Bubba Bartlett

Bubba Bartlett, Health Sciences major from the class of 2012, spent his four years at Carroll working hard both in the classroom and on the football field. While he helped to produce four national NAIA championships (2007-11), he also was among the first graduates in the Health Sciences major.

The degree helped me find a wonderful opportunity that I just couldn't pass up.


Portrait of Bubba Bartlett
Elle Barta
It was Elle Barta's first time in the desert. She was on spring break with CAMP. Up until then, her idea of spending time in the outdoors was hiking trails in the mountains surrounded by trees—nothing like what she was encountering in Utah. Elle Barta repelling down a large rock in the desert
Elizabeth Ternes

Elizabeth Ternes graduated from Carroll in 2013 with majors in French and History. During her time at Carroll, she studied abroad in Caen, France. After graduation, she taught English in France as part of the TAPIF program. She completed a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Montana in 2015, and is currently living in Washington, D.C., where she works for the U.S. Department of State.

Elizabeth Baker on the beach with the ocean in the background
Schlyer Athena

Degree: Business Administration

Why did you choose to study business? I chose to study business because it offers a wide range of opportunities post-graduation. Business offers one the ability to run their own company or pursue a passion working for a large corporation. I enjoy the versatility of the degree and all the potential that it can offer.

Portrait of Schlyer Athena
Caitlin Anglemier

What is your favorite thing about Carroll?

The second that you step on campus, you are already a part of this big family. I have never encountered such a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and that has been such a source of comfort during my first year away from home. I explicitly remember my first day of school here at Carroll. While walking to my classes that day, at least 10 different professors smiled and greeted me.

Hometown: Salem, OR

Portrait of Caitlin Anglemier
Alissa Abentroth

BA high school volleyball standout, the Choteau native was accepted to a variety of schools. But when she first toured Carroll, Alissa Abentroth felt that she fit in and decided that's where I want to go to school. On Carroll's campus everyone says, 'hi, how are you doing,' Abentroth said. In addition to the family atmosphere, Abentroth liked the one-on-one attention of professors and the work ethic they instilled. When your professor knows you on a personal level, it makes you work harder, she said, a principle Abentroth transfers to everything she does.

Carroll College placeholder image of Simperman Hall in the sun.
Kim Johnson

Kim's moment.

Kim Johnson made a choice to leave a 20-year career to pursue a new goal: becoming a nurse. She juggles family and school while earning her degree in Carroll's rigorous and holistic Nursing Program. She sat down with local news KTVH-TV for a segment where she said, 

Kim Johnson taking video or a photo with her phone
Mariah Schell

What is your favorite thing about Helena?

The thing that I love most about Helena is the beautiful landscape. Coming from the flat, dry valleys of Eastern Montana, this place is like a dream come true. I have always wanted to live in the mountains, not only for the change of scenery, but also for the outdoor opportunities they provide. I remember the first week of school I went on a hike up to the summit of Mount Helena with the CAMP club.

Portrait of Mariah Schell
Nichole Rang

What is your favorite thing about Carroll?

My favorite aspect about Carroll is the community on campus. Students from all around the United States and other countries add variety to our campus.  I would love to see our campus diversity grow! You can learn so much from others around you, whether they’re from another state or another country, everyone has a story to share. At Carroll you’ll find friendly people who want to hear your story and join you on your path to success. 

Portrait of Nichole Rang
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