About Us
ShoesTracker’s mission is to help people improve their overall foot health and to have strong feet. We aim to provide information and support to individuals struggling with foot pain as well as the means to improve overall foot health.
The same three things cause nearly all foot pain:
- Ill-fitting shoes – tight shoes, high-heeled shoes
- Certain medical conditions – pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, arthritic conditions, and some medications
- High-impact exercise – jogging, strenuous aerobics
Based on the causes of foot pain, we aims to address foot health, focusing on how to fix foot problems, relieve pain, as well as care for and strengthen feet.
We provide a shoe buyer’s guide in order to avoid the problem of ill-fitting shoes and ensure that individuals purchase shoes that are right for them. We also offer running resources, as runners are one of the largest groups to suffer from foot pain and poor foot health.
At ShoesTracker, foot health is very important to us and we want it to be important to you as well.
About ShoesTracker Anual Scholarship
The purpose of the ShoesTracker scholarship is to draw attention to an often-ignored issue: foot pain and foot health.
By encouraging students to write about their personal experiences or the experiences of the individuals that they know and think of methods to raise awareness, this scholarship opens up the conversation about foot pain and foot health.
The more people who talk about foot pain and foot health, the more people who can learn about the methods of dealing with it, the causes of it, and the best ways to prevent future foot pain.
Our feet carry us throughout our lives. It is important that we take care of them, that we know how to take care of them. We are hoping that your stories will help us with that goal.
ShoesTracker Scholarship Procedure & Information
The ShoesTracker scholarship is an annual scholarship. The deadline for this scholarship round is September 9, 2018.
There is one award available for one student and the award value is $2 000 (U.S. Dollars).
The award will be sent directly to the winner's school for consideration within a week after the deadline.
Who Can Apply?
Anyone is welcome to apply for this scholarship, no matter where in the world you reside. However, there are some criteria overall for the application.
- You must be a student (High School, College, or University)
- The essay must be written in English.
- The essay must be between 500-2000 words long.
- The essay must be original content from the applicant. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Where and How?
Applying to this scholarship is simple.
- Complete application HERE.
- Send your essay in a pdf or word format to the following email scholarship@shoestracker.com.
Your Essay
Your essay should address the following the following three questions.
- What foot pain or struggles with foot health have you (or someone you know) experienced?
- How have these issues been handled by you (or someone you know)?
- In what ways can you raise awareness in your community about foot health and foot pain?