Lauren Swant
Lauren earned her Master's of Science in Nursing Education from Indiana State University and her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of Pittsburgh, where she is currently enrolled in her Doctor of Nursing Practice in Health Sciences Executive Leadership. She has also earned certifications as a Certified Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse and a Certified Nurse Educator. Lauren Swant
Cancer Horizons College Scholarship


At Cancer Horizons, we strive to empower cancer patients, and an extension of our work is providing financial aid to students that have been affected by cancer in their lives. Our $1,000 scholarship is for a U.S student who has been affected by cancer and has a vision of making a difference in supporting cancer patients, their families, and communities. We believe that extending a reward to someone affected by cancer that is working towards achieving an education is a natural step to support the fight against cancer.

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