Graduation and Commencement 2025

Graduate at Commencement

Congratulations Parents, Family, and Friends!

Parents, family, and special friends, on behalf of the entire Graduation Committee, we want to extend our sincere congratulations to you! Your guidance, moral support, and financial assistance have played an important role in your student's college journey and success. Thank you for entrusting Carroll College with your student. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of the Class of 2025 with all of you! - Carroll College Registrar's Office

Class of 2025 Commencement Schedule

The Graduation Committee has set the dates, times, and locations for the events honoring graduates of the Class of 2025 as follows:

MAY 7-8

Cap & Gown Distribution

Mandatory for all graduates attending commencement and/or hooding ceremonies. Students may not pick up caps and gowns before the distribution date.

  • Wednesday - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, O'Connell Hall Lobby/Purple Conference Room
  • Thursday - 9:00 am - 11:00 am, O'Connell Hall Lobby/Purple Conference Room

Students’ academic regalia and line-up numbers have been ordered and will be provided. At this time, students will pick up Wellness Center records. TWO Baccalaureate tickets will also be provided during pick-up.

Students will not be allowed to pick up any of these items until they have:

  1. Submitted the first destination survey (available mid-April)
  2. Completed the Financial Aid loan exit interview (for student loan borrowers)
  3. Cleared all Business Office holds (account balances, Wellness Center charges, library fines)
  4. Cleared all Student Life holds (parking tickets & other fines)


Eagle Feather Ceremony

Thursday, May 8, 6:00 p.m, TBD


ROTC Commissioning

Friday, May 9, 10:00 a.m. in the Capitol Rotunda  (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

Graduation Rehearsal

Friday, May 9, 1:00 p.m., Nelson Stadium
Rehearsal is mandatory for all graduates! Learn all the details for graduation day and practice lining up and walking across the stage -- be sure to bring your name card with your line-up number. You will receive this at cap and gown pickup.

President's Toast to the Class of 2025

Friday, May 9, 2:30 p.m., Plaza between Hunthausen Activity Center & PE Center
Join your classmates, family, and friends for the President's Toast to the Class of 2025. The President will offer a few remarks, and you will be officially welcomed as Carroll College Alumni.

MSW Hooding Ceremony

Friday, May 9, 3:30 p.m., Lower Campus Center

Education Pinning Ceremony

Friday, May 9, 4:00 p.m., TBD

Nursing Recognition and Pinning Ceremony

Friday, May 9, 3:30 p.m., Nelson Stadium  (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

Golden Grads

Friday, May 9, Cocktails: 5:30 p.m., Dinner, 6:30 p.m., Campus Center  (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

MAY 10

Baccalaureate Mass

Saturday, May 10, 9:30 a.m., Cathedral of Saint Helena

Come together for a special Mass honoring the Class of 2025. All graduates are invited and encouraged to attend. A maximum of two guests per graduate attending Mass at the Cathedral are allowed – tickets are available at cap and gown pickup. Additional family members and other guests will be able to join via live stream. Graduates will assemble by 9:00 a.m. outside the Cathedral. Class photo will be taken after Mass.

115th Commencement Ceremony

Saturday, May 10, 2025, 1:00 p.m., Nelson Stadium

The graduates of the Class of 2025 will be front and center at the 115th Commencement Ceremony! Commencement will be held outdoors, rain or shine. Unlimited guests allowed per graduate for the outdoor ceremony. Stadium doors will open for seating at 12:00 p.m. Graduates will assemble by 12:30 p.m. on the field near Guadalupe Hall. A virtual live stream will also be available.

First Destination Survey
Mandatory for all graduates (undergrad, ACNU, MSW). All spring 2025 graduates are required to complete the "first destination" survey before receiving their caps and gown; students graduating in summer 2025 or fall 2025 will complete the survey closer to the end of the semester in which they are graduating. This survey is required, and a hold will be placed on your record if it is not complete. In mid-April, you may access the survey by logging into your Handshake account and selecting Career CenterFirst Destination Survey. If you cannot access the survey or are having trouble, contact Laurie Rodriguez in Career Services.

Our photographer, Kevin Hudson, will be sending information to graduates and their families about how to order pictures. He can also be contacted via or (208) 703-1976.

Graduation Announcements 
All graduation announcements can be purchased through Jostens by visiting .

Need Lodging? 
Families planning to seek lodging in the Helena area should make their reservations as soon as possible. For information about lodging, visit the official Visit Montana website.

Additional Questions 
If you have any questions regarding Baccalaureate Mass, Commencement, or other graduation events, please feel free to stop by the Registrar's Office, call (406) 447-5435, or email

Q: Where do I order my cap and gown?
The graduating student fee that is charged to each student covers the cost of the cap, gown, and hood (among other things), so these items will be ordered for you. Your regalia is ordered based on the height information you provided and your major, with your major determining your hood color.

