Key Information For Parenting In The 21st Century Scholarship Program

  • Applicant Eligibility Students who are applying to a two or four-year degree at colleges/universities to further their studies in a health-related field, are eligible to apply.
  • Essay Submission Guidelines Please take care to follow the directions below before submitting your essay. Failure to complete each of the following points will render an incomplete, and therefore ineligible, application.
  • Written in English
    • Heading including your name, mailing address, email address and phone number
    • 1,500-2000 words
    • Include a bibliography with at least 5 references
    • Emailed to:
    • Essay topic is of your choosing, based on health or wellness topics as they relate to motherhood/parenting. Ideas include but are not limited to: Acne, ADHD, Alternative Care, Anxiety, Breastfeeding, Chinese Medicine, Emotional Abuse, Fussy Eaters, Head Lice, Kangaroo Care, Nutritional Supplements, Pacifiers, Postpartum Depression, Sibling Rivalry, Sleep Difficulties, Stepfamilies, Twins, Woman's Health etc.
    • Attach a copy of your letter of enrollment to the college/university you will be attending 
  • Deadline Please email your essay and copy of your letter of enrollment to the college/university you will be attending to
  • Additional InformationAll essay submissions are carefully reviewed by the Mommy Authority scholarship committee. All entries must be submitted on or before the deadline of December 31, 2018. No late entries will be accepted. Only one entry is allowed per applicant. There is no application fees. All entries will be judged on the quality and depth of the written material, specifically creativity and insight/angle into the selected topic. All entries will be checked for plagiarism; plagiarized content will automatically disqualify the entry. Applicants will be notified by email as to whether they have been successful. Funds totaling $500 will be distributed four to six weeks after receipt of required tax documentation.
  • Contact InformationIf you have any questions, concerns, or comments about the "Key Information For Parenting In The 21st Century Scholarship Program" you may email us directly at
  • For additional information visit: