Emergency Protocols

The purpose of this web page is to assist you in the event of a serious campus incident, emergency or disaster. Use the navigation menu on the left to learn what action to take in a specific emergency situation.

Carroll College has worked closely with the Helena Fire Department to articulate these protocols. Once a protocol is activated, these guidelines are the authoritative policy for the duration of the emergency.

The safety of our employees, students and guests is a priority at Carroll College. For this reason, these protocols were developed to proactively plan for a variety of contingencies that may occur on a college campus.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in helping Carroll College respond to incidents, emergencies and disasters.

In the case of a fire alarm, all Carroll College employees, students and guests must evacuate the campus building.

In the event of an incident, emergency or disaster, Carroll College may alert employees, students and guests by:

  • Fire alarm system
  • Verbal announcement by Carroll co-workers or supervisors
  • Email, voice mail or posted message on the college's website.

All occupants of a campus building will react to any alarm, alert or notification by evacuating the building and moving to the assembly location identified in this campus emergency plan.

The fire alarm system may be sounded by smoke and/or heat detection or the activation of a manual pull station. The audible sound and, if available, strobe light, is emitted from devices located throughout the building.

Employees having knowledge of an incident, emergency or disaster affecting the building will alert others to take protective measures. This knowledge may be gained by use of the reverse 911 system available in Lewis and Clark County.

Assembly Areas After Evacuating Campus Buildings

Carroll College employees, students and guests may be asked to evacuate a building. If so, please evacuate the building to the designated assembly location, report any missing individuals to the Building Action Team Coordinator and await further instructions.

The designated assembly area for each campus building is:

Building                               Assembly Area
Anthrozoology HouseTrinity Hall, Main Lounge
Borromeo HallCampus Center, Upper Level
Campus ApartmentsFortin Science Center, Scola Lounge
Campus CenterTrinity Hall, Main Lounge
Campus HousesCampus Center, Upper Level
Civil EngineeringFortin Science Center, Scola Lounge
Corette LibraryGuad Hall, Main Lounge
Facilities HouseTrinity Hall, Main Lounge
Guad HallPE Center, Gym
Nelson StadiumPE Center, Gym
O'Connell HallCampus Center, Upper Level
All Saints ChapelCorette Library, Upper Level
PE CenterNelson Stadium, Concessions Concourse
ROTC HouseTrinity Hall, Main Lounge
Simperman HallCampus Center, Upper Level
 St. Albert HallSt. Charles Hall, Lobby
 St. Charles HallCampus Center, Upper Level
 Trinity HallCampus Center, Upper Level
WaterbarnFortin Science Center, Scola Lounge

If the designated assembly area is unavailable, please use the Campus Center, Upper Level, as the primary assembly area. The secondary assembly area will be the PE Center, Gym.

All employees are required to remain at the assembly area location until instructed otherwise.

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a medical device used during cardiac arrest that will analyze a victim's cardiac rhythm, charge to a pre-determined energy level, and when prompted by the operator, deliver a shock through adhesive pads placed on the victim's chest. AEDs are effective and can increase a cardiac victim's chances of survival by up to 40% when combined with early access, early CPR, and early advanced cardiac life support.

The location of AEDs at Carroll College are:

Building                          AED Location
Borromeo Hall1st Floor, Near Computer Lab
Campus CenterLower Level - Near Conferences/Events Office
Upper Level - East entry of STAC
Civil Engineering2nd Floor, Near Office
Corette LibraryMain Floor, Behind Front Desk, East Wall
Facilities HouseMobile Unit
Fortin Science Center1st Floor, Near Room 114
O'Connell Hall2nd Floor, Near Reception Desk, North Wall
PE Center1st Floor - Gym, South Wall, by Public Address Cabinet
2nd Floor - Fitness Center, near entry
Simperman Hall2nd Floor - Lobby, West Entry
4th Floor - Near Room 415
St. Albert Hall1st Floor - Kitchen, East Wall
St. Charles HallSubmain - Lobby
Trinity Hall1st Floor - Lobby, Near Front Desk

A bomb threat exists when a suspected bomb or explosive device has been reported, but not located. A bomb emergency exists if a bomb has been located, or an explosion has occurred.

