Shannon Davis

Degree: B.A. Civil Engineering from Carroll College - 2009; M.S. Civil Engineering from Washington State University

Current Work: Project Engineer at Latitude 33 Planning and Engineering (Land Development) San Diego, CA

Previous Work: Design Engineer at Shoener Environmental, San Diego, CA

Portrait of Shannon Davis
Jordan Trinka

I graduated from Carroll College in May of 2017 with a bachelor of arts in mathematics and a minor in computer science and am now currently in the Computation Sciences Ph.D. program at Marquette University.

I have nothing but good things to say about the Carroll College mathematics department and its faculty. The transition from undergrad to graduate school has gone extremely well due to the education I received from my mathematics and computer science classes.

Portrait of Jordan Trinka
Carly Colligan

What is your favorite thing about Helena?

I love how Helena has a small town atmosphere but still provides BIG opportunities. There are lots of places to do internships and get advice from professionals. Being at Carroll in Helena has made me very optimistic about my future. As a nursing major I am looking forward to having my clinical experiences at both St. Peter’s Hospital and Shodair Childrens Hospital located here in Helena.

Portrait of Carly Colligan
Tyler Zimmer

It was the first time Tyler Zimmer went looking for some one-to-one help from a professor. And he was immediately struck by how accessible, personable, and willing to engage his professor was. There was no appointment necessary. No time limit given.

Whatever individual guidance Tyler needed to work through the problem, he got. These are the moments of mentorship that have characterized Tyler’s time at Carroll.

Tyler Zimmer with professor
Alex Woelkers

B.A. Philosophy and Theology with a minor in Mathematics 2008

I graduated in 2008 with a double major in Theology and Philosophy and minor in Mathematics. My honors thesis was in theology: The Theology of John Ziziuoulas: Contributions to Anthropology.

Alex Woelkers walking with young students abroad
Kiersten Utsey

I am currently pursuing a PhD in Mathematics at the University of Utah. In particular, I am studying applied mathematics with a focus in mathematical biology, and my research involves building and analyzing a mathematical model of DNA methylation dynamics in somatic cells. DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that is crucial for correct cell differentiation and is implicated in the development of many diseases. We hope to use our model to study how methylation patterns become perturbed in cancer cells.

Portrait of Kiersten Utsey
George Thomas

During the past thirty five years, I have served the Church as priest and bishop. 

The path to priesthood requires many years of graduate study. After ordination, a priest's pastoral responsibilities often entail a demanding schedule of writing, study, and public speaking.

As a former English major at Carroll College (Class of '72), I felt particularly well prepared for the demands of seminary, graduate school, and priestly ministry.

Portrait of Bishop George Leo Thomas
Amanda Taylor

Dumbledore tells Harry Potter in The Chamber of Secrets that “it is our choices [. . .] that show what we truly are, more than our abilities.” I find many things of value in J.K. Rowling’s books, but the emphasis upon our choices really resonates with me, particularly given that my choice to attend Carroll College and major in English was something that I made with time. I chose Carroll primarily because of the speech and debate team, and I was originally a chemistry major. I loved chemistry, but after writing sonnets in organic chemistry lab, I realized that I truly belonged in English.

Portrait of Amanda Taylor
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