Bruce K. Lee College Scholarship

Bruce K. Lee College Scholarship

The Bruce K. Lee Scholarship was created with students in mind. College has become increasingly expensive and necessary. This scholarship is designed to help someone in their college career. Applicants will be required to answer a simple question and the winner will be selected based on the application submitted. A committee will select a winner by the end of November, 2022.

Looking Forward to End Distracted Driving Scholarship


In order to end the dangers of distracted driving, it’s up to each of us to make the commitment to put an end to our own distracting habits. However, like any behavior, you must first admit that you have a problem. For this reason, Bensinger Legal Services is asking students to look forward to end distracted driving.

Award Amount:



July 31, 2023


Paying It Forward Scholarship


“We’ve all heard the wonderful stories of pay-it-forward chains happening at the local coffee shop or other heartwarming anecdotes of people performing random acts of kindness,” said Dr. Jason Schottel, Co-founder at Anti-Aging & Regenerative Associates. “Not only do these seemingly insignificant acts instantly change a person’s mood—of both the giver and the recipient—but the ripple effect can change someone’s day, and the right change at the right time can alter a person’s life.

Award Amount:



June 15, 2023

Changing the Law Scholarship


There are many laws that deserve reexamination. Many are archaic, outdated, and need a fresh set of eyes to look them over. What law do you feel is the most important? If you could do anything to change a law, how would you change it? As a part of the younger generation, you are the future of this country’s legal destiny. The power is in your hands to challenge laws and decide on how you can make them better. What sort of laws do you envision changing, so they fit the issues of the 21st century better?

Award Amount:


TrueInsight STEM and Engineering Scholarship


STEM and Engineering programs are the backbone of innovation in this country. TrueInsight wants to enable students who are looking to advance their engineering knowledge and careers. We also want to help students start to look forward to their career and map necessary skills for excellence.

Award Amount:



Corporate Culture Scholarship

Deadline: October 1, 2022

Description: The Corporate Culture Scholarship is sponsored by The Investor’s Podcast Network. It is open to all undergraduate and graduate students.

Amount: $1,000

Requirements: Scholarship applicants only need to submit an essay about their ideal corporate culture, their personal background, and how those are related to our podcast's Episode 95: Corporate Culture at

Kure College Scholarship

Kure’s College Scholarship awards one $1,000 scholarship twice per year to students who improve their community by completing a business-related process optimization project in Kure.

  • Applications (completed projects) are accepted from June 1, 2022, to November 30, 2022

  • Deadline to submit your application is November 30, 2022

NetPEO Lung Cancer Awareness Scholarship

As a company, NetPEO recognizes the need for more lung cancer awareness among teenage and young adult tobacco users and non-users. Despite smoking’s known risks, many teens continue to pick up the habit.

This is why NetPEO is offering a $2,500 Lung Cancer Awareness Scholarship. Applicants must be college-bound high school students or current college attendees, and must write an essay about how smoking affects society as a whole and what young people can do to address the issue with their peers.

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