Spring Headlights Registration Deadline

Off Campus
Spring Headlights


This spring our Campus Ministry Headlights trips will be going to Denver, CO and Browning, MT. These trips are opportunities to immerse yourself in an experience that will help you to better understand the realities and needs of people with economic, educational, cultural, and social challenges. Though there are three different trips, all trips will focus on an understanding of Catholic social teaching, a chance to meet people whose lives are dedicated to Social Justice, an opportunity to encounter people who live in the reality of poverty, violence, immigration, and homelessness. You will also have a chance to interact with children in educational settings. Reflection and prayer are also vital components of the trip. These trips are open to students of all faiths. To learn more about the Headlights program visit our blog: Carroll Headlights

March 10, 2024 - March 16, 2024
Cost of the trip is $325
Registration Deadline: EOD January 31

Students will leave from Helena on Sunday, March 10th and return on Saturday, March 16th. In addition to being selected to go, a commitment to participating in weekly meetings and the follow up meetings are essential. You will also need to provide a one-page reflection paper after having attended the trip. The $325 for the trip covers only a portion of each participant's cost. 

Denver, CO - This trip will work with Christ in the City, a volunteer organization that works with the poor and homeless of Denver. Their focus is primarily to reach out to the homeless, as well as do intellectual and spiritual formation so that we may better come to understand the structural injustices that exist amongst our poor. By encountering Christ in the other, we come to know more about ourselves. Students will also stay with the community of the Beatitudes, and participate in daily spiritual life in the monastery. Christ in the City 

Browning, MT - This trip will give participants an opportunity to be immersed in the Blackfeet culture and learn about ways in which poverty affects this community. Participants will work with the kids at the De La Salle Blackfeet School and spend time with De La Salle Christian Brothers and their volunteers in learning about the Blackfeet culture and Catholic Social Teaching through the commitment of the Blackfeet in offering a faith based education to their children and the commitment of the Christina Brothers and the teaches of the school. De La Salle Blackfeet School

For more information, or if you would like a scholarship, please contact Deidre Casey at dlcasey@carroll.edu.