Prayers for our Campus Community

Novena Prayers

Prayers for our Campus Community

Join us in praying a novena as we prepare to kick off this academic year! For those unfamiliar with a novena, it is a simple prayer said over nine days for a specific intention.

This novena is said for our incoming and current students, their families, prior instructors, alumni, faculty, and staff, and Carroll College.

Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for the ability to learn. Help us and our students to always grow in love for You as we also continue to grow in knowledge.

From the time we are young children, we become students and begin the task of lifelong learning. Many do not know that the ability to learn is a gift from You, and many do not know that they can grow in holiness through their work of learning.

Please bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, our Helena community, and Carroll College. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon our new students, arriving on our campus for the first time, and adjusting to all of the new experiences that will come their way.

Please, Lord, be with our students as they pack and prepare to leave their homes and bring them safely to our campus in the coming weeks.  Steel them against the anxiety that comes with new experiences.  May they rely on the Holy Spirit as they doubt their abilities or wonder where to go or who to talk to.  May we on this campus hear and see each one of our students as individuals and respond to their unique and varied needs so they feel valued and understand the wonderful gift they are.  Be with the families of our students as they support their loved one on this journey.  Be with us, the staff and faculty at Carroll College as we welcome, guide, support and lift these students in Your name.


Lord, we pray for the protection of our freshmen students, transfer students, new faculty and staff and anyone else gracing our campus for the first time.   We ask that you lift up their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  

That you wrap them up in Your love and deliver them from all evil.

Lord, we pray that you give our students great enthusiasm for their studies.  

May You inspire them each and every day.  May each seminar and class bring fresh inspiration to their work.  

May each moment be filled with the energy they need for their tasks.

Lord, we pray that all our students will know the hope to which they are called.  That You would inspire their direction and gently lead them to their destiny.

Lord, we also pray for new friendships made on our campus. May all come to know Your goodness and love, and to know Your freedom and grace; all the days of their lives.

Lord, give all who walk this campus the grace to take every opportunity to grow in holiness and friendship with You.

In your name, we pray. Amen.

Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for the ability to learn. Help us and our students to always grow in love for You as we also continue to grow in knowledge.

You know the many difficulties and struggles young adults often face in our society. Throughout their time as students,  they will celebrate moments of joy but also undergo temptations, suffering, and uncertainty. Many of these trials can become very difficult, especially as they work to pursue knowledge while they are maturing emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually.

Please bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, our Helena community, and Carroll College. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon all the young adults who are returning students.  We ask for grace, peace, and love to accompany these students who have chosen to return to us and to this holy place.  Be with us as we prepare them holistically; not just for the temporary time spent on our campus, but so that after they leave here, they may live lives of service to others in both their professional careers and in their personal lives. Help them to always rely on You for all that they need. Give them the grace to always strive to grow in virtue, knowledge, and holiness even when they are suffering or undergoing difficulties. Help us be mentors of these students so they may know what it is to live a beautiful life of purpose, compassion, and kindness.  


Loving God, please grant our students peace of mind and love of learning and calm their doubts, fears, or troubled hearts as they return to their College. Fill them with excitement and love of learning.  When they worry, help them feel your peace.  They may at these times feel like their souls are like a turbulent sea, where they struggle to find balance and so may stumble and worry.   During those times – may our lessons of “Not for School, but for Life” provide solace, strength, and motivation to continue.  Give our faculty and staff the tools, resources, and compassion needed to serve our students as they find their way.  Give all of us strength and clarity of mind to find our individual purpose and walk the path You’ve laid out in front of us.  Bring the gift of gratitude and joy to these students, and to us, as we witness their growth, challenges, and successes.   May all at Carroll be reminded to give thanks for the generous gift of life and for the gifts of each other.  

May we joyfully celebrate our time together.  Amen

Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.


Dear Lord - You know that the years we spend as students are a memorable time, but can also be very difficult in many ways. During the time spent at college, many people make lifelong friendships, develop critical thinking skills, grow in faith, and make many wonderful memories.  At the same time, it can be a challenging time as students face temptations and other hardships. You can help all who are studying in college to always make holy use of their time and to offer all of their work in union with You.

Please bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, our Helena community and Carroll College. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon all who have attended Carroll College in the past.   May what they have learned by being here allow them to truly be women and men for others.  May what we have learned from them enable us to be the same.  Please help them to use all that they have learned here to make the world a better place, to serve others, and to seek ways to help the poor, the marginalized, and those who are suffering.  Please grant them solace and strength when they experience pain and hardship.  Though they have left our campus,  may they remember they are part of the Saint family, and we ask that the bonds created here remain strong despite any distance.

