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Facility Accommodations
St. Albert's Hall
Public Programs and Services:
- Office of Institutional Advancement
- Fundraising and Donation Services
- Alumni & Family Relations
Historic St. Albert’s Hall is a two-story building that was constructed in 1929 as a nunnery. The original residential rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, and living room have not been significantly altered since the original construction. Many of the doors, rooms, and features of the building are unchanged since before 1977 and it does not have an elevator. Most of the rooms are now used as employee offices for the Office of Institutional Advancement which encompasses fundraising and alumni operations. The main entrance on the west side of the building is accessible from the accessible St. Charles parking and there is a three-foot long ramp with a 4-degree slope leading to the front door. While some of the first-floor rooms are accessible, accessibility for the entire building is not readily achievable.
Below is the plan for Carroll College when a student, employee, or member of the public needs an accommodation to access the programs and services in the building:
- Meetings and visits will be moved to the Fr. Gene Peoples Lobby in the bottom floor of St. Charles Hall. This is the nearest accessible location. Employees coordinating meetings or visits in St. Albert’s Hall will .
- Offices for employees in the Office of Institutional Advancement will be relocated to the bottom floor of St. Charles Hall. The offices on the bottom floor St. Charles Hall are equivalent to the offices in St. Albert’s Hall and are the nearest accessible office spaces. If there are no available office spaces on the bottom floor of St. Charles, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will reassign a faculty office from the bottom of St. Charles to another location in order to vacate an accessible office for the Office of Institutional Advancement employee to use. All job functions, including meetings, events, and gatherings will be held in an accessible location. As outlined in the Staff Handbook, this accommodation will be facilitated by the Director of Human Resources in consultation with the employee and supervisor.
The Waterbarn
Public Programs and Services:
- Theatre Prop Construction
- Classrooms
- Faculty Offices
The Waterbarn was originally constructed in the 1880s and it housed the horses used to pull the city’s fire engines. It is a two-story building with no accessible entrances. It was acquired by Carroll College in the early 1990s and used as a shop for the theater department and a storage facility. Carroll does not consider any portion of the facility to be accessible. The public use of the building today consists of a first floor scene shop where props for the theater are constructed, a second floor theater faculty office, and second floor student lounge, and a second floor classroom used for drafting.
Below is the plan for Carroll College when a student, employee, or member of the public needs an accommodation to access the programs and services in the building:
- All of the theater functions, including course sections taught in the Waterbarn, the construction of props, and the faculty office, would be relocated to the Noonan Center in the lower level of the Campus Center and it is accessible via the Campus Center elevator. The Noonan Center is located in the same area as the other theater faculty offices and Carroll’s FLEX Theatre. The Center is currently reserved for conferencing services. Tools and equipment would be relocated to the Campus Center. The Noonan Center is located adjacent to a student lounge. Students seeking accommodations would utilize the procedure for academic accommodations listed in the Student Handbook. Faculty seeking accommodations would utilize the procedure listed in the Faculty Handbook.
- The second floor drafting class would be relocated to St. Charles 034. This room is currently used for art classes and is large enough to accommodate the easels used for drafting. Students seeking accommodations would utilize the procedure for academic accommodations listed in the Student Handbook.
St. Charles Hall
Public Programs and Services:
- Residence Hall
- Administration Offices including:
- Office of the President
- Office for Academic Affairs
- Marketing
- Institutional Research
- Faculty Offices
- Classroom Space
- IT Help Desk
- Campus Safety and Security
- Honors Student Lounge
- Storage
The construction of St. Charles hall began in 1909 as the first building of Carroll College. The functions of the building have not changed as it still houses students, classrooms, faculty offices, and administrative offices. The building does not have an elevator, so the first, second, third, and fourth floors can only be accessed via stairs. The bottom floor, the ground level, is accessible from the parking lot on the east side of the building. The services and programs located on the accessible bottom floor include classrooms, faculty offices, campus services like IT and security.
Below is the plan for Carroll College when a student, employee, or member of the public needs an accommodation to access the programs and services in the building:
- St. Charles is a general residence hall and students who need accessible housing will be placed in an accessible dormitory of their choice.
- The administration and faculty offices may be relocated to the bottom floor to accommodate employees who need an accessible office. Employees seeking accommodations would utilize the procedure listed in the Faculty or Staff Handbook.
