Lecture: Ethics in Biotechnology

Carroll Campus
Wiegand Amphitheater
Ethics in Biotechnology

On Thursday, March 27, at 6.30 p.m. in the Simperman Hall Wiegand Amphitheatre, the Carroll College Department of Philosophy will host Dr. Timothy J. Furlan for a lecture centered on ethics in biotechnology.

Our speaker, Dr. Timothy J Furlan, is currently the Burnett Family Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Director of the Center for Ethical Leadership at the University of St Thomas in Houston, TX, as well as senior editor of Pediatric Ethicscope and Lecturer on Bioethics at Harvard University.

His talk will discuss the biotechnological revolution, highlighting its potential to heal and enhance human capabilities beyond treating illness. It addresses ethical, social, political, and legal issues arising from these technologies, which include uses like sex selection, behavior modification, physical enhancement, anti-aging, memory manipulation, mood alteration, and temperament changes. 

The lecture explores the science behind these applications and the profound societal and ethical questions they pose about the future of humanity and society.

Free and open to the public.