Lord – we know that college is a challenge and many of our students are juggling working, family, and financial burdens along with health issues or differing cultural expectations.  In addition,  many of our students struggle to meet the academic expectations of our College as they balance life’s challenges.  Therefore,  we also ask today that You pour out Your grace upon those who have attended classes on our campus but have not graduated.  We pray their time here has enhanced their life socially, academically, and spiritually. That we have done everything possible to bring peace, joy, and support in their challenges.  Please grant them solace and strength as their path takes them off our campus.  Protect their minds and hearts in the name of Christ Jesus and be with them in their challenges and their successes.  May they continue to lead fulfilling lives of purpose, compassion, and kindness.  


Creator of all that is,  Bless and approve our offering today to students who have graced our halls and campus throughout Carroll’s rich history –  Remind all, the degrees that have been earned act as proof of deep questing, the fruits of long academic, physical and spiritual labors.  Grant that our past students come to know more clearly over time the true purpose their labors, learning, and degrees play in Your divine plan.  May their achievements grow and enrich their communities and may they discover holiness in the midst of life’s blessings as well as life’s challenges. May they conduct their life’s work with exceptional skill and integrity, doing all in Your name we pray.  Amen.

Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.


Dear Lord – As we gather to pray today, we acknowledge and embrace our students who come to us with rich and varied histories and backgrounds.  Each one is the product of where they have lived, the make-up of their family structure, the love and heartbreak they have experienced, and the lessons they have learned along the way.  As they enter our campus, these differences will meld into the collective body of Carroll Saints – their past experiences meeting our expectations and understanding.  This blending can be a beautiful example of your abundance and blessings.  It can also be trying at times as we learn more about each other and walk this path together.

Please bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, our Helena community, and Carroll College. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon all who have influenced and taught our students prior to their arrival on our campus.  Thank you for the individuals who have passed their knowledge and experience into the minds, hearts, and souls of our students.  May they walk in Your grace as they continue to influence our students and others in their charge.  May they feel at ease as we at Carroll College, guided by Your will, continue the work they have started.

We acknowledge our role in the circle of life where students pass from the mentors they have known to themselves.  May we remember that we are new to them; they hope to learn here but may not yet know who will do the teaching and what that learning may entail.  Help us to meet and serve them with humility, kindness, and compassion.  


Thank you, Father, for the blessings of the past educators of our students; whether they be instructors from school, family members, friends, employers, or spiritual leaders.  Some may have known our students for years while others were able to impact our students in meaningful ways through chance encounters. Each has contributed to what our students are before they arrive. Each has had their own challenges and celebrations.  Many may not know the impact they have left. Please bring them peace and joy as they continue to influence others.  May our students and each of us come to understand the value of the teachers and mentors we have known during our lives.  May they know how grateful we are for the influence they have had. Please also bless us, as we willingly and humbly take on the task of continuing the work of educating and growing the individuals we come in contact with.   Be with us as we continue to share knowledge and experiences that will guide our students into fulfilling lives of integrity and service.


Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.


Dear Lord – Our campus has been quiet over the last couple of months and is days away from students arriving.  The excitement of new beginnings brings new energy and expectations – the hope of continued learning, new friendships, and memories made in classrooms, residence halls, in sacred areas on our campus and in our community.  This potential for new beginnings and continued work on the path ahead allows for exciting growth in knowledge, maturity, and spirituality. These students come to us, not alone, but with the love and support of their families and friends; the individuals who have shaped, guided, and loved our students long before we met them and long after they leave our campus.  It is these people who have watched, cheered, cried, and supported our students – forming them into the young adults who now look to us to guide them on their next steps.

Please, Lord, bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, our Helena community, and Carroll College. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon the parents, families, and loved ones of our students. Be with them as they prepare to help our students with the transition that occurs in August – the packing, the checklists, the goodbyes, and the hugs.   Protect them as they travel here and home.  Bring them peace when they struggle to meet the financial challenges that come with the cost of a liberal arts education.  May these loving families have gratitude for the fearfully and wonderfully made child You have given them to love and guide. Show them how to continue to love and lead these students as they enter adulthood.  Help them now to also embrace this new chapter.  Help these families as they reshape their lives to reflect the reality of college and all the changes that come with it.  Show them new ways to be present to each other in love and in trust. Grant them patience and help them to remember their child is establishing new routines in freedom and learning, routines different from their home life and with people they do not know.  Calm their fears.  Allow them to trust.


