Montana State University - Billings

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MSU - BillingsCarroll College
ACT 104Beginning Bowling1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 109Beginning Racquetball1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 110Beginning Weight Training2LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 113Beginning Softball1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 140Beginning Basketball1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 146Beginning Golf1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 150Beginning Yoga2LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 169Beginning Tennis1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 250Pilatesn/cLAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 269Intermediate Tennis1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 294Workshopn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ACTG 201Principles of Financial Accounting3BA 203Principles of Accounting I---
ACTG 202Principles of Managerial Accounting3BA 204Principles of Accounting II---
AHAT 210Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries3HPE 402Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries---
ANTY 220Culture & Society3SO 204Cultural AnthropologySocial Science--
ARTH 160Global Visual Culture3Art 189Art ElectiveFine ArtsGD-
ARTZ 101Art Fundamentals3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 102Fundamentals of Art for Elementary Teachers2Art 189Fine Arts ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 105Visual Language -Drawing3ART 112DrawingFine Arts--
ARTZ 106Visual Language -2-D Foundations3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 108Visual Language -3-D Foundations3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 211Drawing I4ART 112DrawingFine Arts--
ARTZ 221Painting I4ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 231Ceramics I4ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 251Sculpture I4ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 271Printmaking I4ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ASTR 110Introduction to Astronomy3AS 102AstronomyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BGEN 105Introduction to Business3BA 100Introduction to Business---
BGEN 235Business Law3BA 289Business Elective---
BIOB 101Discover Biology3BI 101Life ScienceNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 102Discover Biology Laboratory1BI 101LLife Science Lab---
BIOB 160Principles of Living Systems3BI 121Foundations of Cell and Molecular BiologyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 161Principles of Living Systems Laboratory1BI 131Lab Explorations Cellular and Molecular BINatural Science--
BIOB 170Principles of Biological Diversity3BI 122Foundations of Organismal BiologyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 171Principles of Biological Diversity Laboratory1BI 132Physiology and Ecology LabNatural Science--
BIOB 260Cellular and Molecular Biology3BI 289Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOM 250Microbiology for Health Sciences3BI 214-General MicrobiologyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOM 251Microbiology for Health Sciences Lab1BI 289LBiology Elective---
CAPP 131Basic MS Office3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CHMY 121Introduction to General Chemistry3CH 111Essentials of Chemistry:- GeneralNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 122Introduction to General Chemistry Laboratory1CH 111LEssentials of Chemistry:- General LabNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 123Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry3CH 112Ess of Chem:- Organic & BiochemistryNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 141College Chemistry I3CH 101General Chemistry INatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 142College Chemistry Laboratory I1CH 101LGeneral Chemistry I LabNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 143College Chemistry II3CH 102General Chemistry IINatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 144College Chemistry Laboratory II1CH 102LGeneral Chemistry II LabNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 170Applied Brewing Chemistryn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
CJUS 227Introduction to Policing3SO 289Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CJUS 294Seminarn/cCASE BY CASE----
COA 205Introduction to Coaching3ELECTIVE ONLY----
COA 291Special Topics: Coaching (Current Sport)3ELECTIVE ONLY----
COA 294Workshopn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
COA 394Workshopn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
COA 494Workshopn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
COMX 111Introduction to Public Speaking3CO 101Basic CommunicationBasic Communications--
COMX 115Introduction to Interpersonal Communication3CO 101Basic CommunicationBasic Communications--
COMX 212Introduction to Intercultural Communication3CO 325Intercultural Communication---
