Cassandra Offt

I'm currently finishing my Masters in Teaching at Washington State University and I'm headed into a career as a high school English teacher.

The academic experience at Carroll College was really comprehensive and has been a huge part of my success and my identity since graduation. What I learned from Carroll, both academically and spiritually, has been incredibly valuable. Carroll helped develop my academic knowledge, gave me relationships I'll cherish for my whole life, and helped me define myself as a woman of faith.

Portrait of Cassandra Offt
Frank Stumbo, Josh Mansfield, Coach Brent Northup, Kelsie Watkins, and Peri Dropping.

Press Release  |  Academics 

Talking Saints Perform Well at Western US Championships

Apr 2, 2019

Become an 2021 Orientation Core Team member or volunteer Graphic

Students  |  Student Life 

Become an 2021 Orientation Core Team member or volunteer

Mar 31, 2019

Father Joseph Oblinger Scholarship to Carroll College
The Oblinger Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to college-bound high school seniors or current Carroll College students based on demonstrated academic achievement and an expressed interest in pursuing a higher education.

The students eligible for assistance must be graduating high school seniors or current Carroll students who are members of the Montana Catholic Community. Consideration will be given to academic achievement and the student's community service record.

EduBirdie Scholarship for Orphans and Half-Orphans

Scholarship Amounts $1,000.00
Full time student at a high school, college or university
From a single parent or parentless household
17 years old and over
Deadline date is June 1, 2019
Application process is a 500-800 word essay.  The essay topics and more information on this scholarship can be found HERE



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