
Academic Advising at Carroll College
The primary purpose of Carroll's advising program is to assist students in developing meaningful educational plans that are compatible with their life goals. Faculty Advisors help students to plan course schedules, track progress toward degree completion, and help students clarify their career choices based on student interests and strengths. Professional academic advisors help students clarify and achieve their academic goals through a developmental process which includes discussion of major areas of study, academic coaching, and referrals to appropriate support services.
First year students at Carroll are advised by their First Year Cohort (FYC) instructors. In February of the first year, students formally declare their major, and choose an academic advisor from their major area of study.
The advisor-advisee relationship is a partnership, which means that both the advisor and the advisee have responsibilities in the process. Ultimately, however, the student has the responsibility of shaping his or her education, and is responsible for meeting graduation requirements.
Advisor Responsibilities
- Be available to students on a regular basis and be conscientious about posting and adhering to a schedule of office hours for advising conferences.
- Review the course catalog and keep current on academic policies.
- Establish personal relationships and rapport with advisees.
- Discuss long-range educational and vocational goals, and assist in planning appropriate academic programs.
- Know about resource persons to whom to refer students for information and advice.
- Assist in the development of a course of study, including selecting core classes, electives, and course prerequisites.
- Provide advisees with information about alternatives, limitations, and possible consequences of academic decisions.
Advisee Responsibilities
- Assume ultimate responsibility for his or her education and academic program.
- Own and understand the Carroll College Course Catalog.
- Be knowledgeable about college policies, procedures, and requirements.
- Contact the advisor in a timely fashion for registration advising and other necessary appointments.
- Keep advising appointments and be on time.
- Contact the academic advisor immediately with concerns about academic progress in a particular class or during the semester.
Change of Major, Minor and/or Advisor
Each February, First-Year students transition from their FYC Advisor to a Faculty Advisor in their major area of study. There is a special form for this transition -- "FYC to Departmental Faculty Advisor Transition Request" -- which is available in MyCarroll.
Upper-class students can request a change of major, minor and/or advisor at any time, by using the Declaration/Change of Major/Minor form, also available in MyCarroll.
Advisors in the Saints Success Center can assist in choosing a new advisor if the student doesn't know an advisor in the intended major.
Come in and see us!
Cynthia Thornquist
- Director of Academic Success and Retention