Exchange Students

If you are hoping to apply to Carroll College as a non-degree student, please read the Exchange Student Information Sheet and then contact the Admissions Office at Upon your acceptance to Carroll College, you will receive a packet of information from the admissions office, including forms to confirm your intent to attend.

After you have submitted your deposit, declaring your intent to attend Carroll College, you will begin to hear from the Global Learning Office.

  1. You will first be asked to complete a questionnaire about your academic interests, and provide a list of specific courses of interest to you.  When you have completed this questionnaire...
  2. The International Student Advisor will use your list of preferred courses, along with your transcripts and test scores, to create a schedule of classes for your semester.  After this class schedule has been approved by the Registrar...
  3. You will receive a Registration Confirmation Packet via email. This packet provides details on how to log into your Carroll College account, begin to use your email,  and see your course schedule online. You will be asked at this time to log in to the Carroll portal, check your schedule of courses, and email the International Student Advisor using your new email address.  After this has been done...
  4.  All correspondence from Carroll College will come through your Carroll email account.
  5. You will receive information regarding Friendship Families, Travel Details, etc.  Please check your Carroll email often, and respond quickly. When you have returned your Travel Details form...
  6.  The Residence Life Office will arrange to have a student ambassador greet you at the airport, drive you to campus, and help you to get moved into your dormitory room.  There is no taxi queue at the Helena Regional Airport (HLN) where you will arrive, so this student-provided service is a great value!  The person greeting you at the airport will be holding a purple Carroll College sign.

Carroll College Exchange Students

Carroll College has exchange partnership agreements with nine universities worldwide. Students coming to Carroll College from one of the following universities,  for a semester or academic year, will want this information.

  • APU in Beppu, Japan
  • KGU in Kumamoto, Japan
  • CUK in Seoul, South Korea
  • UCO in Angers, France
  • UPC in Madrid, Spain
  • NUI in Galway, Ireland
  • University of Exeter in England
  • UIB in Bergen, Norway
  • USM in Valparaiso, Chile

Exchange students will not be assessed tuition for a course load of between 12-19 US academic credits. Any credit enrollment that exceeds this full-time load will be charged at the per-credit rate of approximately $1500 per credit.  Because we are a residential campus, all exchange students live on campus.

Mandatory fees are not a benefit of the exchange financial agreement. All exchange students will be responsible for the $490 student fee, plus Fall Semester students will also be responsible for the $100 orientation fee.  Also, some courses require a course fee.  When looking at the schedule of classes, look for the on the the course description. This indicates there is an additional fee for this specific class. When you drill into the full class description, the course fee amount is listed.

ISEP (exchange) Students

ISEP exchange students will not be assessed tuition for a course load of between 12-19 US academic credits. ISEP students are not permitted to register for more than full-time. Because we are a residential campus, all exchange students live on campus.

Mandatory fees are are a benefit of the ISEP exchange financial agreement, and have been paid in advance.  However, some courses do require a course-fee.  When looking at the schedule of classes, look for the on the the course description. This indicates there is an additional fee for this specific class. When you drill into the full class description, the course fee amount is listed.

World Learning/UGRAD Students

As a sponsored student, your fees are taken care of through your sponsor organization.

As a World Learning/UGRAD student you are required to enroll in at least one US studies class; live with an American roommate, and participate in 20 hours of service to the Helena community. Please work closely with the International Student Advisor to make sure you are fulfilling these program requirements.

World Learning/IREX Students

As a sponsored student, your fees are taken care of through your sponsor organization.

As a World Learning/IREX student you are required to enroll in at least one US studies class; live with an American roommate, and participate in 20 hours of service to the Helena community. Please work closely with the Global Learning Office ( to make sure you are fulfilling these program requirements.

Due to the start date of this sponsored program, you will arrive on campus at least one week before other students move in after the winter holiday. We will arrange to greet you at the airport.

Non-Degree-Seeking International Students

The details of your tuition and fees can be arranged through the Global Learning Office and the Business Office.

IIE Seal of Excellence

Helpful Links

International Students Orientation Schedule

VISA Questions

Public Transportation

Helena Regional Airport

Montana Arts & Entertainment Calendar


​Shannon Ackeret
Director of Global Education
1601 N. Benton Avenue
Helena, MT 59625
Borromeo Hall 110
Phone 406-447-4469

Carroll students:  To make an appointment with Shannon, visit Handshake


Get Started

If you are a Carroll student and would like to make an appointment with International Student Support Services, visit Handshake.

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