Prevention & Training
At Carroll College, we want to eliminate sexual violence and sexual harassment for our students, staff and faculty.
Prevention and awareness programs hope to increase transparency about the scope of sexual violence on campus.
Employee and Student Prevention Education
As part of our sexual misconduct and sexual harassment prevention programming, Carroll College requires all students to complete online prevention courses to include:
Voices for Change (Get Inclusive) - Student Programming As part of our sexual misconduct and sexual harassment prevention programming, Carroll College requires all incoming and returning students to complete an online comprehensive student Title IX/Sexual Assault Prevention Training program to promote the awareness of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.
Get Inclusive/Voices for Change Comprehensive is an 80 minute, online program educating students in the areas of Identities & Inclusion, Hazing & Bullying, Alcohol & Other Drugs, and Consent & Sexual Violence. With a focus on self-reflection and concept application, Voices for Change weaves bystander engagement and intervention throughout its curriculum. Voices for Change combines the approaches of statistical information and nuanced, real dialogue for the student’s consideration of each topic.
Get Inclusive/Voices for Change Refresher is a 45 minute, online program expanding upon the concepts of the Voices for Change Comprehensive Program.
As part of our sexual misconduct and sexual harassment prevention programming, Carroll College requires all employees to complete two online prevention courses to include:
- Workplace Harassment Prevention is a 30-45 minute interactive, online program designed to inform employees about what constitutes discrimination, including sexual harassment. The course must be taken annually by college employees.
- Sexual Misconduct: How Teachers/Educators Can Protect Our Children is a 30 to 45 minute interactive, online program designed to inform employees about working with minor children through college programs which explains the definition of child abuse, how to identify child abuse and to whom to report it. This course must be taken every three years by college employees.
Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Prevention Resources
- Counseling Services - Available to meet with students to discuss relationships, sexual misconduct (stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and sexual harassment) and stress management.
- Health Services - Available to meet with students to discuss physical and health concerns related to sexual misconduct. The staff is able to present information about health concerns related to physical intimacy.
- Victim Advocate - Jaime Gabrielle, The Friendship Center at 1430 N Sanders St. in Helena is available to meet with students regarding relationships, personal safety, victim services, orders of protection, and arrangements regarding academics, housing, transportation and employment. The Friendship Center is also able to offer sexual assault prevention, sexual harassment and social norming presentations in campus housing and on campus. Call (406) 442-6800 or email ccadvocate@thefriendshipcenter.org
- Residence Life - Support sexual misconduct and sexual harassment prevention educational programs in campus housing and on campus. Prevention programs are also offered annually to student housing staff by Counseling Services staff.
Prevention Education Workshops
- An annual meeting is held with all new students during the academic year with Carroll's dedicated Friendship Center Victim Advocate to address consent and state laws regarding sexual violence.
- Counseling Services staf offer to meet with freshmen seminar courses to review the Big 6 issues for college freshmen. Information is shared about alcohol and other drug use as well as dating and relationships.
- Bystander Intervention--Residence Life staff offers bystander intervention training to all new students and parent during New Student Orientation. The college will offer a social norming campaign under the theme of "See something. Hear something, Know something. Say something."
- Athletic Team presentations--A Title IX Coordinator and Victim Advocate offers training to the coaches of athletic teams the availability of a presentation for the teams on issues regarding consent, sexual violence, alcohol and other drug use as well as dating and relationships.
- First-Year Presentations --The Victim Advocate works with Counseling Services staff to conduct talks in the first-year residence hall on dating, relationships and sexual assault prevention.
- Investigator and Hearing Panel -A Title IX Coordinator requires training on sexual harassment laws, policies and best practices to employees serving as investigators, hearing panel members, and other employees who may be involved in adjudicating cases involving students, faculty and staff members accused of sexual harassment.
- Faculty and Staff Training--The Title IX Coordinator, in collaboration with the Dean of Students and Retention and Victim Advocate, offers annual training for college employees to explain how to respond, to report and to support students who inform them of incidents of sexual harassment. In addition, faculty and staff will be reminded to report incidents of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment to a Title IX Coordinator, promote the goals of bystander prevention, and support increasing the safety of students and employees.
Policies and Procedures - Student Handbook
Each year, the Carroll College Student Handbook is published and distributed to all students and employees. The student handbook outlines:
- Carroll Code of Student Conduct
- College Policies
- Campus Housing Policies
- Annual Safety, Elimination of Sexual Violence and Fire Safety Report
- Consumer Information Disclosure Notice
The Student Handbook is available electronically to students, faculty, staff, prospective students and parents on the college's website. A hard copy of the student handbook is also available upon request.
The college also publishes and distributes to all students, staff and faculty information on sexual misconduct resources. The publication is printed in hard copy and available electronically on the college's website.
Campus Climate
To assess student perceptions on the safety and security of the Carroll College campus and awareness of sexual misconduct behaviors, the college supports the use of:
- Core Alcohol and Other Drug Survey--The Core Alcohol and Other Drug Survey is administered in alternate years to a cross-section of first-year, sophomore, junior and senior students to gather data on alcohol and other drug use, sexual violence, and victimization. The data from Carroll College students can be compared to national norms and similar Carnegie classification institutional norms.
- Student Life Biennial Survey--The Student Life Biennial Survey is administered at the conclusion of every other academic year to all students in an online format through the SurveyMonkey website. Students are asked questions about campus safety, security officers, campus lighting and personal safety practices adopted since enrolling in college.
- Campus Lighting/Landscaping Tour--The Vice President for Finance, Administration and Facilities and the Dean of Students and Retention conduct an evening walking tour for students for the purposes of identifying campus lighting/landscape issues related to personal safety.
- In 2015 and again in 2018, Campus Climate on Sexual Misconduct Survey--A research team of faculty and students conducted a survey that was administered to all students on experiences of sexual misconduct at Carroll College and benchmarked the results on national data.
Student Leader Training
At Carroll College, we are interested in providing Title IX and Bystander Intervention training to as many groups of students as possible. Groups that are targeted to receive Bystander Intervention training include:
RA/Peer Minister/FOCUS Staff Training: Title IX
- Associated Students of Carroll College (ASCC)
- Community Advisors
- New Student Orientation Leaders
- Peer Ministers
- Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
- Student-Athletes
Title IX Coordinator Training
At Carroll College, Title IX Coordinators are required to participate in annual training and stay informed and current on Title IX regulations.