Nobody said college was cheap, but a scholarship can certainly make it more affordable. If you want a little help with your college expenses, be sure to take advantage of Lendza’s scholarship opportunity. Lendza will award a $500 scholarship to the student who writes our favorite essay on the topic outlined below. There's no purchase necessary. Follow this link to read the Lendza Scholarship Official Rules.
“Better Than A Loan” 2018 Scholarship Topic: If you were starting a business, what would be the company’s most important core value? Why?.
We ask that you pitch it to us two ways. First, log in to your Twitter account (if you have one) and Tweet @LendzaLoans with a condensed version of your idea along with the #BetterThanALoan hashtag. Then, submit a 500-word version using the uploader below. Whether you can Tweet your idea or not, you must include a 140-character version of your idea at the top of your essay.