Phoned Bomb Threat

1. If you receive a phone bomb threat, use the checklist on the next page to obtain as much information as possible. Do not hang up on the caller for any reason.

2. Signal to someone to call 911 and to notify a member of the campus Emergency Response Team.

3. The member of the Emergency Response Team will alert the Building Action Team to start an evacuation of the building. All employees, students and visitors will be assembled in a safe distance and location away from the building.

4. No one will re-enter the building until it has been cleared by Emergency Responders.

Suspected Bomb

1. DO NOT TOUCH, MOVE, OR IN ANY WAY HANDLE a package, box, briefcase, etc., you suspect may contain an explosive device.

2. Do not use radio or cell phone communications. Do not pull the fire alarm.

3. Call 911 and a member of the college's Emergency Response Team. Contact your Building Action Team Coordinator to initiate the evacuation of your building.

4. The Building Action Team Coordinator will alert your building's team members to start an evacuation of the building. All employees, students and guests will assemble in the designated assembly location for the building.


1. DROP, COVER AND HOLD. Take cover against your desk or a sturdy table.

2. Initiate your building's evacuation plan. Your Building Action Team members will assist you with exiting the building as quickly and calmly as possible. Do not use the elevators.

3. Be prepared for fire and other hazards as you evacuate. If there is a fire, keep low to the ground. If possible, use a wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth. Use the back of your hand to feel the upper, lower and middle parts of closed doors. If the door is not hot, brace yourself against it and open slowly. If the door is hot, do not open it. Look for another way out. Be familiar with your primary and secondary exit routes from your building.

4. If you are trapped, find something to signal your location to rescuers (e.g. flashlight, whistle, tap on the floor or pipes, etc.). Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.

Bomb Threat Checklist

Please write down as much as this information as possible when a bomb threat is received:

1. Time Call Received.

2. Time Call Terminated.

3. Bomb Facts

  • Where is the bomb located?
  • When will it explode?
  • What does it look like?
  • Why did you place the bomb?

4. The Caller's name.

5. The Caller's address.

6. Sex of Caller.

7. Age of Caller. (e.g. Adult or Child)

When You Are In A Building During An Earthquake

The key points to remember are:

1. Drop
2. Cover
3. Hold On

1. Remain calm and DROP to the floor. If you are in a wheelchair, stay in it, move to safe cover if possible, lock your wheels, and protect your head with your arms.

2. Take COVER under a sturdy desk or table. If this is not possible, take cover against an interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms. Do not take cover near windows, mirrors, or other heavy objects. Avoid exterior walls, heavy items on wheels, and handling objects.

3. After taking cover, HOLD ON to the desk or table and be prepared to move with it during the shaking.

Safety Reminders During An Earthquake

  • Do not travel long distances to drop, cover and hold on. Minimize your movement to a few steps.
  • Do not pull the fire alarm.
  • Do not run for exits or use the elevator.
  • Do not light candles, matches or lighters. These may ignite an explosion if there is a gas leak.

After The Shaking Has Stopped

1.  EVACUATE the building once the shaking stops. Employee safety team members will direct/assist you, via the safest route, to evacuate the building. Expect aftershocks and watch for possible dangers such as falling plaster, broken glass, etc. Be aware of fire or fire hazards that could impeded your evacuation.

2. ASSEMBLE away from buildings or any other potential threats of danger. Building Action Team members will direct/assist you.  Nelson Stadium has been identified as the location to assemble after evacuating a building on campus and to receive additional directions.  As you relocate to Nelson Stadium, move away from buildings that may fall in subsequent tremors. Avoid downed power lines and water/sewer line breaks.  Once in the assembly area, all evacuees will be accounted for and advised to assist responders.

If you find yourself injured or trapped in a building or wreckage, put something over your mouth and nose to protect you from dust. If immediate rescue is not possible, tap on a pipe, floor or wall that may help responders locate you.

DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING FOR ANY REASON. Emergency Responders or the college's Emergency Response Team will advise when or if it is safe to return.

Some incidents, emergencies and disasters require evacuation of a building.

The four steps to exit a building safely are:

1.  Evacuate
2.  Assemble
3.  Account
4.  Report Ability to Assist Others

The policy of Carroll College is that all occupants will evacuate the building immediately in the event of activation of the fire alarm system or other means of notification. Employees will evacuate using the closest available marked exit. When an employee is away from their assigned work area, they will evacuate the building using the same route as the employees in that location. 

