Students that would like to receive academic credit for their entrepreneurial initiatives can explore the requirements for the entrepreneurship certificate (15 credits) for all majors.

The Carroll Entrepreneurship Program is a resource for students to receive academic and non-academic (extra curricular) training to develop new business and entrepreneurial ideas. Use your time at Carroll College to develop your own business and to learn to be a successful entrepreneur.
- Certificate

About the Program
Utilize the resources we have available, whether it is involvement with the Entrepreneurship Club, Enactus, ZinnStarter, or fulfilling the requirements for the Entrepreneurship Certificate.
Opportunities Abound
If you would like to engage with entrepreneurs without the academic commitment, plan to be involved in one of the following:
- Weekly meetings with the Entrepreneurship Club.
- Entrepreneurship Lecture Series
- Weekly meeting with Carroll Enactus, which is part of Enactus USA
- ZinnStarter Business Pitch competition - Business Pitch presentations will be made each semester, giving students the opportunity to qualify for up to $1000 in ZinnStarter funding. Ray Zinn, founder of Zinnstarter, has selected Carroll College as an eligible institution to receive start-up funding for qualified entrepreneurial ideas.
- ZinnStarter Student Board of Directors (One year term)
- Entrepreneurship work-study (1 student /1 credit per semester).
- Speed networking events will be scheduled once per semester, giving students the opportunity to practice their business pitch and presentation skills with entrepreneurs and investors from the region.
More than 1500 US colleges and universities offer entrepreneurship education . . . It is not a surprise that participation level of the entrepreneurship programs graduates in founding of new enterprises is thrice higher than among graduates of other economic programs. Moreover, the annual income of the entrepreneurship programs graduates is 27% higher than the average annual income of the graduates of other economic disciplines. (Sousa, M.J. & Alameida, M.D.R. (2014). Entrepreneurship Skills Development. Recent Advances in Applied Economics, 135 - 139).