CRWR 240Introduction Creative Writing Workshop3ENWR 264Introduction to Creative Writing-WI-
CSCI 100Introduction to Programming3CS 189Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 111Programming with Java I4CS 110Introduction to Programming with Java---
CSCI 132Basic Data Structures and Algorithms4CS 120Data Structures and Program Design-- 
CSCI 232Data Structures and Algorithms4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ECNS 201Principles of Microeconomics3EC 201Principles of Economics ISocial Science--
ECNS 202Principles of Macroeconomics3EC 202Principles of Economics IISocial Science--
ECP 100First Aid and CPR2ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 120Emergency Medical Responder3HPE 199EMT - Basic (limit of 6 credits total)---
ECP 200Transition to Paramedic Care3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 201Paramedic Fundamentals3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 202Paramedic Fundamentals Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 206EMS Case Studies4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 216Hospital Clinical I5ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 246Hospital Clinical II6ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 250NREMT Exam Preparation3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 251NREMT Exam Preparation Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 295Field Experience: Clinical III8ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 130Health, Safety, and Nutrition in Early Childhood2ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDSP 204Introduction to Teaching Exceptional Learners3SPED 289Special Education Elective---
EDU 200Introduction to Education3ED 102*Foundations of Education--*if EDU 202 is also completed
EDU 220Human Growth and Development3ED 189Educational Elective---
EDU 221Educational Psychology and Measurement3ED/PSY 229Educational PsychologySocial Science--
EDU 240Behavior Management3EDU 289Education Elective --
EELE 201Circuits I for Engineering4ENGR 289Engineering Elective---
EGEN 105Introduction to General Engineering2ENGR 105Introduction to Engineering---
EGEN 201Engineering Mechanics-Statics3ENGR 302Engineering Mechanics I: Statics---
EGEN 202Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics3ENGR 304Engineering Mechanics II: Statics---
EGEN 205Mechanics of Materials (=305)3ENGR 289Engineering Elective---
FRCH 101Elementary French I4FR 101Elementary French I-GD-
FRCH 102Elementary French II4FR 102Elementary French II-GD-
GEO 101Introduction to Physical Geology3ES 111Earth ScienceNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
GEO 102Introduction to Physical Geology Laboratory1ES 189LEarth Science LabNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
GEO 211Earth History and Evolution3ES 289Earth Science Elective---
GPHY 111Introduction to Physical Geography3GEOG 189Geography ElectiveSocial Science--
GPHY 121Human Geography3GEOG 189Geography ElectiveSocial Science--
GPHY 141Geography of World Regions3GEOG 202World Regional GeographySocial Science--
GRMN 101Elementary German I4GM 101Elementary German I-GD-
GRMN 102Elementary German II4GM 102Elementary German II-GD-
HS 292Independent Studyn/cn/c----
HSTA 101American History I3HI 121History of the United States IHistory--
HSTA 102American History II3HI 122History of the United States IIHistory--
HSTR 101Western Civilization I3HI 101Topics in Global HistoryHistory--
HSTR 102Western Civilization II3HI 102Topics in Global HistoryHistory--
HTH 110Personal Health and Wellness3HPE 135Introduction to Wellness---
HTH 201Health Issues for Educators3HPE 289Health & Physical Education Elective---
KIN 105Foundations of Exercise Science3HS 189Health Sciences Elective---
KIN 106Foundations of Exercise Science Lab1HS 189Health Sciences Elective---
LIT 110Introduction to Literature3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 201Introduction to Literary Studies3ENLT 216Introduction to Literature (WI)-WI 
LIT 230World Literature Survey3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 270Film and Literature3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
M 105Contemporary Mathematics3MA 105Introduction to Contemporary Mathematical ApplicationsMathematics--
M 121College Algebra3MA 117Difference Equations and Linear AlgebraMathematics--
M 122College Trigonometry3MA 189Math Elective---
M 130Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I3MA 201Mathematics for Elementary Education IMathematics--
M 131Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II3MA 202Mathematics for Elementary Education IIMathematics--
M 143Finite Mathematics4MA 117Mathematics Elective---
M 145Mathematics for the Liberal Arts3MA 105Introduction to Contemporary Mathematical ApplicationsMathematics--
M 171Calculus I4MA 121Differential CalculusMathematics--
M 172Calculus II4MA 122Integral CalculusMathematics--
