Each year, we ask our nursing graduates about their experience in the Carroll College nursing program before they move into their careers.

What Graduates Are Saying

I appreciated the holistic view that was focused on throughout our education. I also appreciated the support and love I felt from the faculty and staff along my journey.
I appreciate that it is a close-knit group with professors who take the time to ensure that you are getting the education that we need to be a great nurse.
The clinical experiences, simulation lab, and the small class size to be more one-on-one with our professors.
The relationships made with the faculty and how much they care about us in our academic careers and life.
I really enjoyed how you really get to know your professors and cohort and how everyone is here to support you through the trials that come with nursing school.
The opportunities Carroll Nursing provided for me.
Simulation, felt like it prepared me very well.
The professors have your best interest at heart and want you to succeed. They work with extracurricular schedules to ensure a positive student experience. The curriculum adequately prepares us for post-graduation.
The extensive preparation for the NCLEX.
The support from the nursing professors.
Simulation and lots of good clinical experiences.
The professor's dedication to the students, the high expectations keeps us accountable for our learning and ensures we are as prepared as possible.
Small class sizes and more 1 on 1 time.
Teacher's commitment to student learning.
How out of the way the professors went for us; they would do everything in their power to see us succeed and truly wanted us to be the best nurses.
Professors are approachable, and try their best to help you be successful.
The effort the professors put into your success.
The nursing professors are so kind and so willing to help. They make it clear that they want the best for you and are willing to work with you for your best results.
I really appreciated the professors and how dedicated they were to our learning and getting us prepared. They were very willing to help out when needed.
I appreciated the support from the professors, the support from CRRNs, the opportunity to perform simulations, and the clarity of important information needed to pass classes.
Preparation for NCLEX and small class size.
I appreciated that the professors really cared about our education and did their best to adapt to our learning needs as much as possible.
The professors were fantastic at making the information interesting and engaging.
The simulations, NCLEX practice questions.
The professors taking time.
I appreciate all the professors who checked in whether they were actively teaching us or not, it showed they really cared about us!
The holistic approach and the labs/clinicals were of the highest value for me. Actually doing nursing interventions and skills were the best way for me to learn.
The professors that took the time to give us a great education.
The classroom cohesion and the willingness of the professors to be available for meeting to ensure our success. Also appreciate the small classroom sizes that contribute to our success.
Amazing support.
I loved the close-knit community that is provided with the nursing department.
My cohort and the caring staff.
I appreciated that it was evident that each professor had a passion for the nursing field and worked to meet the learning needs of each student. I appreciate that the professors were adamant about selfcare and wanted to know how we were doing emotionally. Each class was expertly taught and built upon each other allowing me to utilize information from past classes, which solidified information. The most growth I saw in myself was in clinicals and particularly the times I was independent and had to problem solve on my own. The variety of clinicals has provided me with a wide perspective on the possible jobs within nursing. The array of clinicals also put me in uncomfortable situations that I had to adapt to leading to personal growth.
I appreciate the dedicated and extremely kind faculty that go out of their way for their students' success. I appreciate the camaraderie and sense of community that this program provides and I would highly recommend it.
The ability to contact and meet with my professors whenever I needed, Simulation, caring about me as not only a student but a person and the willingness to help whenever I was struggling.
I really appreciated how accommodating and supportive the entire faculty was throughout the four years I went through the program. I always felt like I was getting what I needed in order to be successful during my time in the program.
The professors’ kindness, supportiveness, and their ability to help us in whatever way we needed. I feel like the professors are well prepared for teaching their subjects and value their students input and learning styles.
The support from the professors who really helped me succeed. I feel like it did a great job of preparing me to be a nurse.
The dedication of the professors to their students. Simulations helped so much with working in team situations and critically thinking, applying the things we have learned in a safe environment.
I appreciate the lab coordinators that we had, they were kind and gracious in teaching us skills.
The education, opportunities, and experiences. I always felt supported and felt I was receiving the best education I could. With such knowledge and caring professors, I was able to help grow into the individual I am today.
I enjoyed how supportive our professors were.
Sense of community and simulations.
So many clinical experiences and hours! Excellent faculty!
The support from the nursing faculty and lots of clinical hours.
The professors.
The caring professors and the extra time they spent with me.
The support from the faculty.
The encouraging professors willing to meet with me and help me.
Professors who were knowledgeable and great teachers.
