Len Assante Scholarships are awarded annually to assist those studying in groundwater-related fields. An independent panel decides how to distribute the funds and the number of scholarships to be awarded from the pool of scholarship applicants. Scholarship recipients can receive up to $5000 to defray the costs of their education.
Scholarships are for full-time students enrolled in a post-secondary program for groundwater related-studies. Examples of institutions that provide post-secondary education are vocational schools, community colleges, independent colleges, and universities.
Applicants are asked to submit a completed application, transcripts for the last five years, a headshot (300 dpi or greater), and any letters of recommendation they would like included.
Applications are accepted from October 15-January 15; applicants are notified of scholarship awards in March.
If you have questions or desire further details about this program, email ngwref@ngwa.org.
Please see http://www.ngwa.org/Foundation/assante/Pages/default.aspx