Paying for college is a tough burden to bear alone. The cost of higher education continues to increase, so students must be creative in funding to avoid extensive debt. We want to help.
The Sonn Law Group is dedicated to impacting our community in a positive way. We recognize the importance of education in the lives of young people, and we aim to contribute where we can.
That’s why we created the Sonn Law Group Community Leader Scholarship.
How to Apply for the Sonn Law Group Community Leader Scholarship
Higher education sets students up for success by preparing them for their eventual careers. However, success is measured in many ways, not simply by one’s profession. Contributing to your community and helping those in need are essential.
To support this end, the Sonn Law Group is offering a scholarship to a student who leads by example and makes a positive impact on his or her community.
So What Do I Do?
It’s simple; choose a cause, a charitable organization, or other group and dedicate your time and other available resources. This contest is NOT about donating money. Instead, you should give back to the community in a way that is meaningful.
Submission Details
Here’s what we want:
- A log of hours you’ve dedicated (there is no minimum requirement)
- A signed letter or other document certifying your participation and hours worked
- An essay summarizing your experiences including:
- What you learned
- What you gained from the experience
- A memorable interaction during your work
- Your thoughts on the impact your work will have on the community.
Mail the information above, along with the following:
- Driver’s License or Student ID
- Transcripts or Proof of Enrollment
- Resume (include email)
Annual Scholarship Contest
Sonn Law Group, P.A.
19495 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 607
Aventura FL, 33180
Who’s Eligible?
- Any high school seniors already accepted to trade school or college
- Students currently enrolled in a college or trade school
When’s the Deadline?
- January 30, 2018
When Will the Winner Be Announced?
- February 27, 2018
What are the Awards?
- The first place winner (selected by Sonn Law Group) will receive $1,500 to be used towards tuition or books.
- A second place winner will be selected and will receive a $250 Amazon gift card to be used for books and supplies.
Choosing a Winner
The Sonn Law Group will select a first and second place winner and announce it on the website on February 27, 2018. Winners will also be notified directly by email.