The scholarship award is for $1000.
Who is Eligible:
All applicants must be enrolled, or due to be enrolled, as full-time student at an accredited college or university for the semester they are applying to receive the scholarship.
Applicants are not required to have a minimum GPA.
Domestic, international, and undocumented students may apply.
An interest in health and technology.
Required Application Details:
Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay answering the following questions:
Why is hearing health awareness so important to you?
How do you think hearing health care can be made more affordable?
What improvements can be made to assist hard of hearing individuals?
Provide proof of enrollment in an accredited college or university. A transcript, tuition receipt, or acceptance letter will be accepted.
Submit the scholarship form HERE.
Deadline for the application is November 1, 2018.