Aaron Minc Scholarship

The Aaron Minc scholarship was created to provide students with an opportunity to achieve their career goals. Students from all majors and areas of study are encouraged to apply.

To be eligible, each applicant will be asked to submit a short essay discussing cyber bullying. The award for this scholarship is $1,500 and all applications must be submitted by July 31, 2018. At the conclusion of the application period, a committee will confer and select a winner by the end of August 2018. The $1,500 scholarship will be awarded by September 2018.


Divorce Matters Scholarship

Divorce Matters is pleased to offer our 1st Annual Divorce Matters Scholarship.
This scholarship is available to high school seniors and current college students nationwide who have been personally affected by a divorce. At our law firm, we know life gets complicated and that divorce is sometimes necessary. Our goal is to help students affected by divorce afford a better education.

Portrait of Susan F. Raunig and Gregory V. Roeben

Press Release  |  Giving 

New Endowed Anthrozoology Professorship Established

Sep 12, 2017

Joe `73 and Sheilah `69 Wilcynski

The mission and moto of Carroll College is very important and inspiring to us. We chose to establish the WJ & SMBW Endowed Fund because, over the years, we have greatly appreciated all the benefits we received from our time at Carroll. This fund is a small way for us to "pay it forward" so that other students may have the same benefits. We hope that our support can help Carroll to continue long into the future to educate and inspire new generations of students.

W. Joseph and Sheilah M. Burke Wilcynski Endowment

Portrait of Joe `73 and Sheilah `69 Wilcynski sitting together
Willis and Nancy Wetstein

"Having had a lifetime career as a Professional Engineer, I was keenly interested in Carroll College's plans to pursue an Engineering program. As a result I became considerably involved in the development of the Engineering Curriculum at Carroll which had its start in 1998 and also the Engineers Without Borders program which got underway in 2006. Since an Endowment can provide a perpetual funding source for scholarships, Nancy and I elected to establish an Endowment to provide funding for scholarships to assist students to continue their Engineering education at Carroll.

Portrait of Willis and Nancy Wetstein
Tim '62 and Marie '61 Stanaway

"We decided to endow a Nursing Scholarship to thank Carroll and the many people who contributed to our great Catholic education. Marie has loved being a nurse and chose Carroll because of its reputation as a great school for nursing. Also her maternal Grandmother's maiden name was Carroll and she received a tuition scholarship from Carroll. Tim and I met at Carroll and have been married for 53 years. we are grateful for our excellent education that prepared us well for life and our chosen professions.

 Portrait of  Marie '61 and Tim '62 Stanaway Title *
Roy Simperman, '62

It is time for those of us who believe in Carroll College to take personal responsibility for its continued vitality.  Those of us who have supported student scholarships in the past must step up now to meet the challenges students of today are facing.

Black and White Portrait of Roy Simperman, '62
Bruce `78 and Kerrie `78 Robertson

"We created the Bruce and Kerrie Robertson Endowment to “pay it forward”; we received a great education at Carroll and really enjoyed our college experience. Our lives have been blessed with life-long friendships and we also found each other. Because of the experiences we had at Carroll, we felt it was important for us to give back to the college in some way. After learning more about the endowment, establishing an endowed scholarship was the perfect thing to do. Our gift will live on in perpetuity, and hopefully help many students along the way.”

Portrait of Kerrie and  Bruce Robertson
Bill and Jane Quinn

"We established our endowed scholarship to assist Carroll College students in paying for tuition. We hoped that our modest funds could turn a potential student into a full-time student and eventually a proud graduate. We had worked closely with our parishes here in Bozeman and knew previous Carroll graduates as classmates in professional school, colleagues and priests.  Both of our children went to Carroll and benefitted greatly from the excellent education they received in Helena."

Bill and Jane Quinn Endowed Scholarship

Outdoor Portrait of Jane and Bill Quinn
Phil and Kally Porrini

After the glow of celebration in watching our sons (Nick & AJ) graduate from Carroll College, we decided to make a donation to help future students pursue their dreams at Carroll. Because of the hard work, both prior and during our sons’ time at Carroll they were awarded numerous scholarships, both academic and athletic. It seems fitting to honor their gifts with one for future students who possess a passion and commitment to play football while earning a degree.

Portrait of Phil and Kally Porrini and family
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