At, we offer detailed reviews for various products from range hood, air conditioners, home stuff, tech stuff, to various range stuff. Our goal is to give consumers quality details and help them find the best products that meet their needs. By doing that we consider all the products based on their performance, efficiency, capacity, budget and reviews to meet their needs easily and quickly. We hope you will find and read our high quality articles that analyzing data and searching for the right products easily and quickly.
We are glad to help them out and it's also our pleasure to help students with some funds to support their study. Our Whicart is offering a $700 scholarship to a student currently enrolled in a school of any level of education from High School to University. Award will be sent accordingly to scholarship rules outlined by winning student’s University or College with our Annual Scholarship Program named the “Whicart Internet Marketing Scholarship in 2019”.
Eligibility Requirements:
This is the golden chance for those who capable of to win this scholarship. The requirement need for candidate:
- Be an undergraduate/a graduate student currently registered at a University or College in the US;
- Write an original maximum 1,000 words essay on the subject “What is the potential of Whicart Internet Marketing Scholarship in 2019”;
- A brief introduction and a simple cover letter attached to your submission;
- The content must be highly unique;
- Creative writing skills;
- Must have an ability to think out of the box;
- Prepare a doc or PDF format file with the essay written;
- We’ll get in touch with the winner ourselves, through email;
Please include the following details when sending essay:
- Your full name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Full mailing address
- Area of study
- University/College name and Email Address
Contact us: Please forward your article on
- Application deadline is 25th May 2019 and our Whicart will choose the winner and it will be published here on our website. A winning applicant will be selected within 30 – 60 days after deadline.
- This annual scholarship is available for each year if you are selected as the lucky winner of our competition. You will be give reward the winner of this scholarship program with an amount of $700 within 30 days.
- Pay method for the winner via Cheque, Pay pal, Payoneer or Direct bank transfer (please send your account number detail after winner).
Please note that:
- There is no fee to apply for this Scholarship;
- Applicants may submit only one application for this year’s contest and must be writing English submission;
- We reserve all the rights of publishing any of the content entries we receive;
- We require at least 30 scholarship submissions total per ‘Award Year’ to award Scholarship;
- Upon being declared the winner of our Scholarship, we want to post winner's photo on "Winner list". Please send your photo to us via email.