Thank you, Father, for the blessings of loved ones.  We know our student families and support structures may look and operate very differently.  But in the end, each of these young adults has found their way to our campus.  We know our student families want what is best for their loved ones, who are also our students.  Give them peace of mind as they take steps to let go of their children, siblings, and loved ones on this journey. Remind them of all the ways You have protected, guided, loved, and provided for them.   Please also be with us – the faculty and staff of Carroll College.  Help us to honor and remember the important role families and loved ones have in our students’ lives.  May we be respectful of these relationships as we prepare our students not for school but for life.   Grant us humility and resolve; love, compassion, and patience as we interact with families.   May we be worthy of the investment these families are making in time, resources, and energy.   Remind us all that we serve You.  May we hear You, listen to You, and work together to achieve Your will.  In your name, we pray.  Amen.

Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.   

All: Amen.

Lead: As we gather to pray today, we acknowledge and embrace the vocation of teaching. Christ Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer, was a teacher. He commanded audiences, both small and vast.  He challenged current thinking. He inspired people and challenged us to be better.  Through His example, we know that teaching is an honorable profession, but so much more.  It is a calling. We are blessed at Carroll College to have a dedicated, committed, knowledgeable, and faithful faculty.  They continue to share their wisdom and uphold the great tradition of high academic standards that come with a Carroll College degree.  We ask and expect much of them.  We pray this time away, this summer, has been a time of respite for them.  That you have granted them not only physical but also spiritual rest.  We thank you also for the families of our instructors who make sacrifices so our students and colleagues benefit from the gifts of their loved ones.

Dear Lord - Please bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, our Helena community, and Carroll College. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon our Carroll College faculty; whether they be full-time or adjunct, tenured or temporary, new or retired. We humbly ask that our appreciation for them reach their hearts.  We pray that they know just how much their students and colleagues love and appreciate them for all they do.  May they be honored with the gratitude they so rightly deserve as Your disciples.  We also humbly ask for the presence of Your Holy Spirit to create a peaceful environment in which they work, teach, and meet our students. May our faculty continue to be showered with Your blessing of grace and mercies.  We also pray for perseverance for our faculty.  They may be facing obstacles, personally and professionally,  that test not only their capabilities as teachers but also their will to persevere.  May our instructors know they are never alone.  

All: Almighty God, We come to you today and give thanks for our Carroll College faculty. Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom, serving and instructing the next generation of Saints.  Father, please bless their hearts with courage by Your mighty Spirit. Fill them with your strength, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary. Fill them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make good judgment when guiding and helping others.  Fill them with peace, so that when stress and anxiety come, it does not overwhelm them.  Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their subject is shared by those they teach. We ask this in the wonderful name of Jesus.


Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.


Jesus often shed light on people who were unseen by others –He saw the children and the workers.  He saw those who needed help and provided for those who served.  Our students need our help Lord and we are so grateful for the opportunity to serve them.  As we gather to pray today, we acknowledge and embrace the work that is done to bring students to our campus and support their efforts while they are here; and then continues long after they leave our campus.  This work is often done behind the scenes, creating a web of support that allows the College to function and our students to succeed.   Often students will not meet or know the names of these many individuals who work to serve them.  Let us acknowledge the work of our staff today; this army of people who work around the clock, year-round to welcome, guide, and support our students.  It is our staff who provide basic needs for our students from a place to live and food for sustenance to creating and supporting the path that allows for academic success and spiritual growth.  Staff are the first and last outreach that occurs with our students.  We are blessed at Carroll College to have dedicated, committed, knowledgeable, and faithful staff.  We ask and expect much of them.  We pray these individuals find support in the work they do, and that you grant them rest when they are weary, and strength when they are tired. We thank you also for the families of our staff who make sacrifices so our students and colleagues benefit from the service provided by their loved ones.

Dear Lord - Please bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, our Helena community, and Carroll College. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon our Carroll College staff; whether they be full-time or part-time, those who are new to their positions, those who have been with us for a long time, and those who have retired or moved on to serve elsewhere. We humbly ask that our appreciation for them reach their hearts.  We pray that they know just how much their students and colleagues love and appreciate them for all they do.  May they be honored with the gratitude they so rightly deserve as Your disciples.  We also humbly ask for the presence of Your Holy Spirit to create a peaceful environment in which they work and support our students and their families. May our staff continue to be showered with Your blessings of grace and mercies.  We also pray for their strength to continue.  They may be facing obstacles, personally and professionally,  that test not only their capacity to serve but also their will to persevere.  May our staff know they are never alone.  