M 242Methods of Proof3MA 289Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 273Multivariable Calculus4MA 233Multivariable CalculusMathematics--
M 274Introduction to Differential Equations4MA 232*Differential Equations & Linear Algebra 1Mathematics-*If M 221 is also completed
M 90Introductory Algebra3ELECTIVE ONLY----
M 95Intermediate Algebra4ELECTIVE ONLY----
MUSI 101Enjoyment of Music3MUS 261Music AppreciationFine Arts--
MUSI 105Music Theory I3MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 106Music Theory II3MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 114Band1MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 135Keyboard Skills I1MUS 109*Keyboard Musicianship IFine Arts-*If MUSI 136 is also completed
MUSI 136Keyboard Skills II1MUS 109*Keyboard Musicianship IFine Arts-*If MUSI 135 is also completed
MUSI 140Aural Perception I1MUS 119*Sight Singing and Aural SkillsFine Arts-*If MUSI 141 is also completed
MUSI 141Aural Perception II1MUS 119*Sight Singing and Aural SkillsFine Arts-*If MUSI 140 is also completed
MUSI 147Choral Ensemble1MUS 2301Fine Art--
MUSI 162Chamber Ensembles1MUS 2301Fine Art--
MUSI 195Applied Music In/cWILL NOT TRANSFER----
MUSI 205Music Theory III3MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts- 
MUSI 206Music Theory IV3MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 207World Music (=307)3MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 235Keyboard Skills III1MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 236Keyboard Skills IV1MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 240Aural Perception III1MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 241Aural Perception IV1MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
NASX 105Introduction to Native American Studies3AN/SO 218Introduction to Native American StudiesSocial ScienceND-
NASX 205Native Americans in Contemporary Society3SO 289Sociology Elective-ND-
NUTR 221Basic Human Nutrition3NU 289Nursing Elective---
PHL 110Introduction to Ethics3PHIL 107TIntroduction to EthicsPhilosophy--
PHOT 154Exploring Digital Photography3ART 113Digital PhotographyFine Arts--
PHSX 103Our Physical World3PHYS 103Physical ScienceNatural Science with lab--
PHSX 205College Physics I3PHYS 201Physics INatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 206College Physics I Laboratory1PHYS 201LPhysics I Lab---
PHSX 207College Physics II3PHYS 202Physics IINatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 208College Physics II Laboratory1PHYS 202LPhysics II Lab---
PHSX 220Physics I (with calculus)3PHYS 205Physics Using Calculus I: MechanicsNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 221Physics I Laboratory1Phys 205*Physics Using Calculus I: MechanicsNatural Science-*If PHYS 220 is also completed
PHSX 226General Science: Integrated Science I3PHYS 289Physical Science with lab---
PHSX 227General Science Lab: Integrated Science Lab In/cPHYS 289Physical Science with course---
PSCI 210Introduction to American Government3PO 104American National GovernmentSocial Science--
PSCI 230Introduction to International Relations3PO 115International RelationsSocial Science--
PSCI 240Introduction to Public Administration3PAD 205Introduction to Public Administration---
PSCI 260Introduction to State and Local Government3PO 230Montana State PoliticsSocial Science--
PSYX 100Introduction to Psychology3PSY 105General PsychologySocial Science--
PSYX 230Developmental Psychology3PSY 203Developmental PsychologySocial Science--
PSYX 298Cooperative Education/Internshipn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
SIGN 101Introduction to American Sign Languagen/cFL 189Foreign Language Elective-ND-
SIGN 201Intermediate American Sign Languagen/cFL 289Foreign Language Elective-ND-
SOCI 101Introduction to Sociology3SO 101Introduction to SociologySocial Science--
SOCI 201Social Problems3SO 200Social ProblemsSocial ScienceND-
SOCI 220Race, Gender and Classn/cSO/GNDR 225Sociology of GenderSocial Science--
SOCI 292Independent Study3CASE BY CASE----
SOCI 294Seminar/Workshop3CASE BY CASE----
SPNS 101Elementary Spanish I4SP 101Acquisition of Spanish I-GD/ND-
SPNS 102Elementary Spanish II4SP 102Acquisition of Spanish II-GD/ND-
SPNS 201Intermediate Spanish I3SP 203Acquisition of Spanish III-GD-
SPNS 202Intermediate Spanish II3SP 204Acquisition of Spanish IV-GD-
STAT 216Introduction to Statistics4MA 207Elementary StatisticsMathematics--
THTR 101Introduction to Theatre3THT 189Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
THTR 102Introduction to Theatre Design3THT 189Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
THTR 120Introduction to Acting I3THT 111Introduction to ActingFine Arts--
THTR 205Theatre Workshop II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
WRIT 101College Writing I3ENWR 102College Composition IIComposition--
WRIT 201College Writing II3ENWR 302Expository Writing-WI-
WRIT 220Business and Professional Writing3ENWR 289English Elective---
WRIT 221Intermediate Tech Writing3ENWR 289English Writing Elective---
WRIT 95Developmental Writing3ELECTIVE ONLY----