Q: If I’m a double major, how do I know what major I will be graduating with?
Students with more than one major will be walking with the primary (first) major listed on the graduation application, and that determines the hood color that was ordered. If Graduates filled out the supplemental questions for the application indicating that they wanted to walk with their second major, then that has been noted and that is the hood color that will be ordered. Graduates will be emailed again in early March and given the chance to swap which major they want to walk with by informing the Registrar’s Office.

Q: When and where do I go to pick up my cap and gown (and guest tickets)?
Your cap and gown can be picked up on Wednesday, May 7 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. or Thursday, May 8 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m in O'Connell Hall. Baccalaureate Mass guest tickets (two per graduate attending Mass) can be picked up from the Campus Ministry offices during this same time. 

Q: When and where is the graduation rehearsal, and do I have to attend?
All graduates must attend the graduation rehearsal on Friday, May 9 at 1:00 p.m. You will learn important details about graduation day, and rehearsal will lead into the President's Toast to the Class of 2025, which will be held at 2:30 p.m.

Q: When and where will graduation be held, and what time do I have to arrive?
Commencement will start at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 10. You will need to arrive no later than 12:30 p.m. and assemble in the HAC. Check the Health and Safety Protocols section for the inclement weather plan.

Q: When and where will the Baccalaureate Mass be held, and what time do I have to arrive?
Baccalaureate Mass will be held at 9:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Helena on Saturday, May 10. You will need to arrive no later than 9:00 a.m. and assemble on the lawn outside the Cathedral. Check the Health & Safety Protocols section for the inclement weather plan.

Q: How many guests can I bring to graduation?
There are unlimited guests for the outdoor Nelson Stadium ceremony. Gates will open for seating at 12:00 p.m. Graduates will assemble by 12:30 p.m. on the field Guadalupe Hall. A live stream option will be available.

Q: How many guests can I bring to Baccalaureate?
Due to limited capacity in the Cathedral, graduates attending the Baccalaureate Mass will be allowed up to two guests in person; guest tickets can be picked up from the Campus Ministry offices during the same time as cap and gown pick-up. A live stream option will be available for additional family members and guests.

Q: What if one of my guests has special seating needs? 
The first row of seating in Nelson Stadium across the entire front of the stands will be designated as Accessible Seating and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Q: Will there be class toasts?
The President's Toast to the Class of 2025 will be held immediately after rehearsal on Friday, May 9 - the toast will begin at 2:30 p.m.

Q: What does the $160 graduation fee cover?
The fee that is charged to all graduating students covers the cost of the diplomas, the diploma covers distributed at the graduation ceremony, the class bricks, the academic regalia (cap, gown, hood), various senior student and graduation event costs, and various administrative costs. All graduating students are charged the full graduation fee, even if they do not plan to participate in the May ceremony (though we hope everyone will!).

Q: Where can I purchase graduation announcements?
Standard graduation announcements can be ordered at the Carroll Saints Shoppe (bookstore). For personalized graduation announcements, visit to place your order.

Q: Where can I get graduation pictures?
Our photographer, Kevin Hudson, will be sending information to graduates and their families about how to order pictures. He can also be contacted via or (208) 703-1976. The class photograph will be taken after the Baccalaureate Mass.

Q: Where can I direct my out-of-town guests to for lodging needs?
For out-of-town guests, please refer them to We recommend booking a place as soon as possible.

Q: What if I have more questions?
The Registrar’s Office can field your questions – please stop by our office in O’Connell Hall, call us at (406) 447-5435, or email us at

Inclement Weather Plans

  • During the line-up for Baccalaureate, in the case of dangerous weather (thunderstorm, hailstorm) graduates will assemble in the lower level of the Cathedral instead of on the lawn
  • During line-up for Commencement, if the ceremony is held outside, in the case of dangerous weather (thunderstorm, hailstorm) graduates will assemble in the Great Hall of the Hunthausen Activity Center instead of near Guadalupe Hall; faculty and staff will assemble in the lobby of the PE Center instead of in the back parking lot; guests will be encouraged to remain in their vehicles until it is safe to enter the Stadium stands
  • If inclement weather arises during the ceremony, participants will move to the PE Center. Guests will be directed to alternative campus locations where they will be able to view a live stream version of the ceremony.

Baccalaureate Mass in Cathedral of St. Helena

  • All guests are required to present a ticket for entry into the Cathedral as available seating is very limited

Commencement Ceremony in Nelson Stadium

  • Only graduates, dignitaries, faculty, staff, and volunteers will be allowed on the field.
  • We encourage guests to not come onto the field after the ceremony.
  • Water will be available for purchase/donation by guests who do not bring their own; in the event that a guest feels faint from sun or heat, they may go under the stands temporarily for shade.
114th Baccalaureate Mass
Saturday, May 11, 2024, 9:30 a.m., Cathedral of St. Helena.
114th Commencement
Saturday, May 11, 2024, 1:00 p.m., PE Center.
MSW Hooding Ceremony
Friday, May 10, 2024, 3:30 p.m., PE Center.
Nursing Recognition and Pinning Ceremony
Friday, May 10, 2024, 5:30 p.m., PE Center.