Important factors to remember:

  • Follow the evacuation routes posted in the room unless otherwise advised.
  • Close your office or classroom door, but leave unlocked.
  • Do not touch the light switches or touch or handle anything suspicious.
  • Walk as fast as possible, but do not run.
  • Do not return to your work area to retrieve personal items.
  • Help those who need assistance.
  • If the closest exit is unavailable, use next nearest exit.
  • If the designated assembly area is unavailable, please use the Upper Level of the Campus Center as the primary assembly area. The secondary assembly area will be in the PE Center Gym.
  • All employees are required to remain at their assembly area until instructed otherwise.
  • If anything suspicious is noted report this information immediately to an Emergency Response Team member.

Assembly Locations

Carroll College employees, students and guest may be asked to evacuate a building. If so, please evacuate the building to the designated assembly location for the building. Report any missing individuals to the Building Action Team Coordinator.

BuildingAssembly Area
All Saints ChapelCorette Library, Main Floor
Anthrozoology HouseTrinity Hall, Main Lounge
Borromeo HallCampus Center, Upper Lounge
Campus ApartmentsFortin Science Center, Scola Lounge
Campus CenterTrinity Hall, Main Lounge
Campus HousesCampus Center, Upper Lounge
Civil EngineeringFortin Science Center, Scola Lounge
Corette LibraryGuad Hall, Main Lounge
Facilities HouseTrinity Hall, Main Lounge
Fortin Science CenterCampus Center, Upper Level
Guad HallPE Center, Lobby
Hunthausen Activity CenterPE Center, Lobby
Nelson StadiumPE Center, Lobby
O'Connell HallCampus Center, Upper Level
PE CenterNelson Stadium, Concessions Area
ROTC HouseTrinity Hall, Lounge
Simperman HallCampus Center, Upper Level
St. Albert FallCorette Library, Main Floor
St. Charles HallCampus Center, Upper Level
Trinity HallCampus Center, Upper Level
WaterbarnFortin Science Center, Scola Lounge

Evacuation - Campus

Information on the campus evacuation will be communicated to employees and students by email, phone message, posting on the college's website, or monitors around campus. When the decision to evacuate is made, all persons are to immediately vacate the site in question and relocate to another part of the campus, to a designated off-campus site as directed, or to a safe distance away from Helena.

Evacuation Checklist
In the case of a campus evacuation, use the following checklist to ensure that you are protected and prepared:

  1. Take clothing (3 changes), toiletries, necessary medications, important papers and valuables (money, credit cards, jewelry, etc).  Supplies such as sleeping bags, a portable radio, flashlight and batteries may also be taken.
  2. Keep phone lines open for emergency messages.
  3. Assist other members of the campus community without transportation. If you do not have your own transportation, make plans to ride with someone who has transportation.
  4. Proceed directly to the designated primary Evacuation Assembly Site in Helena at the Civic Center located on the corner of Benton Avenue and Neill Avenue--three blocks south of the campus. If the Civic Center is not available as an assembly site, the secondary Evacuation Assembly Site in Helena is at the Exhibit Hall at the Lewis and Clark Country Fairgrounds--two blocks north of campus to Custer Avenue and six blocks west of campus on Custer Avenue.
  5. Drive safely. Stay tuned to your Emergency Alert System radio station or to social media for further information.
  6. Carroll College will post information on the college's website, if available, regarding when the campus is safe for employees and students to return. Emergency messages will also be sent out via voice mail message and email using the college's emergency messaging system, Regroup.

Carroll College is committed to protecting those employees, students and guests who are either permanently or temporarily disabled. Those employees requiring special assistance with evacuation or other emergency procedures may complete a Request for Assistance form and forward it to the Director of Human Resources. Once this information is received, the Director of Human Resources will ensure the needs of the employee or student are addressed for safe evacuation and accountability during any incident, emergency or disaster.

Specific Recommendations

Visually Impaired Persons

  • Tell the person the nature of the emergency and offer your arm for guidance. This is the preferred method when acting as a "sighted guide."
  • As you walk, tell the person where you are and where obstacles are located.
  • When you reach safety, orient the person to the location and ask if further assistance is needed.

