The Hunthausen Activity Center may adjust its hours of operation and close, in whole or in part, for holidays, maintenance, both scheduled and unforeseen, or for events which take precedence over recreational activities according to college schedules. Such closures are to be expected in the normal course of college business.

Policies & Procedures
- Access to the Hunthausen Activity Center is granted by Carroll College I.D. card at the front door off of the P.E. parking lot. Access is not allowed through any other door of the building for safety and control reasons.
- Once you have entered the building you will swipe your ID card at the Reception Desk.
- Individuals who have special entry needs, due to a physical disability, may request assistance from the attendant stationed at the Reception Desk.
- Any ID of a suspicious nature, or not belonging to the bearer, will be confiscated immediately. The bearer and/or owner may face disciplinary action through the Office of the Vice President for Student Life.
- The Hunthausen Activity Center staff reserves the right to ask for additional identification at any time.
- Spouses of Faculty, Staff, and Students are allowed to use the building. Before doing so you must obtain a ID from the Student Life Office in O’Connell
- Departments, student organizations, and others must receive permission and reserve facilities through the Director or Asst. Director of the Hunthausen Activity Center
- All groups are required to clean up and properly dispose of all trash from their event.
- Groups are expected to follow all facility policies, guidelines, and procedures.
- Any group found not complying with facility rules will be charged for all direct costs to remedy problems and may not be allowed to rent/reserve the facility in the future.
- Reservations for HAC gym, multi-purpose room, or any other space by athletic teams, clubs, academic programs (ROTC, Ed Dept, Theater etc) are encouraged to be made during low-use hours to be determined by the Director of Campus Recreation.
- Generally, low-use hours are 6 am-12 pm and 1 pm-3 pm but are subject to change.
- If reserving the Gymnasium during normal operating hours, the group reserving the space may only use ½ the court at a time. They must put down the curtain partition between the North and South sides of the gymnasium, and are only permitted to use the South side of the gymnasium.
- Full court use during open hours may be approved by the Director of Campus Recreation.
- The entire gymnasium may be reserved when the HAC is closed. This can be either outside of normal operating hours or on breaks with closures or reduced hour schedules (holiday breaks, winter, and summer reduced hours, etc.)
- If use is approved for a multi-purpose room or other space, the entire space may be used.
- There is to be no food or drink besides water in the gymnasium or any other part of the building. The patio on the south side of the building may be used for food and drink when weather permits.
- The HAC is not designed to have spectators due to physical space limitations and building security. Spectators may only be permitted with prior approval and stipulations set by the Director of Campus Recreation.
- Doors are never to be propped open, and anyone in need of access to the building outside of normal key card hours must request access via the Director of Campus Recreation.
- Athletic teams, clubs, groups, or other organizations may not hold practices, workouts, meetings, or other group events at the HAC without prior approval. This includes the use of cardio and weight equipment and any informal practices held by captains or team members.
- Those seeking reservations for events in which they are charging others to participate (eg athletic sports camps, tournaments, etc) will be charged an hourly or daily fee.
- Fee Chart
- Internal Use
- ½ court gymnasium = $25 per hour or $125 daily
- Full court gymnasium = $50 per hour or $250 daily
- Multi-Purpose room = $10 per hour or $50 daily
- External Non-profit Use
- ½ court gymnasium = $50 per hour or $250 daily
- Full court gymnasium = $75 per hour or $375 daily
- Multi-Purpose room = $20 per hour or $50 daily.
- External For Profit Use
- ½ court gymnasium = $100 per hour or $500 daily
- Full court gymnasium = $200 per hour or $1,000 daily
- Multi-Purpose room = $75 per hour or $375 daily
- Internal Use
- Those seeking to use the HAC must login to MyCarroll to fill out the internal HAC use request form.
Spouses of full-time faculty, staff, and students over the age of 18 are allowed to use the Hunthausen Activity Center. Part-time students and employees do not have family access privileges. They must complete paperwork with HR in O'Connell and obtain an ID from the Residence Life Office in Borromeo. All the rules, policies, and procedures apply to all who use the building.
- It is recommended to attend a free Fitness Orientation within one week of using the facility.
- Orientations will teach you the basics of each of our machines including cardio equipment.
- Orientations are given by trained staff that specialize in providing safe operating instructions.
- To sign up for your orientation, please stop by the Reception Desk of the Hunthausen Activity Center and schedule a time to learn more about all that we can offer you.
- Two guest passes are allowed per semester.
- Present photo ID, sign a waiver and pay at the Reception Desk.
- Guest(s) must be sponsored and accompanied by current Carroll student or employee.
- Spouses do not receive guest passes.
- Guest Passes are good for one calendar day only.
- Solicitation for guest pass sponsorship is not permitted.
