Elizabeth Carlson

"I graduated from Carroll College in May 2016, with a major in mathematics and a minor in physics.  I'm currently attending graduate school at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I am working on obtaining my Ph.D. in mathematics, and in my first year here, I am already leaning towards a career in research on fluid dynamics.  I am really grateful to have studied at Carroll for my undergraduate studies; the tutelage of the professors in the math department at Carroll has heavily influenced my mathematical intuition, and I couldn't be more excited for the journey ahead."

Photo of Elizabeth Carlson
Lauren Cain

What kept me going was the caring and welcoming environment created by my professors in the nursing program. They mean it when they say “my door is always open,” and it was clearly evident that they cared deeply for us as a person, student and nurse. Knowing we were in this journey together, my classmates and I formed a tight bond working as a team to help one another succeed. Carroll’s unique clinical experiences made all the difference for me.

Portrait of Lauren Cain with stethoscope
Sidney Bryn

What will you miss most about Carroll when you graduate?

What I will miss most when I graduate are the people at Carroll. The relationships that I have formed with my friends and some of Carroll’s faculty will last way beyond graduation. Carroll is a great community that has acted as my second family.

Portrait of Sidney Bryn, outside
Katie Browne

Carroll accounting alum, Katie Browne, CPA (pictured on right with Carroll alum, Ryan Gerard), shared these photos of her life in Alaska. Upon graduation from Carroll, Katie began her career as an accountant with Altman Rogers & Co. in Anchorage, traveling the state of Alaska using a variety of means including float planes! Several other Carroll grads have also begun their accounting careers in Alaska including work with Big 4 accounting firms.

Katie Browne on a rocky slope with a friend
Andy Brown

B.A. Biology 2005

The Biology Program at Carroll taught me that learning occurs every moment of your life and that friends can be both professors and students. The professors have the ability to establish a personal relationship with each of the students so as to establish an open forum for learning. A Biology graduate from Carroll has the essential skills and qualities to establish him/herself in any field of Biology.

Andy Brown holding an elk skull and antlers
Angelo Brennan
In the fall of 2015, I had the opportunity to work with Warriors and Quiet Waters Foundation, LLC, in Bozeman, MT. They serve to promote positive change in traumatically wounded combat veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan through fly fishing in Montana. I studied the therapeutic value of fly fishing and outdoor rehabilitation for combat wounded veterans.
Angelo Brennan fishing on a river
Jay Bouchard

After graduating from Carroll in 2015 with an English degree and a restless heart, I moved to Chicago to pursue a Master's degree at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.

For a kid who grew up in New Hampshire and grew wiser (depending on who you ask) in Helena, Chicago marked a significant shift in my personal and professional life.

The grand landscapes and striking mountains to which I was accustomed were replaced by urban sprawl and skyscrapers.

Portrait of Jay Bouchard
Alicia Booth

Degree: Business Administration with concentrations in marketing, international business, and management. 

What activities have you been involved with at Carroll? Gold Team and Campus Ministry.

Portrait of Alicia Booth
Ellis Beckwith

Degree: Civil Engineering - 2008

Current Work: Ellis is a Senior Civil Engineer at KPFF Special Projects Division and has several years of experience in civil engineering design on multi-disciplinary port, waterfront, and industrial site development focusing on planning, phasing, civil utilities analysis and industrial stormwater treatment. He is experienced managing small internal teams to large multi-disciplined teams responsible for full-service project development.

Portrait of Ellis Beckwith
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