Carroll College Residential Life and Housing is excited to announce that it is able to supply limited housing to students during Winter Break. Please read below for information on cost, the application process, and limitations.
In order to meet the needs of its student body, Carroll College is offering Winter Break housing to students at a reduced cost. From December 26th to January 14th:
- Should students desire to stay a bit late or come back a bit early (for reasons of cost of travel, academic deadlines, social calendars, etc.), Carroll College will allow persons to stay in their own rooms on campus for a rate of twenty-five dollars ($25) per night for UP TO three nights after campus closes on Friday, Dec 16, 2022 at Noon.
- All Residence Halls will be completely closed, with no exceptions, from 9:00 AM on Monday, December 19th to Monday, December 26th at 9:00 AM. No Winter Break Housing will be available during this window of time.
- Beginning on December 26th, Winter Break Housing will be available to approved students at a rate of $25.00 per night. Students will be approved by individual application through their eRezLife profile.
Limitations and Application Process
Because of limited availability, Res Life will have a formal application process for occupying a space for an extended period over Winter Break. Before applying, please note the following:
- You may be relocated to a centralized location
- You may be asked to share a room with someone else.
- You may have to make use of a communal bathroom.
- Sodexo services will not be running, so you will need to provide meals for yourself (though you will be given a space with access to a communal kitchen!)
A link to the application may be found in the Okta apps on the ERezLife Okta tile and then, within ERezLife, looking under "Forms." Fill out the form entitled "Winter Break Housing Request," and you should be good to go!