The amazing faculty and classmates that I was able to get to know.
All professors know who you are and are always there to support you.
The support from the staff and faculty.
Professors making time to help me study and think critically at my own pace.
The small classrooms and the personal connection to faculty.
The Teachers who supported me and the students who supported each other.
Small class sizes, professors are open and willing to meet and help.
I appreciated the professors. I also appreciated how small it was and how personalized my learning was.
The small class sizes, getting to know the professors on a personal level, the encouragement from not only the professors but from the other nursing students, the support with assignments and simulations from professors and fellow students.
Teachers were very hands on, I liked the labs and how we were encouraged to learn and practice everything as much as possible.
I appreciated nursing classes starting sophomore year. I also enjoyed the student to teacher ratio.
I appreciated how much time and effort professors were willing to put into helping us be successful. I felt that the small nature of the school and design of the program allowed for them to really focus on what each individual student needed to be successful. I loved that I felt comfortable going to each of them if I needed help or was struggling and I greatly appreciated that I never felt judged or discouraged.
I think having faculty that cared made it a good environment to learn. I also really appreciated how much work we got to do with our classmates because it made us all close and gave me a support system.
I appreciate all the opportunities that pushed me out of my comfort zone but encouraged me to learn.
I love that it was challenging but not overwhelming. I felt that the professors offered abundant support and were very forgiving.
I felt that professors were knowledgeable and cared greatly about my learning and success. I could tell that they are passionate about nursing from their stories. I appreciated how they prepared me to be more confident and to strive for excellence.
I really appreciate the small class sizes because I feel like I got to know all of my professors really well. I appreciate how the professors have handled my need to take time away from class for personal situations and mental wellbeing. I think that the amount of clinicals and simulations helped prepare me. I especially enjoyed my capstone clinical and was so grateful that I got to do it on a specialty unit that interests me.
How much the nursing professors care about our success.
I appreciated how much my professors cared. They cared for me more than just academically and I knew I could always approach them if I was struggling academically or through personal issues.
I appreciated the faculty and how willing they were to work with me on achieving my goals.
Instructor support throughout the program.
The dedication of the professors; the simulation courses; clinicals.
The professors’ dedication to supporting us.
I appreciated the time most of the professors took to meet with us outside of class to make sure we were successful. I also enjoyed most of the clinical sites we used. The preceptors from the hospital were also fantastic and really helped us to learn and grow.
The commitment of the instructors.
Our caring professors.
The professors and staff, as well as the preceptors. All excellent, all really enriched our education with their passion for teaching and engaging with the accelerated class.
How attentive professors are!
The constant support from faculty and the standards we’re held to.
The amount of physical clinical hours and simulation practice is very helpful. Especially seeing how other programs do it, I feel much better having that hands-on practice and starting clinicals earlier. I have noticed that we do hard skills like IV starts and pumps early so that when we do clinical hours we can physically do things whereas my friends in other programs observe and do those things last. I am a hands-on learner so that was beneficial for me.
The unconditional support that I got from my professors.
The personable and accessible nature of its nursing professors.
I appreciated the knowledge, kindness, dedication, compassion, empathy, and support of the nursing faculty and staff. I also appreciated how the nursing cohort is only around 40 people because it is conducive to a closer-knit cohort and we don't have to fight for space with the simulators.
The professors’ constant support and encouragement.
The professors for being so willing to meet in person and genuinely caring about our mental health as well as school.
Holistic mind/body/spirit care.
I love the professors. They are knowledgeable and caring.
Professors fostered a safe and welcoming environment to learn.
I really appreciated the nursing professors for their dedication to their students. They are always so willing to help students and work with them when they are struggling. They also are so sensitive to student needs. They really made a huge difference during my time at Carroll College in the nursing program. I also really appreciated the Lab simulations for seniors during the first senior semester in the fall. These scenarios really made me feel more confident about thinking through critical care situations and lessened my anxiety for them in the future.
The professors are very supportive and understanding but also hold us to a high standard.
The professors are always willing to respond to emails in a timely fashion.
The individual support each professor was prepared to offer.
The professors were all extremely helpful and willing to meet anytime we needed it. I really appreciated all of the support that I had.
Attention to detail in teaching skills.
I appreciated the availability of the nursing staff and the lab aides.
The amazing teachers.
I most appreciated the level of dedication from all my professors and the quality of simulation labs.