- In the event of a fire or other emergency, alarms will sound throughout the facility. 911 will be called. We will evacuate the building as quickly and safely as possible. The PE Center is our assembly area. If the PE Center is in an emergency situation as well, we will assemble at Nelson Stadium, concession area. At that point we will account for people and be present to assist to assist emergency response professionals. The all clear will be given by the emergency response professionals.
- In the event of a power outage, the use of all activity areas and equipment will not be allowed.
- If an injury occurs, please contact a Hunthausen Activity Center staff member immediately.
- If you are bleeding prior to, or begin to bleed during any activity, stop the bleeding and cover the afflicted area with a bandage prior to returning to the activity. First-aid kits are available at the Reception Desk. Please inform a staff member if blood is on equipment or other facility surfaces.
- The college and its staff are not responsible for injuries. All participants are financially responsible for all expenses related to injuries and emergency care, including medical care, ambulance and other costs. Medical insurance is strongly recommended for all participants.
- Use of these facilities is considered a privilege. Individuals not complying with the established departmental policies and procedures may be asked to leave the facility and/or be subject to departmental and/or college disciplinary procedures.
- All concerns and maintenance needs should be reported to Hunthausen Activity Center Staff or the Hunthausen Activity Center Reception Desk.
- All clothing, bags, and other personal items are to be stored in the locker rooms, storage cubbies, on hangers or in lockers; not left around the facility.
- Furniture or equipment may not be moved without permission of Hunthausen Activity Center Professional Staff.
- Equipment can be checked out at the Reception Desk. Equipment items not returned in person, by the borrower, or not returned before closing time will incur a late/unreturned item fee.
- Lost or damaged checked out items will be assessed a replacement fee based on the new purchase price for the item.
- Selling products or services, soliciting for personal gain, or approaching guests for the purpose of obtaining signatures for petitions within the building is prohibited. This includes personal training, coaching and other services not approved through the Hunthausen Activity Center
- Contact sparring may occur only on a scheduled and approved activity basis within appropriate guidelines and management.
- The use of any type of camera which includes cell phone cameras, video recorders, digital or film cameras is strictly forbidden without permission of an Assistant Director or Director of the Hunthausen Activity Center. This is a privacy issue and courtesy to our members. This applies to all fitness areas, locker rooms, and activity spaces.
- Communicating (voice or text) on a cell phone is prohibited while engaging in physical activity in all fitness areas (group fitness, strength, cardio and weight rooms). This is a safety precaution, common courtesy and eliminates interference with heart rate monitors and the Cardio Theater sound system.
- Harassment of others, guests or staff, either verbally or physically, which may include verbal abuse, use of profanity or other abusive language, intimidation, staring at or following another person within the facility, sexual harassment or harassment on the account of race, religion, ethnic background, gender or sexual orientation are strictly prohibited.
- Abandonment of individuals, who are unable to take care of themselves, is prohibited. A responsible person (18 or older) must attend to this person. The responsible person must remain within the same activity area of their dependent at all times.
- In an effort to promote safety, reduce the spread of communicable diseases and prevent additional wear and tear on equipment and machines, all participants are asked to bring an extra pair of shoes, and wear appropriate athletic clothing while working out or participating in activities.
- Participants not wearing appropriate clothing or clothing found to be offensive will be told to adjust as needed or asked to leave the facility.
- Clothing that covers the chest, midriff and back areas must be worn in all fitness and recreation areas.
- CLEAN SHOES ARE REQUIRED in all activity areas except for the indoor/outdoor pool and locker rooms.
- SHIRTS ARE REQUIRED. Clothing that covers the chest, midriff and back areas must be worn in all fitness and recreation areas.
- Recommended attire includes: athletic pants or shorts without exposed loose parts, straps or strings, and non-mesh T-shirts or tops.
- Athletic shoes with non-marking out soles are required, no open-toed shoes, boots, or shoes with metal materials are permitted.
- Please carry a towel and wipe off any used equipment seats and backs after each use or use the disinfectant and towels supplied.
- We recommend that you not wear expensive jewelry or anything that may cause injury or damage equipment. No jewelry is permitted during Intramural participation.
- All types of tobacco products, vapors and electronic cigarettes are prohibited.
- Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the SFC/VC except during designated functions in designated areas.
- Food and drink (other than water) may not be brought into activity areas, except during designated functions. Water in a water bottle (not glass) is permitted.
- Please help keep the facility neat and appealing to all users by properly disposing of trash either in the proper recycling container or trash cans.
- Use of the facility while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is prohibited.
- Hunthausen Activity Center students, faculty and staff may register for a small locker for the academic year through the Reception Desk. Locks are not provided
- Unrented lockers may be used by everyone but the contents must be removed by the end of the day.
