Meet Our Graduates
Tori Nickol
- Class of 2016
Carroll alumna, Tori Nickol ’16, recently completed a fellowship at the Supreme Court of the United States, where she worked in the Office of the Counselor to the Chief Justice. Here, she reflects on the experience.It is hard to fathom that nearly a ...
Carolyn Smillie
- Class of 2004
Carolyn grew up in Helena, Montana, and graduated from Carroll College in 2004. She majored in Political Science while minoring in Philosophy and English. She currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia as the principle of St. Jude School.In add...
Class of 2024
Class of 2021
Class of 2020
- Clare Fogarty
- Steven White
- Sofia Minudri
- Samson Jones
- Samantha Trudeau
- Rachel Prevost
- Joshua Groux
- Sara Lane
- Ashley Jazayeri
- Madison Nesbitt
- Kennedy Bahm
- Katherine Anderson
- Jonah Martin
- John Bergoffen
- Faith Scow
Class of 2017
- Kyle Sessions
- Marissa Driggs
- Colby Smith
- Jessica Salmassian
- Colton Passmore
- Madeline Duval
- David Harris
- Amber Gevock
- Trenton Antis
- Glenda Van Daele
Previous Years
Desirae Kivett, Class of 2016
It turns out that Desirae doesn't want to be a politician. Instead she'll be making the world a better place.
Victoria Nickol, Class of 2016
Tori won great scholarships to attend the University of Montana law school. Let's hope Missoula is ready.
Seth Rojas, Class of 2016
Seth came to Carroll from Seattle and now hopes to work here as a social worker. Good news for Montana!
Kacey Gollehon, Class of 2015
After graduating, Kacey took a job in Governor Bullock's office. "Most distinctively, while I’ve been at Carroll,
I’ve learned how important connections are."
Tyler Skidmore, Class of 2015
After graduating, Tyler moved on to law school at Willamette University. He learned more political science than he originally expected, and apparently he liked what he discovered.
Bobbie Owen, Class of 2015
Bobbie won scholarships to attend the University of Wyoming law school. She has a passion for politics and we expect her to go far. Find out why
Tyler Evilsizer, Class of 2008
Harvard Kennedy School Class of 2012 - Masters in Public Policy
My Carroll experience played a crucial role in shaping my life decisions after college. The political science department helped move me from having a general goal--make a positive difference in the world--to a specific set of skills I could use. More than anywhere else I've seen, the professors take the time to get to know each student, providing individual advice. My political internship, lobbying with a Carroll-affiliated environmental group at the state Capitol, gave me the confidence and skills to be an effective advocate for my beliefs. Without the well-rounded experience I got from Carroll's study abroad programs, extracurriculars, and excellent professors, I would not be nearly as successful at work and in graduate school.