The willingness for the professors to meet and provide sound advice to the students.
I appreciated the support that I was able to get from staff members.
The overwhelming support from the faculty. I could tell that they genuinely want us to succeed and they do everything they possibly can to help us learn.
The professors were all very understanding and helpful and I always felt well prepared in my clinical situations.
Focus on holistic, patient-centered care.
The professors and the effort they put into their teaching/helping the students.
The support from the professors; the clinical experiences; simulations.
I appreciate the knowledge and willingness of the nursing professors to care for our education and success.
How flexible the professors can be if you need them for anything.
The willingness of the teachers to meet with you outside of class.
I appreciated the support from the nursing faculty.
The support from professors.
The individual attention from professors.
I appreciated the close relationships with staff members, and being able to come to them for anything, school related or not. This support meant the world to me throughout my time in the nursing program. I also appreciated that we were able to start clinical hours our sophomore year, which is not a common practice in most programs.
I appreciated most the personalized and small class sizes. This program allows for questions to be answered and care to be taken when learning new skills or topics. I was always able to access help for my education and had opportunities to have lab time to better my skills.
The professors' commitment to our education. It has been amazing to have such supportive professors teach us throughout our nursing school career. The professors also do a really good job on teaching us best practice which has proven to be very helpful and important in the clinical setting.
The professors were by far what I have loved most about our program at Carroll. They pushed me to learn more and work harder than I ever thought possible. Each of them has supported and cared for me in a unique way. All of the professors have helped me to love and appreciate a different aspect of nursing. I feel that I am very prepared to go out and be a new nurse because of their support and teaching. They have pushed us and challenged us to be the best nurses.
How thorough it is - I felt like the education Carroll has provided me has helped me excel in my critical thinking abilities, knowledge of the nursing process, and ability to perform skills while providing safe care in a variety of nursing care settings. I know I will succeed wherever I go, and I have the confidence to do so!
I think that one of the things I appreciate most about the program is the growth you are able to see from the beginning of sophomore year to senior year. Growing in confidence in oneself and just seeing the change in knowledge feels tangible upon (near) completion of the program.
The faculty has always been incredible. Each of them are different in many ways, yet they make a beautiful team for us as students to look up to. This program has pushed me to my limit time and time again, but I can confidently say that the growth that I have achieved in my last four years at Carroll would be unmatched by any other institution. In regards to the faculty, I appreciate the personable approach from our professors. I appreciate the drive and passion they show in each class. I appreciate their willingness to tailor their material and class plans to where the students as a whole are at. I appreciate them always looking out for us and caring for us as individuals. As I am writing this, my heart is overwhelmed with peace and joy knowing that I have been blessed to encounter so many selfless, intelligent, and passionate people. In terms of the lab and classroom preparation, I feel as though Carroll has done a great job of setting expectations and giving us the means to meet and even surpass them. We are encouraged every step of the way, but nothing has ever been handed to us. We are held accountable and taught how to become professionals from the first day we step foot into the classroom. From a student perspective, I know that my mental and physical health matters to my professors. They are advocates for self-care and that has benefitted me multiple times.
The simulations we did. They prepared us for things we haven't seen yet and also helped me with a few interview questions as well!
The best part of the program is the individuality. Every professor seemed to know each of us on a different level.
I appreciate the holistic approach that this program provides. I feel that Carroll graduates as opposed to others have a broadened perspective that really helps us provide integrated, sensitive care.
I appreciated the connection that I was able to make with the faculty and staff of the nursing program. I never felt as if I could not approach anyone, or that I couldn't ask for help.
Our early introduction to the clinical setting, personal relationships with faculty, ATI, simulations.
The comprehensive review course, all of the professors, senior simulations.
The unwavering support from faculty/staff.
I appreciate how much the nursing professors love to teach and are excited every day in class, and have supported me with anything I needed through all my various courses.
I appreciated the redundancy of everything we learned because it really solidified the knowledge and competency.
I appreciated the nursing staff. All of our professors were so caring and knowledgeable. They cared about our education and wellbeing which makes a huge difference in our education.
I appreciated the program’s commitment to making competent nurses through a non-judgmental program. The faculty are always willing to meet with us and clarify any questions we have.
I really liked the fact that I was never intimidated to speak with or meet with the professors and they showed genuine interest in every student.
I appreciated the supportive nursing faculty, early clinical experiences, and simulation that prepared us for critical situations.