- Full-height lockers are available for rent. Locks are not provided.
- Free and Daily-Use lockers must be unlocked and cleared of all contents by the end of the day. Lockers not emptied will be cleaned out by Hunthausen Activity Center staff. All item swill be confiscated and stored at the Reception Desk for you to pick up. There will be a fee to recover confiscated items. Items will be kept for 30 days then disposed.
- If items are left in a Daily-Use Locker overnight those items will be confiscated and a fee will be required to reclaim confiscated items. Locks that are left overnight on Daily-Use lockers will be cut off.
- Hunthausen Activity Center is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Bringing valuables to the facility is strongly discouraged. Always use a lock, even when in the shower. The Reception Desk is not allowed to hold any items or valuables for users. Clothing and bags are to be stored in the locker room lockers, storage cubbies or other available lockers.
- Contact the Reception Desk staff to inquire about lost items.
- Carroll I.D. cards that are not claimed within 48 hours are sent to the Student Life Office located in O’Connell Hall.
- Other lost items will be stored for at least 30 days.
- The Hunthausen Activity Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Due to the inherent risks involved in using fitness training equipment, you must be 18 years of age for all fitness training areas. This includes all weight-training and cardiovascular equipment within these areas.
- Users not familiar with the operation of the exercise machines should seek assistance from the Fitness Attendant.
- Open-toed shoes and chalk are strictly prohibited. Liquid chalk, wrist straps and weight gloves are permissible.
- The machines and weights should be used with care. Dropping plates, dumbbells, and weight stacks can cause injury, facility damage and is disrespectful to other users. If you have to drop the weight, only bumper plates can be dropped from no higher than waist height or as needed for safety.
- Users should be courteous to others by limiting the length of their workout at a singles station. Weight Room etiquette is to allow others to work in. See a Fitness Attendant if you need assistance.
- If weights, pulleys or other parts become damaged or jammed, users should not attempt to fix or free them without staff assistance. Report the problem to the Fitness Attendant or Reception Desk staff.
- Users should always inspect equipment for loose, frayed or worn parts before using. If in doubt, do not use the equipment and report the problem to the Fitness Attendant or Reception Desk staff member.
- To reduce the chance of injury, users should keep head and limbs clear of weights and moving parts at all times.
- All fitness and portable equipment is to be returned to appropriate storage locations after use (i.e. weights must be re-racked).
- Weights are not to be propped against the walls, pillars, or mirrors due to the risk of damage or injury.
- Spotters are recommended at all stations in the free weight areas. A Fitness Attendant or Facility Supervisor is usually available to offer assistance within their ability.
- Utilization of collars when free weight lifting is recommended.
- Nothing should be thrown or bounced off the walls
- Weights, medicine/kettle/stability balls can be used in the Gym or in the non-wood floor multipurpose room when other sporting activities are not present. No equipment is permitted for use on the hard wood floors. All equipment must be returned to its proper locations.
Lounge TV
- Special programming may be scheduled for the Hunthausen Activity Center Lounge TV and may disrupt the regular programming schedule.
- Sporting events, health, and wellness programs will have high priority.
- Station selection will be based on a first come, first serve basis with majority rule. Only Hunthausen Activity Center Staff are permitted to operate the TV controls.
Music Programming
- Radio stations are set by staff only based on format type of the station and the social acceptability of the material. Programs with offensive language and political talk shows will not be played.
- Personal music players w/ headsets are permitted.
- Playing music in a way that others can hear is not permitted.
- Hanging on rims or nets is strictly prohibited due to the risk of injury and potential damage to the equipment. Violations of this policy will result in immediate ejection from the facility for the rest of the day. Repeated violations may result in suspension from the facility.
- The courts may be used for designated activities only as indicated by the formal recreation schedule. Expectoration (spitting) on floors, walls, or support beams, is not permitted. Cuspidors (for spitting) are located adjacent to water fountains in the gym for your convenience.
- All open challenge play shall be handled in a manner fair to all wishing to participate. While others are waiting, the same two teams or groups may participate for a period of time not to exceed one hour.
- Please do not leave personal belongings on the floor or on the nets. Items may be kept within the seating area.
- Setting up and removal of equipment is handled solely by the Hunthausen Activity Center Facility Staff. Ask for assistance if the court equipment needs to be setup, removed or adjusted.
- Indoor hockey pucks/balls, unmodified tennis and whiffle balls are allowed. Cricket balls, baseballs or any other hard projectiles are not permitted.
- Black tape on hockey sticks, black pucks or skates with toe and/or heel stops or are not allowed.
- Drop-in play is permitted whenever the court has not been reserved. Please adhere to the posted HAC Court Priority Schedule Policy, or ask a staff member for assistance.
