The art is a painting exhibited in Geddes, showing headless bankers tossing gold bricks across a chasm, at a homeless refugee who is bloodied by the impacts. - Notre Dame Religion & Science seminar 2017
Reflections from MaryAnn
Upon the occasion of preparation of an 80th birthday booklet of tributes to a mutual friend Lonni Lewis in Maine, requested by her daughter Lisa:
MaryAnn’s response
Thanks to you for your doing the major part of this wonderful surprise for your mother. I hope the below info is helpful.
In the late sixties, an acquaintance (Floyd), told me that I was taking his friend, who was moving back to town along with me to my new teaching job, and to show up early to drop the kids off at school. Having made few friends in my life, I might have missed this wonderful chance for the friendship I still most value; Lonni’s personality may have been enough, but you Lisa and your sister Laurie closed the deal being amazingly cute and well-mannered for little ones just beginning school.
Not being accustomed to friends or sharing friends, Lonni soon showed me she had more than enough friendship to spread around. I have my fondest memories of the times I spent with Lonni, her family and her other friends.
In these pandemic times, I have not been out much to spread goodwill, positivity, cheerfulness and kindness to others. But I know that Lonni will appreciate my recent specialization:
My recent acts of kindness are sincere direct verbal compliments to strangers. My present world includes fewer and older people, many like myself have expanded and totter a bit, making it harder to feel good about ourselves. Reactions show that some have received few compliments lately. So I have resurrected some of the comments I once used for first graders’ art work, and comment on color, flair, choice, appearance, demeanor etc. And the medical staff are always so selflessly helpful that it's easy to honestly comment on their help and thank them.
Lonni is an active do-er where I am a reticent planner. But, like Lonni, I believe we are on this earth to cause no harm and, when possible, to be of use to others, Lonni is one of the best examples of putting these beliefs into action. I am so verbal, but often hold back, questioning if it is the right time, place, or way to say something.
I remember one morning as an example of our differences. I had read into the wee hours, let the dogs out when they insisted, when Lonni phoned to wake me for fresh coffee and homemade blueberry muffins. Lonni had sent her breakfasted family off to school, tidied her kitchen, had two loads of wash on the line, and a piece of furniture half refinished. Every third day I might drive to the post office, but at least once daily Lonni would walk to and from the post office, chatting with all neighbors and remembering their grand-kids names. I am still in awe of what Lonni accomplishes! (I never did figure out who lived in the house to my left.)
The seventies were fun. Since then we have been mainly apart, but have kept in touch I trust that we have both only mellowed as we aged. Our memories, love and friendship endure.
Love, Mary Ann
August 2021