Hearing Impaired Persons

The building may be equipped with audible fire alarms which should be activated during a fire. However, hearing impaired individuals may not receive the audible signal. Use an alternative warning system. Several methods can be used, including:       

  • Write a note to tell the person of the situation, the nearest evacuation route, and where to meet outside (Sample script: "FIRE! Get out the rear door on your right.").
  • Turn the light switch on and off to gain their attention, then indicate through gestures or in writing what is happening and what to do. Do not use the light switch technique if you smell natural gas in the area.

Persons Using Crutches, Canes or Walker

In evacuations, these individuals would be treated as if they were injured. Carrying options include a two-person, lock-arm position or having the individual sit on a study chair (generally with arms) which is then lifted and carried.

Person Using Wheelchairs (Non-Ambulatory)

Most non-ambulatory persons will be able to exit safely without assistance if they are on the ground floor. If you are assisting a non-ambulatory person, be aware that some people have minimal ability to move and lifting them may be dangerous to their well-being. Some individuals have very little upper trunk and neck strength. Frequently, non-ambulatory persons have respiratory complications. Remove them from smoke and vapors immediately. Some people who use wheelchairs may have electrical respirators. Give them priority assistance, as their ability to breathe may be seriously in danger.

Note: The needs and preferences of non-ambulatory individuals vary. Always consult with the person ahead of time as to his or her preference regarding:

  • Ways of being moved
  • The number of people necessary for assistance. If carrying a person more than three flights of stairs, a buddy system may be needed.
  • Whether to extend or move extremities when lifting because of pain, braces, etc.
  • Whether a seat cushion or pan should be brought along.
  • Being carried forward or backward on stairs.
  • Aftercare, if removed from the wheelchair.

Remember to check the intended route for obstructions before transporting the individual. When the wheelchair is left behind, remove it from the stairwell and place it in a location so it does not obstruct the egress of others. Reunite the person with their wheelchair as soon as it is safe to do so.

Two disabled person buddies and one alternate will be assigned to assist each employee who has a physical condition that would impede their ability to evacuate their work location.  

Reporting A Fire

1. Immediately activate the building's fire alarm system by pulling the nearest fire alarm pull box. All employees must know the location of the nearest fire alarm pull box to their work area. Begin evacuation of the building.

2. If the alarm system has not activated, begin the evacuation of the building.

3. Call 911 from a safe location and provide the following information:

  • Building address
  • Location of the fire (floor, office, room, etc.)
  • Size of the fire
  • Any known injuries
  • Evacuation in progress

Exit the Building

1. Exit the building as quickly as possible using the primary or secondary evacuation routes.

  • Do not use the elevators.
  • If you are in an elevator when an alarm sounds, exit the elevator at the next stop. Proceed to the nearest exit from the building.
  • If possible and safe to do so, close windows and doors into corridors to contain the fire.

2. If you encounter smoke, drop down to the floor and stay low until you reach the exit.

3. Attempt to extinguish the fire only if:

  • You have been trained in the use of a portable fire extinguisher.
  • The fire can be easily extinguished using a portable fire extinguisher.
  • Your safety and the safety of others is not at risk.

Do not attempt to re-enter the building until authorized to do so by the Fire Department or the college's Emergency Response Team.

Where To Go After You Exit the Building

1. Immediately proceed to your pre-determined assembly area. You will be directed to a secondary location if necessary.

2. Once you have reached the assembly area, follow the directions of the Building Action Team members.

3. Building Action Team members will account for everyone's presence and report the information to a member of the college's Emergency Response Team or Incident Commander.

4. Do not leave the assembly area or return to the building until you are officially notified by the Emergency Responders or the college's Emergency Response Team.

5.  Inform Emergency Responders if you suspect someone may be trapped inside the building.

If you hear the discharge of a firearm in a campus building or on the campus grounds, please call 911 immediately.

