Here are a few important details:
Scholarship: Kapuza Lighty Annual Scholarship Contest
Scholarship: Kapuza Lighty Annual Scholarship Contest
To Participate: We are asking students to write a 500-word essay answering the following questions.
- What is the most recent text you sent while driving?
- Who did you send it to?
- Every time you send a text while driving, there's a chance that's the last message you send to that person. If you'd been in an accident due to sending that text, would you be comfortable knowing that those were the last words you said to that person?
- Use the remainder of your essay to compose the message you would've sent if you'd known it would be your last.
Prize Amount: $1000
Requirements: Eligibility is restricted to graduating high school seniors OR students enrolled in a college, trade school, or university for the spring 2021 semester.
Deadline: 12:00 pm EST on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Winner will be selected Wednesday, December 16, 2020.
Link for More Info: