Kasey Nixon

Kasey Nixon, MA, NCC, PCLC, is excited to return to Carroll College having grown up in Helena and graduating from Carroll in 2008.  Kasey completed his graduate education with a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from George Fox University in Portland, Oregon in 2014.  After working in a hospital-based mental health crisis unit in North Idaho for the past 7 years, Kasey is happy to be back in Montana and joining the Wellness Center team to help support Carroll’s students.

Kasey Nixon
McKenna Kindel
Responsible for all things social media and digital marketing. SEO and analytics. Jack-of-all-trades specializing in video and photo. McKenna Kindel photo
Rebecca Kagerer

Rebecca Kagerer is a Helena native, graduating from Capital High. She earned her Bachelor's degree from the University of Montana in 2009, and began her career in Thompson Falls, MT, where she taught 5-12 band, jazz, and a number of electives for 4 years. She then moved to Anchorage, Alaska, where she taught high school band, IB music, and theory for 7 years. During that time, Rebecca also directed over 20 musicals with vocals or pit orchestra, sometimes both. She played piano for several other musicals and enjoyed every minute of her time in the Alaskan wilderness.

Rebecca Kagerer photo
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