To protect your safety:

  • Run
  • Hide
  • Fight
  1. If you are able to safely exit the building, please do do and alert others as quietly and as efficiently as possible. Find a safe location to relocate to that is away from the location where you heard the discharge of a firearm.
  2. If you are unable to safely exit the building, remain there and find a place to hide.
  3. Campus lockdown instructions will be sent by text message, voice mail and/or campus email.
  4. Lock the room door from the inside or barricade the door if possible.
  5. Turn off lights, get down on the floor and remain quiet--including silencing your cell phone.
  6. Stay away from windows and entrances to the building.
  7. Do not open exterior doors to unknown persons.
  8. Stay calm and do not approach the shooter.
  9. If the shooter enters your area, make every attempt to disarm the shooter or run to the nearest exit.
  10. Wait for notification from Emergency Responders or from the college's Emergency Response Team that the building is safe.
  11. Provide assistance to others as needed.

In case of a spillage of hazardous chemicals or radioactive materials on or near campus, these procedures should be followed:

  1. Evacuate the building. Utilize floor leaders in the Building Action Team to move occupants of the building to the assembly location to account for missing individuals.
  2. Call 911.
  3. Attempt to isolate those who were contaminated in the spill by keeping them in a room for Emergency Responders. If in Fortin Science Center, use the chemical spill showers found on first and second floors to assist individuals who may have had chemicals or hazardous materials make contact with their skin.
  4. Notify the Chemical Safety Coordinator, Dr. Kyle Strode, in the Chemistry Department, at 406.447.5564, of the incident.
  5. Notify the Facilities Department of the incident at 406.447.5420.
  6. Do not return to an evacuated building unless authorized by Emergency Responders or the college's Emergency Response Team.

Chemical Hygiene Plan

The Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) has been developed for Carroll College and is also available to laboratory employees in Room 114 in the Fortin Center, Room 218 in Simperman Hall and the Carroll Facilities Office. The CHP sets forth procedures, equipment, personal protective equipment and work practices that are capable of protecting employees from the health hazards presented by chemicals. Download the Chemical Hygiene Plan.

In the event that you are involved in a hostage situation, the following procedures are recommended:

  1. Remain calm and do not panic.
  2. Follow instructions from the captor.
  3. Do not try to escape or attempt to resolve the situation by force.
  4. Do not speak unless spoken to and then only when necessary.
  5. Be observant and remember everything you see and hear.
  6. Try to rest as much as possible. Be patient and wait for additional information. Remember: Others will be working to help you.
  7. If a rescue takes place, lie on the floor and await instructions from the rescuers.

A lockdown is a form of "Sheltering-in-Place" that is utilized to limit human exposure to life-threatening, hostile, or hazardous situation or threat.

A building lockdown prevents persons from entry to the campus building. If you are in a building when a lockdown has been initiated, remain in the building. Remember to follow these procedures:

  1. Remain inside the building. Do not open exterior doors to unknown persons.
  2. If outside, move to the nearest building.
  3. Stay away from windows and doors.
  4. Lock doors, if possible, or barricade doors taking cover to protect yourself.
  5. Remain quiet and in place until notified by Emergency Responders.
  6. Silence cell phones and do not use them unless you are in contact with Emergency Responders.
  7. Get down and remain silent.
  8. Wait for notification that the building is safe from Emergency Responders, the college's Emergency Response Team, or your Building Action Team.

Role of Faculty and Staff in Lockdown

During a building lockdown, a faculty or staff member may:

  • Detain students in the classroom.
  • Check the halls and clear hallways of individuals.
  • Keep students calm.
  • Keep an attendance log of all students in the room and update throughout the lockdown if necessary.
  • Keep students secure by locking windows and doors or barricading the entry to the room.
  • Monitor Emergency Alerts on cell phones including text messages, email and voice mail messages.

A campus lockdown is a form of "Shelter-in-Place" that is utilized to limit human exposure to a life-threatening, hostile, or hazardous situation or threat.

Notification of a campus lockdown will be communicated via email, posting on the Student Life web page and via Regroup, the emergency notification system, to all employees and students. During a campus lockdown, be advised that emergency personnel may be responding to the campus. All campus buildings are to be locked to prevent entrance from unauthorized persons.

  • Exterior entrances of buildings are to be locked by Facilities staff, Community Living staff, or Securitas officers.
  • Students in campus housing are to remain in their rooms with the doors locked.
  • Staff are to remain in their offices, or a secure area, preferably without windows with the doors locked if possible.
  • Faculty are to remain in their classroom with the door locked or barricaded, where possible.
  • Wait for notification that the building is safe from Emergency Responders or the college's Emergency Response Team.

Role of Faculty and Staff in a Lockdown

During a building lockdown, a faculty or staff member may:

  • Detain students in the classroom.
  • Check the halls and clear hallways of individuals.
  • Keep students calm.
  • Keep an attendance log of all students in the room and update throughout the lockdown if necessary.
  • Keep student secure by locking windows and doors or barricading the entry to the room.
  • Monitor Emergency Alerts on cell phones including text messages, email and voice mails.

If there s a medical or health emergency, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Immediately call 911.
  2. Assign an individual to meet and escort the Emergency Responders to the scene.
  3. Contact the Director of Human Resources, Jennifer Bingham, at 406.447.5502 if the incident involves an employee. Contact the Dean of Students, Annette Walstad, at 406-447-5434 if the incident involves a student.

Missing Student Notification

If any member of the Carroll College community has reason to believe that a student who resides in campus housing is believed to be missing for 24 hours, they should immediately notify the Director of Campus Safety and Security at 406-447-4404, on-call Residential Life & Housing Senior Staff at 406-459-0540, the Director of Residential Life & Housing at 406-447-5509, or the Dean of Students at 406-447-5434. A student is presumed missing if he/she is overdue in reaching home, campus, or other specific destination for 24 hours past his/her expected time of arrival and/or additional factors that lead college staff to believe that he/she is missing.  The college does not have to wait a full 24 hours before determining a student is missing, or from initiating notification procedures as soon as it is determined a student is missing.    

College staff will:

  1. Conduct a health and safety check of the resident’s room.

  2. Attempt to contact the student via cell phone, email or other means.

  3. Identify other students who may be aware of the missing student’s whereabouts (i.e. roommate, friends, classmates, other residents, etc.).

  4. Use the student’s class schedule to contact his or her professors.

  5. Contact the student’s academic advisor.

If, upon investigation, it is determined that the student is missing, the Director of Campus Security and Public Safety and/or the Director of Residential Life & Housing will:

  • Contact the student’s identified emergency contact within the first 24 hours of when the student was determined to be missing;

  • Contact the parent, legal guardian, or custodian of a student who is under the age of 18 years of age, and not an emancipated individual,  within the first 24 hours of when the student was determined to be missing(in addition to any contact person designated by the student);

  • Notify Helena Police Department at 406-457-8866 within 24 hours of when the student was determined to be missing (if Helena Police did not make the determination that the student is missing). 

At the time of registration, all students are requested to provide personal emergency contact person(s) name and contact information.  This information is maintained in the Self Service System and is designated as confidential.  The confidential contact person will be notified within 24 hours once the student is determined to be missing and that only authorized campus officials including the Director of Campus Security and Public Safety, the Associate Director of Residential Life and Housing, as well as law enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person investigation may have access to this information.   If the student is under 18 years of age and not emancipated, the college must notify a custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, in addition to notifying any additional contact person designated by the student. 

In the case of a natural gas leak, please follow these procedures:

  1. Evacuate the building. Use word of mouth or email to notify building occupants. Do not use the fire alarm.
  2. Call 911 to report the smell of natural gas.
  3. Call Facilities at 406.447.5420 to notify their office of the smell of natural gas.
  4. Do not turn on light switches if the smell of natural gas is apparent.
  5. Check everyone in the vicinity for symptoms of dizziness and vomiting.  Notify Emergency Responders of individuals who need medical attention.
  6. Do not return to the evacuated building until directed by Emergency Responders or the college's Emergency Response Team.

When you are informed of the occurrence of a physical assault:

  1. Confirm that 911 has been contacted if the situation warrants doing so. If not, call 911.
  2. Contact the on-call Residential Life & Housing number, the Director of Residential Life & Housing, or the Dean of Students & Retention (phone numbers listed under Emergency Response Team) to inform her or him of the incident.
  3. Stay at the scene to provide a witness statement to the Emergency Responder.
  4. Preserve the crime scene by not disturbing any evidence or allowing others into the area.

