Carroll College's Master of Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Board of Accreditation (BOA).
Accreditation of a baccalaureate or master's social work program by the BOA indicates it meets or exceeds standards of program quality evaluated through a peer-review accreditation process. An accredited program has sufficient resources to meet its mission and goals and the BOA has verified that it demonstrates compliance with all sections of the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS).
Accreditation applies to all program options, which include locations and delivery methods.
Accreditation provides reasonable assurance about the quality of the program and the competence of students graduating from the program.
Review our program's accredited status in CSWE's Directory of Accredited Programs. For more information about social work accreditation, contact CSWE's Department of Social Work Accreditation.
Learn more
Visit the Master of Social Work website for more information about the program.