Ray `69 and Elaine Messer

"When I was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Carroll College a few years ago, I had the opportunity to spend quality time with several of the professors at Carroll.  These dedicated individuals reminded me of the or those professors who dedicated their time to my advancement many years ago, and I realized that faculty should also be afforded an opportunity to advance their expertise.  Thus, Elaine and I made the commitment to help by endowing a faculty development fund."

Portrait of Ray and Elaine Messer
Gene `55 and Peggy McMahon

"When we started thinking about giving Carroll College a gift we talked with Tom Trebon and Candie Cain for guidance.  After that we came up with a number, doubled it and that is how our endowment was established.  We did it because of our many family ties with Carroll, we certainly did not do it for any notoriety for Peggy and myself.  Our recent gift to Carroll for the Hunthausen Activity Center is in memory of Archbishop’s Mother & Family and the students of Carroll."

Gene and Peggy McMahon Endowment

Portrait of Gene `55 and Peggy McMahon
Jerry Loendorf '61

"From the time I stepped on campus as a freshman until graduation from Carroll, I recieved scholarship support.  The people who provided those scholarships were never identified and I was never able to thank them.  What I am able to do is follow their good example, and the good example of the more than 3,000 individuals and organizations who now donate to Carroll each year, and I do so, every year."

Gary Turcott Endowment

Portrait of Jerry Loendorf, '61
Sandy '84 and Raj Lall

Raj and I share a philosophy that the world can be made better through education. For years we contributed to the Andrew and Emily Peoples Memorial Scholarship, a fund established by my mom and uncles. Once it reached a level that felt ‘right’ long-term, we wanted to establish our own legacy at Carroll College. We created the Schneider Lall Family Endowed Scholarship and involved our son, Danny, to continue a tradition of giving and to draw him into the Carroll family.

Portrait of Sandy '84 and Raj Lall with son on a sandy beach
Ed '56 and Bobbi Jasmin

Because our precious daughter, Lynn, died so young, it is most comforting for us to provide scholarships in her name through a Carroll College endowment to help other young women achieve their educational goals.

Lynn Marie Jasmin Memorial Endowment

Portrait of Ed, '56 and Bobbi Jasmin
Cindy Hollenbaugh, MD, '85

I am thankful that the professors, priests and students at Carroll College became my family when I first moved away from my childhood home in the Flathead Valley. At Carroll, I was constantly inspired and challenged not only to excel in academics but also to grow and mature in my personal and spiritual life. Without the help of generous scholarship donors, I would not have been able to attend Carroll. I established this endowed scholarship to help launch many other young women from the Flathead Valley on successful paths.

Portrait of Cindy Hollenbaugh, MD, '85
Jean Faure '81

"I created this endowment to honor my Mom, Viola Ruth Faure, who died of ovarian cancer in 2005.  As my Dad was a traveling salesman, Mom essentially raised nine children single-handed.  She instilled in each of us a love of learning and a quest for knowledge.  I knew at a very young age I wanted to be an attorney.  Through her strength and spirit, Mom inspired and encouraged me to pursue that dream.  Carroll, through its professors and programs, helped me to achieve that dream.  This endowment is my way of giving back, my way of helping someone

Portrait of Jean Faure '81
Patricia Chvatal '72

"I arrived at Carroll as a farmer’s daughter from Washington State with mediocre grades.  I was undecided what I wanted to pursue, but I knew I wanted to be a long way from home.  (Walla Walla to Helena seemed a long way to me in 1968!)  During my four years at Carroll, I became inspired as to how to live a fulfilling life.  Inspiration came from my fellow students, professors, janitors, and kitchen staff all of whom were filled with faith, generosity, service to others, and professionalism.  I was filled with a sense of being home while I was attend

Portrait of Patricia Chvatal '72
Richard '66 and Sue Buswell

We are honored to establish the Sue A. Buswell Endowed Professorship in Nursing at Carroll College as a contribution to the viability, transformation, and sustainability of the nursing profession. These funds will be utilized to support faculty scholarship and research in health prevention and promotion and the recruitment and retention of highly-qualified nursing faculty.

Sue A. Buswell Endowed Professorship in Nursing

Portrait of Richard '66 and Sue Buswell outdoors
William '73 and Diana '76 Beaulieu

We established the William and Diana Beaulieu Scholarship to recognize the education we received at Carroll and the opportunities that education gave us in our careers and our lives. We wanted others at Carroll to share the experience we had and we believe that this scholarship will allow us to share our success with others.

William and Diana Beaulieu Endowment

Portrait of  Diana '76 and William '73 Beaulieu
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