Today we lift up to you the staff, administrators, volunteers, and board members of Carroll College. We thank you for each one and are so grateful for all they do behind the scenes. Remind them of the key role they play in the lives of our students.  Help them be a light in a dark world. Give them the energy to face daily challenges. And give them rest before they return each day. May they know our gratitude for the role they play and the work they do. Please be with them throughout the year. Grant them love, joy, and peace.


Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.


During this week where we are celebrating the Solemnity of St. Helena, the patroness of our community, we take time to honor this wonderful community and state that Carroll College calls home. We are blessed to live in this place of majestic natural beauty, rich with the gifts of vast and varied landscapes and unending examples of powerful nature and calming peace.  Matched with this are the resilient people who populate this area and support our efforts and our students.  Starting with the Native Americans who were the first to inhabit these lands, through the pioneers, Catholic missionaries, early settlers, ranchers, and miners.  Montana has always been a place where independence marries a strong spirit of community and a deep affection for our land.

Dear Lord –  Please bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, our Helena community, and Carroll College. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon our community.  It was the people of this wonderful city who first provided funds to build this school of learning, focusing on liberal arts and catholic traditions, 115 years ago. The support continues to this day through ongoing funding and participation in our events but especially constant love for our students.  The success or challenges of our college rise and fall with the support, success and challenges of our community; and so we offer our prayers to it and to our neighbors today. Please Lord, May Your light shine throughout every neighborhood, school, storefront, and church.  Let Your word break through every darkness.   Please heal, restore, and strengthen the families in this community.  Eliminate any racism or bias; demand that we lead the way in reconciliation by modeling love and respect for every person regardless of color of skin, ethnic background or gender.  We pray for You to break the culture of death and restore a culture of life; and grant our leaders insight and fortitude to make wise decisions and to govern with integrity, justice and mercy.   May this community always feel our gratitude and our support.  


Lord, may Your love and compassion flow through us and to those around us. Give us pity and concern for their misfortunes and suffering. Give us the compassion and empathy we need to understand what those in our community are going through. Help us to love them well. Help us not to judge or condemn, but rather come alongside them to offer support and to be Your hands and feet.  Give us the ability to show our community the same kindness they have provided to our students.  Give us strength to lift up this wonderful place so together our students, our college and our community are examples of faith, love and joy.  Amen

Lead: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.


Dear Lord –  Please bless and assist all our students, past and present, their prior educators, their families, our staff and faculty, and our Helena community. We particularly ask today that You pour out Your grace upon our college and everyone who walks this campus.  Founded in 1909, this beautiful institution has persisted through world wars, pandemics, depressions, and periods of great social change.  These national and world events have challenged us and our ability to persevere.  At each point in our history, You have provided guidance, people, and answers that have allowed us to continue serving students and fulfilling our mission. And what a beautiful mission it is.  To instill knowledge that will prepare students for leadership and their chosen professions; to offer a holistic education where we encourage the ongoing quest for truth, reason, and science; to engage faithfully in the intellectual tradition and teachings of the Catholic Church;  to serve the poor and marginalized with humility and to welcome all persons of goodwill as we collectively journey toward Truth and Virtue.  We are so blessed to be given the charge to carry on this noble work.  Please be with us Lord as we work together to fulfill this mission.  Each one of us has a role to play.  May we remember you Lord on exciting days when filled with joy;  fill us with strength and resilience on challenging days, guide us when we are fearful or concerned, prod us when we resist using the gifts You have provided or the path You have chosen for us.  Remind us to serve with humility and to treat all with dignity.  May the world be a better place because Carroll College is here.  May we begin each day with love and compassion in our hearts. May we continue to rise to Your calling. May we be kind to each other. We humbly ask these things today and throughout the coming year.  


Lord, as we prepare for the coming of a new semester, make us ready, attentive, and available to hear You. We ask for safety for our students on this campus and with all they encounter. Thank you for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that You walk through it with us.  May all that we are, all that we try to do, and all our encounters, reflections, frustrations, and failings be placed in Your hands.  May the work that we do, the way we do it, bring new hope, new life, and courage to all we come in contact with.  Give us the strength to lift up this wonderful place so that together our students, our college, and our community are examples of faith, love, and joy.  May the world be better, due to the work of our Saints. Amen  

Note: Some of the language has been adapted from various prayers found in various sources.