Mazanec Nick

“My experience with the Carroll College Theology Department was an enlightening and rewarding one. I found myself participating in the open and encouraging atmosphere of my theology classes. It was thrilling to study primary theological texts critically, and to present my views to a group sharing the same interests.



Portrait of Nick Mazanec
Christy Neiffer

Christy Neiffer, had earned a Carroll College Nursing Degree in 2007, but injuries kept her from the rigorous hours that nursing demanded. After much thought, she chose to return to Carroll to work on a degree in Community Health.  After graduation in 2011, she worked in public health for small nonprofit agencies in the area. She currently works on the Healthy Mother’s Healthy Babies’ cribs program which provides free cribs for at-risk families throughout Montana.

Snapshot of Christy Neiffer in a hat
Ben Nearpass

Double Major: Business Administration and Psychology

Why business? I chose business because I really like to broad range of skills and abilities it teaches. It will allow me to keep my options open and choose a job best suited to my skills.

What do you like about Carroll? I like how small Carroll is. I also like the Catholic identity of the school and the fact that it also helps you become a better person.

Portrait of Ben Nearpass
Mike Nania

Several years ago I climbed a mountain peak along the Kepler track in Fiordland, New Zealand. As an avid outdoorsman, I did what any good mountaineer does when they find this rare type of breathtaking solitude- I sat down to reflect. Gazing out over endless alps gouged by deep, crystalline fjords, I contemplated the decisions that had directed me to the strange place I now sat. Where would I be if I had made different ones? Was it possible to have any regrets about a path that took me to a place like this?

Snapshot of Mike Nania standing in the ocean with a snorkle on
Elizabeth Morris

Double Major: Spanish and Biology

Why Spanish? I chose to study Spanish in order to be able to travel and communicate with others first hand. I was also always interested in Latin American history, and this major allowed me to read documents in the language in which they were written, further enhancing the experience.

Snapshot of Elizabeth Morris with an ocean view in the background
Dennis Mikelonis

Degree: Business Administration, 2014

Extracurricular involvement while at Carroll: Shooting guard for the Carroll Men's Basketball team

What are you up to now? My professional title is Private Wealth Management Banker at Idaho Trust in Boise. In this role I specialize primarily in managing large investment portfolios, administrating trusts, provide financial guidance to businesses, and recruiting new clientele.

Poetrait of Dennis Mikelonis
John Michelotti

A 1990 biology graduate, John Michelotti, is a successful orthopedic surgeon practicing in Helena, Montana. While working on a fellowship in sports medicine in Vail, Colorado, he had the opportunity to care for star running back Terrell Davis, the U.S. Ski Team, the Colorado Rockies, and former President Gerald Ford.

Carroll College placeholder image of Simperman Hall in the sun.
Ray Messer

Major: Mathematics (3-2 Program)

Montana native Raymond F. Messer, P.E., started his engineering career in Carroll's 3-2 program where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. He spent two years at Columbia University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in 1970 and later a Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics.

Portrait of Ray Messer
Mark McLean

B.A. Philosophy and French 2013

After receiving a B.A. in Philosophy and French from Carroll College in 2013 and my M.A. in Philosophy from KU Leuven in Leuven, Belgium in September 2015, I am currently enrolled in the the MPhil program at KU Leuven (a preliminary to the doctorate program).

Black and White Portrait of Mark McLean
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