- Please check the HAC web page for all scheduled Events.
- Court priority play is as follows. Other activities are permitted when the priority activity is not present:
- Scheduled Intramural Sports
- Scheduled Classes
- Scheduled Pickup Games
- Open Court
- Scheduled programming has priority usage of these areas.
- These rooms can be available for individual workouts during free periods.
- These rooms may be “drop in” utilized by a group for use for up to one hour at a time. If no other group is waiting to use the room, the current group may continue to use the room for another hour.
- Class size may be limited due to equipment and/or space requirements.
- Please be courteous to other members and arrive on time for classes and programs.
- Hunthausen Activity Center reserves the right to cancel any class on the basis of low attendance, instructor absence, inclement weather, or other circumstances.
- Group Fitness class participation is available to all. All participants must also be able to appropriately use applicable equipment, according to the Group Fitness instructor. For example, participants must fit appropriately on an indoor cycle in order to take a cycling class.
- Safety goggles are mandatory for racquetball.
- Racquetball racquets that have bumper guards and wrist ropes/straps are recommended.
- Court shoes are recommended. Any athletic shoes that mark the floor are prohibited.
- Shirts must be worn at all times. See Hunthausen Activity Center Attire Policies.
- Users wishing to play Wallyball, should ask for the set-up from a Hunthausen Activity Center staff.
- All bulletin boards within the Hunthausen Activity Center are monitored by the units and departments housed in the facility and most are reserved for departmental marketing and programming.
- Open bulletin boards are available in the Great Hall.
- Out-of-date and offensive material will be removed.
- Posting of all notices and flyers must receive prior approval from the Director or Assistant Director of the Hunthausen Activity Center.
- Individuals who damage the facilities or equipment will be responsible for the repair or replacement cost.
- Individuals who abuse or damage the facilities, or fail to follow established procedures, may forfeit their right to use the facility.
- These policies and procedures are established with the safety and enjoyment of all participants in mind. Decisions rendered by the professional staff on any infraction may be appealed to the VP of Student Life.
- There is an Hunthausen Activity Center phone at the Reception Desk that can be used.
- Please be courteous and limit calls to three minutes when using the on-campus phone when others are waiting or during emergency conditions.
- You are allowed to play your own music over the speakers in the multipurpose rooms and in the gym.
- The music must be appropriate and not contain any swear words, or degrading content. Those playing this type of music will be warned and then be asked to leave.
- Music has to be played at a level that does not disturb others who are using the building.
- Access to the roped climbing area is only permitted during posted hours.
- Boulder Wall can be used at all times. Boulder at your own risk
- All climbers must have a valid waiver on file, renewed every year.
- Participants must be at least eighteen years of age to be belay certified.
- Harnesses must be commercial products designed for climbing as identified by the Climbing Gym staff. Climbers assume all responsibility if their own equipment is used.
- Climbers must use proper climbing equipment when using the climbing gym. Harnesses, climbing shoes, and chalk bags may be checked out at the climbing desk.
- Harnesses must be double-backed at the waist and leg loop buckles when worn by the climber and belayer.
- Climbing shoes must be worn. No barefoot climbing, open-toed sandals, hiking boots or other hardsoled shoes.
- No formal teaching or instruction is allowed, except by the Climbing wall staff.
- The option of background music is to be controlled by the Hunthausen Activity Center staff only.
- No climbing is permitted with personal music devices, or ear buds/phones of any kind.
- Playing of personal music in any way that others can hear is not permitted.
- No food, drink or gum is allowed in the Climbing Gym. It can pose a hazard, please place outside the climbing area or in the locker rooms.
- Drugs, alcohol, all tobacco products, e-cigarettes/vapors and objectionable language are not permitted.
- The Hunthausen Activity Center Climbing Wall staff and Facility Supervisors reserve the right to expel any participant judged to be non-compliant, unsafe or objectionable to others.
- Solo climbing is not permitted, and all climbers must be protected by a top rope belay or lead belay unless bouldering under the designated bouldering line.
- All lead climbing is only not permitted during open climbing wall hours and only after being certified.
- Bouldering with any part of the body above the colored line is not permitted.
- Spotters are recommended when bouldering.
- The adjustment or rearrangement of holds is not permitted. The holds will be changed periodically by the Climbing Wall staff.
- Suggestions may be directed to the Climbing Staff.
- Belayers must have both hands on the rope and their eyes on the climber at all times.
- Backpacks, book bags, and other personal items are to be kept organized and clear of the landing zones, which include all of the padded floor areas. We recommend that participants use the locker rooms and other free personal and secure storage areas located within the Hunthausen Activity Center.
For questions about the Hunthausen Activity Center policies and procedures, contact:
Patrick Harris
Director, Student Activities