Core Competencies
The Competencies for the Physician Assistant Profession were originally developed in response to the growing demand for accountability and assessment in clinical practice and reflected similar efforts conducted by other healthcare professions. In 2005, a collaborative effort among four national PA organizations produced the first document outlining the Competencies for the Physician Assistant Profession. While necessary for the profession as a whole, these competencies are insufficient for making decisions about the practice readiness of new graduates. Thus, in 2016, the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) created a task force to explore how best to set standards for new graduates entering the PA profession. The resultant document, Core Competencies for Graduates of the Physician Assistant Program, defines the knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors required of all graduates of PA programs.
The Carroll College PA Program has adapted these Core Competencies to help guide the curricular components of the program and specify the essential and routine skills that every graduate entering clinical practice must be able to safely and effectively perform. Each competency domain includes specific, measurable outcomes and expectations of performance to help ensure that new graduates are prepared to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care from “day one”. Achieving competence in these areas is intended to be developmental and requires the integration of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. In order to graduate from the Carroll College PA program, graduates must demonstrate competence in each of the following domains. Students will have opportunities to develop and demonstrate competence in each of these areas throughout the program, culminating in a summative assessment near the end of program completion.
Competency domains will be updated once finalized.
General Curriculum
The Physician Assistant (PA) program is a professional degree program intended to prepare students academically and professionally for responsibilities and services as a PA. The Carroll College PA curriculum is a full-time, lock-step, 27-month program leading to a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS) degree. The curriculum is organized into didactic (pre-clinical) and clinical phases. The curriculum will commence in May each year and run seven consecutive terms, with graduation occurring in August. Pending approval for provisional accreditation, we anticipate matriculating the first cohort of 34 students in May 2028.