Darwin Day Symposium

Carroll Campus
Wiegand Amphitheater
Darwin Day Symposium

Join the Carroll College Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, as well as Will Henriques, Ph.D. candidate at Montana State University, on Monday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Simperman Hall Wiegand Amphitheater for an academic research talk associated with Darwin Day, an international celebration of the most fundamental concept in biology. Mr. Henriques will present "On the Origin of Genes."

The research talk is free and open to the public.

About Will Henriques, Ph.D. candidate

Will Henriques is a Ph.D. candidate at Montana State University. I am interested in the interplay between genomes and their environment. He was carried into the Wiedenheft lab by a desire to understand the architecture of the transcriptional programs executed by genomes in response to salient stimuli – threat, feast, famine, etc - and how those programs are updated, hijacked, and hacked.