Resources for Victims
Support and resources are available at Carroll College and in the Helena community.
Campus Resources
- Counseling Services Staff, (406) 447-5441, provide free and confidential counseling and crisis intervention to all parties involved in incidents of sexual assault and relationship violence, as well as support and information for family and friends. Counselors are willing to work with individuals at all stages of recovery, from initial crisis intervention to healing. Counseling Services staff are dedicated to working to remove barriers that keep individuals from seeking services and informing all parties of their options while supporting them to make whatever decisions are right for the indivdual.
- Health Services Staff, (406) 447-5441, provide free and confidential information to parties involved with incidents of sexual assault and relationship violence to understand the physical and mental trauma. Health Services staff are willing to work with individuals or refer to medical resources in the Helena community. Health Services also offers the services of a nurse practitioner who conducts a weekly clinic on campus.
- Victim Advocate, Maggie Hanzel, (406) 442-6800, 1430 N. Sanders, Helena, provides free and confidential information to victims of sexual assault and relationship violence to understand the resources available both on campus and in the community. The Victim Advocate can assist with reviewing options for filing a formal complaint, requesting supportive measures or accessing community and campus resources. Maggie also holds on-campus office hours during the academic year in St. Charles Hall, Room 023, every Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Securitas Patrol Officer (406) 461-7611, provides 24 hour weekday security coverage of the campus from 7 pm-7 am and 3pm - 7pm coverage on weekends. A security officer is able to respond to a situation before Helena Police or other campus resources are available to provide a presence to a survivor.
Community Resources
- St. Peter's Health Emergency Room, (406) 457-4180, provides specially trained nurses who will meet client/assault victims. Emergency Room staff can provide a comprehensive medical assessment, evidence collection, lab tests, and medication as needed as well as education and information.
- Friendship Center See above. (406) 442-6800, offers specially trained staff who meet client/assault victims at a private, off-campus location. Friendship Center staff provide on-site access to a community advocate, medical assistance, and law enforcement as required.
- Helena Police, 911 or (406) 442-3233, offers officers available 24 hours per day who can explain options for medical exams, counseling, advocacy, and reporting assaults as crimes. Officers will ask if the survivor wants advocates present to help them understand the proceedings. Helena Police is responsible for all criminal investigations and can answer questions about the legal process.
Carroll College will offer and implement appropriate and reasonable supportive measures to the parties upon notice of alleged sexual harassment and/or retaliation.
Confidentiality Level
- Strictly Confidential
These conversations are all confidential and can be anonymous. Except when the law requires or in rare, extreme circumstances, information will be shared that identifies the reporting individual without the reporting individual's express permission. - Mostly Confidential
These conversations are kept as confidential as possible, but information about incidents of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment must be shared with relevant administrators, the Title IX Coordinator, and, in some cases, law enforcement so that action can be taken if necessary for reasons of safety. In planning any response, the wishes of the person reporting are given full consideration. - Confidential According to State Law
Exploratory conversations are confidential. Police reports with personally identifiable information removed may be available to the public upon request.
If an individual's request for confidentiality limits the college's ability to investigate a particular matter, the college may take steps to limit the effects of the alleged sexual harassment without initiating a formal complaint. Examples include: providing increased monitoring, supervision, or security at locations or activities where the misconduct occurred; providing training and education materials for students and employees; revising and publicizing the school's policies on sexual harassment; and conducting climate surveys regarding sexual misconduct and sexual harassment.
Helpful Guide for Parties
Resource | Info & Support | Counseling | Informal Remedies | Formal Complaints | Level |
On-Call Residence Life Phone (406) 459-0540 | X | X | Mostly Confidential | ||
St. Peter's Health Emergency Room (406) 444-2150 | X | Strictly Confidential | |||
Victim Advocate Friendship Center (406) 442-6800 | X | X | Strictly Confidential |
Report A Crime
Individuals who report information about sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct involving students will not be disciplined by the College for any violation of the College's drug or alcohol possession or consumption policies in connection with the reported incident.
Resource | Info & Support | Counseling | Informal Remedies | Formal Complaints | Level |
Helena Police 911 or (406) 442-3233 | X | Confidential according to state law | |||
On-Call Residence Life (406) 459-0540 | X | Mostly Confidential | |||
Student Respondents: Annette Walstad, Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator 102 Borromeo Hall awalstad@carroll.edu (406) 447-5434 | X | X | X | X | Mostly Confidential |
Employee Respondents: Karla Smith, Director of Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator 214 O'Connell Hall klsmith@carroll.edu (406) 447-5501 | X | X | X | X | Mostly Confidential |
Resource | Info & Support | Counseling | Informal Remedies | Formal Complaint | Level |
Counseling Services Staff (406) 447-5441 | X | X | Strictly Confidential | ||
Health Services Staff (406) 447-5441 | X | X | Strictly Confidential | ||
Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residence Life Zach Eckerdt (406) 447-5509 | X | X | Mostly Confidential | ||
College Chaplain Fr. Tyler Frohlich (406) 461-8492 | X | Mostly Confidential; Strictly Confidential within Sacrament of Confession. | |||
Victim Advocate Jaime Gabrielle Friendship Center (406) 442-6800 | X | X | X | X | Strictly Confidential |
Helena Police 911 or (406) 442-3233 | X | X | Confidential according to state law |