 2022.

How do I apply?

Apply through this Google form. You will be able to upload your essays, supporting documents, and fill out all your contact information. The essays should be between 300-500 words each.

Who can I contact with questions? 

You can email scholarship@orchard.com