Dustin Dickerson

After completing my Master’s degree at Montana State I began work for the Center for Clinical Translational Research at Billings Clinic where I consulted on various research projects and helped gather data in the field.  The desire to be closer to family led me back to Helena in 2014 and I am currently employed by the State of Montana as an Operations Research Analyst. My primary job responsibilities are tabulating Medicaid enrollment numbers, forecasting Medicaid expenditures, and responding to information requests from legislators and DPHHS administrators.

Portrait of Dustin Dickerson
Bernhardt Di Cino

What is your favorite thing about Carroll?

When I first arrived on campus, I was really nervous about approaching the professor to ask for help. I finally built up the nerve to visit one of my professors during office hours to ask for help, and doing so was the best decision I ever made. All the professors at Carroll are so approachable and helpful with whatever is troubling you in class. This aspect really enhanced my learning environment and assisted in me achieving the grades I wanted.

Portrait of Bernhardt Di Cino
Kurtis DeShaw

Degree: Civil Engineering - 2006

Current Work: Water/Wastewater Market Group Office Leader, Morrison Maierle, Inc. in Billings, MT

How did engineering at Carroll affect your career path? After Carroll, I went on to work for Morrison-Maierle and am with them to this day. It has been a challenging and fulfilling experience and has helped shape my career. I have learned that if you step outside of your comfort zone and take risks, it will open the door to new opportunities. 

Portrait of Kurtis DeShaw
Jessica Davis

Carroll was not only the college I attended, but also my home for 4 years. It is a school where your professors are both your mentors and friends, where classmates work toward success together, and where you receive an education that more than adequately prepares you for your future profession. After having completed my first year of medical school, I realized even more the superior education provided by the Carroll biology program. In every class I felt prepared and many times already comfortable with the material. Thank you to all of my professors at Carroll.

Carroll College placeholder image of Simperman Hall in the sun.
Tyson Cooper
Carroll College provided the skills I needed to be successful in the work force. Communication skills I developed at Carroll have allowed me to build and effectively provide training that grabs attention and accurately depicts potential life and death scenarios on the construction site. I use the research skills I developed at Carroll on a weekly basis in my position. Gathering survey information for at-risk work areas and building trend information reports to communicate and, in turn, mitigate injuries is a major role for me.
Snapshot of Tyson Cooper in a hard hat and orange vest
Meagen Cook

What was your major?

History with a minor in European Studies

What did you love about Carroll?

The small classes, the professors, and the community atmosphere.

What are you doing now?

I'm a digital collections assistant at the Montana Historical Society. I upload and maintain digital archives for public access and help in other projects around the research center.

What do you plan on doing in the future?

Portrait of Megan Cook outside on a lane
Matthew Christiaens

Major: Psychology; Minor: Theology 

I decided to be a theology minor because I was struggling in my Psychology major.  It really bothered me that a person’s faith life was simply dismissed in many areas of psychology.  I wanted to be a Psychology major to eventually help serve marginalized members of society and by choosing to pair my major with theology I am able to better understand the people I hope to serve, and hopefully understand life on a deeper spiritual level as well.    

Portrait of Matthew Christiaens
Andrew Chenovick

Andrew Chenovick graduated from Carroll College in 2010 with a degree in Communication Studies and Public Relations with an emphasis in Journalism and a minor in TV Production.

Portrait of Andrew Chenovick on a street
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