The support from the nursing professors, 3 years of clinical experience and holistic
The nursing professors were always very personable and offered help whenever it was needed.
The close connections and relationships formed with our professors.
Some of the best things about the nursing program include starting clinicals during sophomore year to get some extra experience, all of the ATI/NCLEX prep we do during the whole program but especially during the last semester, and simulation which really does prepare us for real life situations. I also appreciated that the administrative support person was such a good communicator and kept us updated on all things Nursing.
The professors!
I appreciated the ability to attend evening lab hours to practice skills outside of scheduled class time. The availability of most of the professors also created a higher sense of support than I would have first thought when entering the program - they seem to truly care about the academic success and personal well-being of their students.
The expectations are high and consistent, yet the intentional support from all professors made it possible to not only complete each course or skill competently but thoroughly and with an open mind.
So much clinical time!
The genuine and constant support from professors, administrative support, and Lab techs! Your passion is contagious and makes me want to learn along with you.
Holistic perspective and therapies! learning about them and their integration in class.
The professors make the program!
I appreciate the nursing professors and their compassion for the students, as well as their willingness to work with students who are struggling or may not be doing so well. I appreciate that the program pushes students, and prepares them well to go into the workforce.
Supportive learning environment, amazing professors, great clinical opportunities, and a very holistic and well-rounded nursing education.I really appreciated that the professors and the program hold every student to the highest standard of professionalism and accountability. This starts as sophomores and carries throughout our time at Carroll; preparing us to be the best students and ultimately the best nurse.
Early integration into the clinical setting.
The emphasis on holistic care. Mind, body and spirit are the areas that we have been prepared to care for. If there is a patient, a lot of the times, it is not only the body that is unwell but that affects the mind and spirit. We must assess all these areas. Also, the incorporation of faith and prayer before classes. As a Catholic school, I am grateful God was in the space of learning because nursing is such a ministry in itself and that is why I am passionate about it. And the Professors were rockstars. I don't think there is a program in the country that has the professors that Carroll College has, they care so much about the students and will go the extra 500 miles to help and support them.
Building a meaningful relationship with professors who care.
The willingness to help and kindness from the whole nursing faculty and students.
The tight knit group of professors.
Hands on and caring professors.
The love and support felt by the nursing professors.
Hands on practice in lab and with patients, professors being so supportive and flexible in helping with success instead of a "weed out" mentality, clinical and hospital experiences.
The amount of concern each professor had about me. Felt like they all wanted me to
Skills labs and clinical experiences.
How personable and available the professors are.
The continued support and commitment from the professors.
I appreciated the professors and the warmth and affection that they showed all of us. I really like that no matter what every single one of the professors was there for us.
I appreciated how much the teachers cared about our learning as well as developing us to be great people. My schedule with soccer was always crazy, especially senior year. The teachers always went out of their way to make sure I got my clinicals, labs, tests on the road, and classwork completed. They were always our advocates and set a great example for us! How much the nursing faculty invests into the students. It is a rigorous program and they challenge you, yet will partner with you to ensure your success.
The family feel of the program and the support from all of the nursing professors. You can really tell that all the professors care about your success and education, which I am so appreciative of.
The support from the professors.
How the professors treat us like family and by doing so are able to hold us to a high standard and we want to meet and exceed that standard.
The support from the professors and the non-competitive environment.
The high expectations of professors and the genuine care they had for us as people, students, and future nurses.
The support from the nursing professors, 3 years of clinical experience and holistic
The professors and my cohort!
The close connections and relationships formed with our professors.
The professors and how caring and dedicated they are to us and our success.
The Professors working with us as individuals and flexibility as life happens.
The professors.
I appreciated how involved professors were and how much they cared. I think all of the little things like ceremonies, relaxation room, Professor's involvement in creating a nursing community, including having Terri's presence and input, really made the nursing program more than just achieving a degree.
The professors and their devotion to us and our future careers in nursing.
The professors are more invested in our success as students and nurses than any other department.
The wonderful professors, and the holistic care focus.
The support from the Professors. All of these women are amazing human beings who are so passionate about what they do and who truly care about each and every one of their students. I couldn't imagine learning from anyone else.
The support from the nursing professors. The Professors working with us as individuals and flexibility as life happens.
The emphasis on holistic care and the professors.
How much each professor invests in us.
The holistic aspect and how much professors cared about their students!