- Individuals wishing to meet with faculty or staff located on the first floor of St. Charles may have meetings held in accessible locations. Meetings with the President may be moved to the President’s Conference Room in O’Connell Hall, the Maronic Board Room in the Campus Center, or the P.E. Center Events Room and will be coordinated through the President’s Executive Assistant. All other meetings with employees can be relocated to any of the accessible offices, conference rooms, or classrooms on campus. The employee who is being met with shall be responsible for coordinating the meeting at an accessible location.
- The Honors Student Lounge on the first floor of St. Charles will be relocated to an accessible location to accommodate any individuals participating in an Honors Program function. The faculty advisor of the Honors Program will coordinate with Facilities to identify an appropriate space to relocate the Honors Student Lounge, including lounges in Borromeo Hall or Trinity Hall as well as the lounge located on the bottom floor of St. Charles Hall.
Guadalupe Hall
Public Programs and Services:
- Residence Hall - Freshman
- Wellness Center
- Classroom Space
Guadalupe Hall was constructed in 1961 with another wing added onto the building in 1965. It is only accessible through the northwest and northeast entrances from the parking lot. The building has accessible dormitory rooms for incoming freshmen that can be reserved through the Residence Life and Housing Office when students are signing up for housing. The Wellness Center is located next to the northeast entrance and is generally accessible. There is an academic music room in the basement that only has one accessible route, through the northwest entrance.
Below is the plan for Carroll College when a student, employee, or member of the public needs an accommodation to access the programs and services held in Guadalupe Hall:
- The large student lounge, “the Fishbowl”, has a step leading into the lounge. Events typically held in this space include dorm functions and orientation events. Residence Life and Housing Staff, including student Resident Assistants, will relocated any events in the Fishbowl to accommodate individuals who are not able to access that location. Alternative spaces include the Guadalupe Hall lobby and Guadalupe Hall basement lounge.
- While the building has an original elevator, visitors are encouraged to reach out to the Campus Visit Coordinator to ensure we are able to accommodate their needs.
O'Connell Hall
Public Programs and Services:
- Business Office
- Registrar's Office
- Admissions
- Human Resources
- Faculty Offices
- Classroom
There is no elevator in O'Connell Hall and the only accessible route from the first floor to the second floor is to exit the building. The accessible entrance for the first floor is on the south side of the building and the accessible entrance for the second floor is on the east side of the building Carroll College is currently evaluating potential improvements for this building. If you need an accommodation to access the building and services please call the Visit Coordinator in the Office of Admissions at (406)447-4384 or email
P.E. Center
Public Programs and Services:
- Athletic Events
- Class and Conference Rooms
- Athletic Department Offices
Carroll College is aware that the main lobby women's bathroom may be difficult to use for individuals with a disability. There are staff available in the Athletic Department Offices during business hours and a desk attendant during athletic events that can assist in guiding anyone to an alternative bathroom. Carroll College is evaluating potential improvements to accessibility.
The Corette Library and Simperman Learning Commons
The Corette Library and Simperman Learning Commons are committed to providing equal access to library collections, services, and facilities for all library users. We prioritize selecting and acquiring resources and technologies that are accessible to all and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. We are dedicated to offering accommodations and timely access to students with disabilities and follow the guidance of the Director of Accessibility Services at Carroll College.
For assistance accessing library resources, or if you have suggestions or comments, please contact 406-447-4340 or
Building Information for Patrons with Disabilities:
- The small parking lot outside the library building has two accessible parking spaces for visitors and Carroll College students, faculty, and staff.
- The exterior and interior entrance doors have an automatic push-button switch.
- An elevator is available next to the Front Desk.
- A unisex, handicap-accessible bathroom is available between the elevator and Front Desk.
- All public restrooms on both levels have accessible stalls.
Accessibility Committee
Carroll College has formed an Accessibility Committee to review and ensure ongoing compliance with applicable accessibility laws. If you wish to know more about this committee, please contact Kelly Zimmerman at
- Director of Accessibility Services - Kelly Zimmerman (co-chair)
- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs - Amy Honchell
- Director of Academic Technology - Dan Case
- Dean of Students - Annette Walstad (co-chair)
- Director of Human Resources - Karla Smith
- Director of Facilities - Butch Biskupiak
- Assistant Director of Facilities - Dan Byrd
- Vice President for Administration, Finance, and Facilities - Lori Peterson
- Associate Vice President of Enrollment - Erik Rose
- Director of Residential Life and Housing - Zack Eckerdt