  1. If a power outage occurs at Carroll College, help employees, students and guests in darkened work areas move to work areas with daylight.
  2. If evacuation of the building is necessary, please move to the assembly area for your building and await further instructions.
  3. Check with supervisor for work assignments that can be accomplished without power.

How to respond if a student informs you that she or he has been the victim of rape or sexual assault:

  1. Contact campus and/or community resources:
    1. Emergency Services. Call 911.
    2. St. Peter's Hospital Emergency Room. Call 406.447.2684. Rape kits are available 24/7.
    3. Carroll College Victim Advocate, The Friendship Center. Call 406.442.6800 or 1.800.248.3166. Strictly confidential victim support. Liaison with external resources. 24-hour crisis hot line, victim support and counseling, support groups, legal advocacy.
    4. Carroll College Counseling Services. Call 406.447.5441. Strictly confidential victim support. Counseling for all stages of recovery.
  2. Do not discuss the situation with anyone other than the Title IX Coordinator without the student's permission.
  3. Explain confidentiality and mandated reporting. Inform the student that you are required to report information she or he tells you to the Title IX Coordinator. Informed consent such as this allows the victim to choose how much to tell you.
  4. Contact the Title IX Coordinator or complete the online report form.
  5. Reference Carroll's policies, procedures, resources and contact information in replying to questions regarding all sexual assault, rape and sexual misconduct.

Survivor Support Tips

DO: Listen with compassion. Recognize that the person coming to you for help might be struggling with difficult feelings like anger, fear, denial, or embarrassment. Thank them for trusting your enough to tell you.

DO: Explain confidentiality. Inform the right away that you are required to report information she or he tell you to the Title IX Coordinator. Informed consent such as this allows the victim to choose how much to tell you.

GOOD THINGS TO SAY: "It's not your fault." "I believe you." "No one deserves to be abused or assaulted." "I realize this is a difficult thing to share and appreciate the courage it takes to talk about it." "How can I help?"

DO NOT: Make light of the situation, interrupt the student, interject your feelings, change the subject, press for more information, or touch the student without her or his permission.

In the event that a shelter-in-place is advised, all occupants will remain in the designated areas until the "all clear" is announced.

All the doors to the exterior portions of the building should be closed after employees have gathered in the central location.

The primary shelter-in-place areas for campus buildings are:

Building                            Shelter-in-Place Locations
All Saints ChapelLower Level, Fireplace Room
Borromeo HallBasement Recreation Room
Campus ApartmentsLiving Room, Each Apartment
Campus CenterAll Saints Hall, Lower Level
Campus HousesLiving Room, Each House
Civil EngineeringLab
Corette LibraryUpper Level
Guad HallGuad Chapel, Lower Level
Nelson StadiumConcessions Concourse
O'Connell HallO'Connell 107
PE CenterGymnasium
Simperman HallWeigand Auditorium
St. Albert HallLiving Room
St. Charles Hall-MainSub-Main Hallway
St. Charles Hall-SouthMain Lobby
Trinity HallMain Lounge

Accounting For People During Shelter-in-Place

A process for pinpointing where employees, students and guests are located during an incident, emergency or disaster can be achieved by the following:

  • Everyone will report to the designated shelter-in-place area. Once at the shelter-in-place area, floor leaders will report to the Building Action Team Coordinator the status of employees, students and guests.
  • The Building Action Team Coordinator will be responsible for accounting for all team members.
  • The Building Action Team Coordinator will be the main point of contact for anyone requesting the status and accountability of employees, students and guests.
  • If an employee needs any assistance in the shelter-in-place location, any member of the Building Action Team can be the point of contact.

The Campus Center has been designated as the primary safe relocation area for employees, students and guests once assembled and accounted in the shelter-in-place in a campus building if the building needs to be evacuated. The PE Center will be the secondary safe relocation area if the Campus Center is not available. The safe relocation area is used during inclement weather or when employees are unable to re-enter the building or leave the area due to any incident, emergency or disaster. The Building Action Team Coordinator will make logistical requests for food, water and supplies.

If an individual informs you of suicidal thoughts or a suicide attempt--or of knowledge of the suicidal thoughts or a suicide attempt of another person--please offer the individual the following:

  1. Confirm that 911 has been contacted if the situation warrants doing so.
  2. Confirm that the on-call Residential Life & Housing person has been contacted at 406.459.0540.
  3. Stay at the scene and try to calm the suicidal person.
  4. Obtain as much information as possible: Name, location, time, method used (e.g. alcohol, other drugs, firearm, etc.), use of alcohol and/or other drugs, amount and type of drugs consumed, reason or suspected reason for the attempt.
  5. Take action as needed (e.g. securing the scene, gathering witness statements, accompanying student to hospital).

An envelope or package may be considered suspicious for any of the following reasons:

1. Inappropriate or Unusual Labeling
      a. Strange or no return address
      b. Excessive postage
      c. Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
      d. Misspelling of common words
      e. Incorrect title(s) or title without a name
      f. Not addressed to a specific person
      g. Marked with restrictions such as "personal, confidential, or do not x-ray"
      h. Marked with any threatening language
      i. Postmarked from a city or state that does not match the return address

2. Appearance
      a. Powderly substances felt through or appearing on the envelope or package
      b. Oily stains, discoloration, or strange odor
      c. Lopsided or uneven envelope
      d. Excessive packaging material such as masking tape or string

3. Other Suspicious Signs
      a. Excessive weight
      b. Ticking sound
      c. Protruding wires
      d. Aluminum foil

In response to a suspicious envelope or package:

  • Remain calm.
  • Call 911 or contact a member of the Emergency Response Team to assess the situation. If an Emergency Response Team member is not immediately available, contact 911 to report the suspicious envelope or package.
  • Do not remove the suspicious envelope or package from the point of discovery. Do not carry the envelope or package, show it to others or allow others to examine it.
  • Do not shake or empty the contents of the item.
  • Put the item down on a stable surface. Do not sniff, touch, taste or look closely at it or at any contents that may have been spilled. If possible, gently cover the item with a trash can.
  • Alert others in the area about the item, evacuate the room closing doors as you exit the area, and take action to prevent others from entering the area.
  • Wash hands with soap and water to prevent spreading potentially infectious materials to face or skin. Seek additional instructions for exposed or potentially exposed persons.
  • Provide Emergency Responders with a list of persons who handled the item and/or may have been in the room/area when it was discovered.

If you see or hear threatening weather (i.e. tornado, high winds, lightning, etc.) or learn that a Warning has been issued for your area:

  • Seek shelter and get inside immediately to an interior room or hallway.
  • Shut all doors and windows.
  • Stay away from exterior windows and doors.
  • Seek information on the status of the weather.
  • DO NOT go outside until the storm has passed.
  • After the storm has ended, be aware of downed wires and falling objects.

Summer Storms

If lightning threatens when you are inside a building, stay inside. Stay away from open doors or windows, radiators, metal pipes, sinks and plug-in electrical objects. Avoid using the telephone and the computer until the lightning storm has passed.

If lightning strikes when you are outside of a building, seek shelter in a building if possible. If no buildings are available, seek shelter in a ditch or ravine. Avoid the highest object in the area and avoid being the highest object yourself. If only isolated trees are nearby, the best protection is to crouch or lie in the open, keeping at least as far away from the isolated trees as they are high. If you are wearing or carrying anything metal, get rid of it until the lightning storm passes. If you feel an electrical charge (hair stands on end, skin tingles), lightning might be about to strike you. Drop to your knees, bend forward and put your hands on your knees.

Persons struck by lightning typically receive a severe electrical shock and may be burned. Call 911. They retain no electrical charge and can be handled safely. A person struck by lightning can often be revived by prompt application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Winter Storms

If a winter storm threatens the area, stay inside and limit travel to only absolutely necessary trips. If you need to go outside, dress for the season wearing several layers of loose fitting, lightweight, warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing. The outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent. During a winter storm, remember that:

  • Mittens are better than gloves.
  • Wear a hat as most body heat is lost through the top of the head.
  • Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs.

Watch for signs of frostbite: loss of feeling and white or pale appearance in the extremities such as fingers, toes, ear lobes, or the tip of the nose. If symptoms are detected, seek medical help immediately.

Watch for signs of hypothermia: uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion. If symptoms are detected, get the victim to a warm location, remove any wet clothing, warm the center of the body first and give warm, non-alcoholic beverages, if the victim is conscious. Get medical help as soon as possible.